Q&A for How to Be a Good Ventriloquist

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    How can I improve my vocal range when I'm performing as a ventriloquist?
    Amy Chapman, MA
    Voice & Speech Coach
    Amy Chapman MA, CCC-SLP is a Vocal Therapist and Singing Voice Specialist. Amy is a licensed and board-certified speech & language pathologist who has dedicated her career to helping professionals improve and optimize their voice. Amy has lectured on voice optimization, speech, vocal health, and voice rehabilitation at universities across California, including UCLA, USC, Chapman University, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF, CSULA. Amy is trained in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy, Estill, LMRVT, and is a part of the American Speech and Hearing Association.
    Voice & Speech Coach
    Expert Answer
    Practice slowly stretching your voice up and down by humming as low as you can without moving your lips. Go up and down by gliding your voice slowly. Every time you practice, try pushing yourself to go a little further and further. Over time, you'll have better control over your vocals while you perform.
  • Question
    How do you talk without moving your lips?
    Amy Chapman, MA
    Voice & Speech Coach
    Amy Chapman MA, CCC-SLP is a Vocal Therapist and Singing Voice Specialist. Amy is a licensed and board-certified speech & language pathologist who has dedicated her career to helping professionals improve and optimize their voice. Amy has lectured on voice optimization, speech, vocal health, and voice rehabilitation at universities across California, including UCLA, USC, Chapman University, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF, CSULA. Amy is trained in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy, Estill, LMRVT, and is a part of the American Speech and Hearing Association.
    Voice & Speech Coach
    Expert Answer
    The trick is you have to create extra space inside of your mouth by dropping your tongue. Then, you use your tongue to do almost all of the articulation. You just barely bring your lips together so the air can get out and then you just use your tongue to do the heavy lifting.
  • Question
    How can I give my dummy have different expressions if the face is always happy?
    Community Answer
    If you have the ability to move your dummy's eyebrows, you can use those to show a wide range of emotions. If you can't, then rely on your dummy's movements to convey emotions. For example, if your dummy is sad, maybe tilt them forward so they're looking at the ground.
  • Question
    What do I do if people think it's funny that I am trying ventriloquism?
    Community Answer
    If it's something you're passionate about, then whatever people say about you doing it shouldn't matter. Simply explain to them that you are doing this because you enjoy it, and it's no weirder than any other hobbies people have.
  • Question
    My voice is always so deep when I try ventriloquism. How do I fix this?
    Community Answer
    Since it's so difficult to change your voice, you could change your character to someone that matches a deeper, gruffer voice, like an old man.
  • Question
    How do I become famous with my dummy?
    Community Answer
    Try to perform somewhere big like a Got Talent show, a big theater production, etc.
  • Question
    Is it possible to perform with two dummies at a time?
    Community Answer
    Yes but you will need three different voices and personalities (including you), while switching between them, be sure not to get confused.
  • Question
    How do I audition for America's Got Talent with my dummy?
    Community Answer
    Go to the Got Talent's website. You can sign up there. You can either send in a video or go to one of the cities listed and audition in person.
  • Question
    How can I make substitution letters sound natural?
    Community Answer
    Practice whenever you can until it feels like a second language. Have friends listen to you and let you know what you can improve.
  • Question
    Could a sock count as my dummy to perform with?
    Community Answer
    It could be but it would have to have some features like plastic eyes, pompom nose, etc. A sock is a good idea if you can't afford a proper puppet or are just doing ventriloquism for fun.
  • Question
    How do I make the voice not sound like it's coming from me?
    Community Answer
    Try to tense certain muscles as if you are coughing or lifting or maybe breathing in. Some of these muscles tensing will result in a voice you won't normally speak in. Use this to your advantage for your friend.
  • Question
    I don't understand how to get the letters to sound natural. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Move the position of your tongue to "soften" the tough letters. For instance, for B, move your tongue forward toward your teeth and use the forward positioning and area coverage to soften the letter so it sounds much more like a B. Like Jimmy Nelson says, "Say D, but think B."
