Q&A for How to Be an Excellent Linebacker

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    What if I'm a girl?
    Community Answer
    Girls can play, look at the LFL. They're full of mean, tough, and amazing girls with amazing talent. Football isn't just a man's sport.
  • Question
    I'm fast and I have endurance, but I'm also chubby so I have power. Is linebacker a good position for me?
    Community Answer
    If you have good reactions and can catch as well, ask your coach to put you at linebacker. You'll do great with those skills.
  • Question
    Is the outside linebacker considered the "general" of the game?
    Community Answer
    No. The middle linebacker normally commands the linebackers while also watching the quarterback for signals.
  • Question
    How can you be the best and prove my doubters wrong?
    Community Answer
    Train hard, and don't listen to haters. Make sure you always stay humble, and never get arrogant or cocky. Finally, make sure you keep your friends and family close, as a good support group will help you get back on your feet after a bad game/incident/situation.
  • Question
    Which defensive position would I be best at: middle linebacker, cornerback, or strong safety?
    Community Answer
    Only you and/or your coach can determine that. It depends on a variety of physiological factors, in addition to your personal preference.
  • Question
    Are linebackers the most important players on defense?
    Community Answer
    It all depends on the route of the play - yes, they're vital, but if you have a pass in the 8 or 9 hole, corners are your most important players, and if it's a run through a 2 or 3 then linemen need to get there. It depends on what level of football you're in, if the offense passes or runs more.
  • Question
    What is a good size for a linebacker?
    Community Answer
    Linebackers are a little smaller than the line but bigger than the defensive backs (corners and safeties). Anywhere from 170-200 lbs. But anyone can play the position as long as he's fast, physical, and can guarantee a tackle.
  • Question
    What's the best way to get past the nose and guard?
    Community Answer
    Chop their arms with your own, resulting in sharp pain in theirs, push off and continue persuing the ball to help out/make the tackle.
  • Question
    I can't control my emotions as a linebacker during the game and it has caused my team penalties. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Remind yourself that your coach will eventually run out of patience with you and bench you during games if you can't control yourself.
  • Question
    If I have four total tackles, can I go to UCLA?
    Community Answer
    Hopefully you're an underclass men. Linebackers that go to big D1 colleges like UCLA are around 6'3, 230 and are highly recruited.
  • Question
    What are the odds of me getting scouted for NCAA football as an 8th grader?
    Top Answerer
    No one will pay any attention to you until you're playing high school varsity football.
  • Question
    I'm a linebacker. I play mike and jack, and am trying to be a starter this year. What steps should I take?
    Community Answer
    Make sure to tackle right.
  • Question
    I'm a middle linebacker. I get confused on what gaps to go to. My coach told me just to look at where the tackle foot is going. Is this right?
    Community Answer
    It is, if that is what your coach told you.
  • Question
    All my friends tell me linebacker is my position. What are some physical attributes that determine whether I am an inside or outside linebacker?
    Community Answer
    Mostly it's your size, weight, toughness, physique, speed, toughness, tackling ability, coverage skills, the ability to read plays on the offense, among many other things. Outside linebackers are smaller than the middle linebackers but typically still slightly bigger than corners and safeties that are fast and have good coverage skills. The middle linebacker is the coach of the defense -- you have to be able to call reads for your defense. The middle linebacker also is typically larger and a harder hitter and tackler, though this is not always the case.
  • Question
    I have a strong core and I am skinnier than most linebackers on my team, but my coach continues to put me on the line. How can I make him put me with the linebackers?
    Community Answer
    Prove to him you've got what it takes. I am exactly like you, fastest person on my team, strong, but light weight. I can easily push guards/tackles at least 5 yards or pancake them and get to the ball carrier. Ask him if he can put you on the line just once.
  • Question
    Is it good for a defensive end to be heavy and muscular?
    Community Answer
    Defensive ends need to be very strong to get past the O-line, but they also need to be fast to catch up to the ball carrier if they are running or scrambling.
  • Question
    Are there any good drills or stretches I can do to become a better linebacker?
    Community Answer
    It is always good to practice shuffling and making sure you can move your feet quickly. Drill wise, any drills that help you move around more and make you lighter on your feet can help a lot. The faster you can move around, the easier it is to make plays. For stretches, find some that increase flexibility for your legs and hips.
  • Question
    What should I do if my footwork is bad?
    Community Answer
    Buy a rope ladder or use some tires. The rope ladder is preferable because you can do a wider variety of exercises with it. Look up some exercises online.
  • Question
    What's the best way to get past a tackle as a left outside linebacker?
    Community Answer
    I play left-side outside backer and I find that the best way to get past the tackle is a firm punch to the outside shoulder. Don't take the tackle head on, but split him in half, deliver the quick (yet strong) punch, then sprint past him.
  • Question
    How do I convince my coach that I can hit in practice and be middle linebacker?
    Top Answerer
    Knock down a few ballcarriers. Your coach will notice.
  • Question
    How tall do I have to be to play linebacker in college?
    Community Answer
    6' 2" - 6' 6" is a good linebacker height for college.
  • Question
    How can I get stronger as a linebacker?
    Community Answer
    Lifting weights is the fastest route to becoming stronger in any contact sport. You want to work on your compound exercises to begin with until you build some bulk, and then proceed to working rigorously on all important muscles using specific work-outs. Despite this, all the strength in the world means nothing without technique, so make sure to get that down as well.
  • Question
    I'm 5'1 and I play middle linebacker. Is that a decent height to be playing that position?
    Community Answer
    Usually, linebackers are tall, not too short. Maybe you could be a safety.
  • Question
    What if I played lineman, but I'm smaller, fast and can catch. Would linebacker be a good position for me?
    Community Answer
    Linebackers are not usually small. You might make a good receiver.
  • Question
    Will I be a good linebacker if I am tall, strong, and decently fast?
    Community Answer
    Having the qualities of strength, speed, and height, would make you a great linebacker.
  • Question
    Can a 5' 9" linebacker make it to the NFL?
    Community Answer
    Yes! As long as you're strong and fast, you should be able to make it. You also need good athleticism and you have to be tough.
  • Question
    Could I be a pro LB with 6`0 height? If you compensate through speed maybe? I really have the dream to play D-1 and don´t want to chase the dream if it's completely unrealistic. Maybe in another position?
    Community Answer
    If you are strong and fast, they might use you at LB. Work on your endurance regardless of what position you play.
  • Question
    What is a good amount of tackles per game for freshman? I average six, is that good?
    Community Answer
    That is a good start for a freshman. If you continue to play football in high school, I would highly recommend trying to get in more tackles, especially if you want to play in college football someday.
  • Question
    I’m 5’8 and around 170-175 pounds in my sophomore year high school. Is that a good for me to get into a college and play football as a linebacker there?
    Community Answer
    Yes, do not let your weight and height stop you from being a linebacker in college. As long as you're aggressive and a good tackler, you should be good.
  • Question
    I'm 10 5'1 and 100 pounds I hit hard and I'm fast, I'm a middle linebacker. What should I work on now?
    Community Answer
    The middle linebacker is often nicknamed “the quarterback of the defense” because they call all of the defensive plays.
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