  • Question
    Every time I try, my puppet's voice is not very clear to everyone. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try opening your mouth a bit more, but keep your teeth together.
  • Question
    Can I use different puppets?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Try to get used to your characters individually before doing other voices though.
  • Question
    How and where can I find a good puppet?
    Community Answer
    You should try Amazon or a craft store perhaps. Use Etsy if all else fails! They have many good handmade puppets!
  • Question
    How can I do different facial expressions?
    Community Answer
    Most puppets have eyebrow controls, that are triggered by a control above the mouth. You can use this to change the facial expressions.
  • Question
    I don't do comedy. I am not funny but I want to practice ventriloquism for a career. Is this possible?
    Community Answer
    It's possible. You could be a teacher and use the dummy as an educational tool. You could get really good and give ventriloquism lessons to others. Or, if you want to be a performer, have others write jokes for you.
  • Question
    How do I get my dummy to cry?
    Community Answer
    Use your voice, and dip the dummy's head down so it looks more convincing.
  • Question
    How do I make up funny conversations for me and my puppet?
    Community Answer
    You can look up ideas for jokes and punchlines on the internet, or even take inspiration from professional comedians. Or, as the article suggested, you could have someone write jokes and funny stories for you.
  • Question
    What is the best position for my mouth?
    Community Answer
    I keep my teeth pressed together while opening my lips just enough to let the sound out. That works well for me!
  • Question
    How do I make my name known so that I can get booked for parties?
    Community Answer
    You could use social media, local newspapers, etc. to advertise your services and prices to the community. Once you start performing for people, ask if they would mind leaving you a positive review on your social media sites so that others might be more encouraged to book you in the future.
  • Question
    How can I practice more with saying the letters like "b" or "e" without moving my lips?
    Community Answer
    Go through the alphabet without moving your lips. You'll notice that the letters "b," "f," "m," "p," "q," "v," and "w" will make your lips move. To say these without moving your lips, you must use substitutions. For "b," say "d" or "geh." For "f," say "th." For "m," say "n," "nah," or "neh." For "p," say "kl" or "t." For "q," say "koo." For "v," say "th," and for "w," say "ooh."
  • Question
    How can I join a group that focuses on ventriloquism?
    Budi HaHa
    Community Answer
    There is several ventriloquists groups on Facebook, and ventriloquists around the world gather at the Vent Haven International Ventriloquist Convention every year!
  • Question
    Am I allowed to move my lips a tiny bit?
    Community Answer
    You can, but if you're going for an expert ventriloquist, just keep practicing until your lips don't move at all.
  • Question
    What is the ventriloquist alphabet?
    Community Answer
    There is not one set alphabet for it. There are a lot of different types of alphabets, including substitutions. You can get more info on google ventriloquism alpha!! Good luck
  • Question
    Where can I buy a dummy?
    Community Answer
    You have a few options. You could start by looking for puppet/dummy stores in your town. That can be a good choice because you can get some local, homemade options, but they can also be somewhat expensive. You can also look online on sites like Amazon or Ebay. If you're artistic at all, you could even try making your own.
  • Question
    I don't have a very big range in my voice. How do I improve my range?
    Community Answer
    If you practice with not exactly singing, but choir warm-ups online, you can make your range deeper or higher. Deeper is easier, but they both take time.
  • Question
    How much money does a ventriloquist make?
    Community Answer
    A ventriloquist is a performer like a comedian or a singer, and should not expect to make much money at all for years while he/she is honing his craft. Like any other performing art, making money is difficult and by no means guarenteed.
  • Question
    How do I throw the voice to sound like it's speaking from a far distance?
    Community Answer
    Talk more quietly in the same voice -- or, if you're using a microphone, put the microphone a bit further away.
  • Question
    How long does it take to become a good ventriloquist?
    Community Answer
    There isn't a particular length of time, it's different for everybody. It comes to some people more naturally, others have to practice a lot for a long time to get good at it.
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