Q&A for How to Become a Real Life Superhero

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    Can a superhero have a YouTube channel?
    Bubby Aroura
    Community Answer
    If you do not reveal your identity, it's fine. Don't name your channel after your superhero name, and don't wear your superhero suit on video.
  • Question
    Who should I choose to be my sidekick?
    Community Answer
    You should choose someone who has been your closest friend for a while. Someone who can stand up to bullies at school, boss around, and defend well. Also, someone who is good at keeping secrets.
  • Question
    If I captured villains, where do I put them?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    Turn them into the police department, because if you make your own prison, you would be arrested for taking hostages.
  • Question
    Can I become a superhero without living a dangerous life?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Superheros do other things beside fight crime; they also help people. Try volunteering at soup kitchens or helping the elderly. If you have a superhero costume, you can even get together a group of friends, and visit a children's hospital. Children love it when superheros visit them and interact with them because it makes them forget their illness for a while.
  • Question
    How can I learn parkour?
    Community Answer
    Parkour requires physical strength. Before you start going jumping on buildings and climbing over them, get physically fit.
  • Question
    I am assembling a team of 4 or 5 people. Is this recommended?
    Community Answer
    If you are a good leader, then yes. If not, try finding a good leader for your team. Make sure you have a memorable name, like the Guardians or the Red Defenders so that people can easily know who you are and remember you. Last but not least, have a symbol that represents your team well.
  • Question
    How will I get a superhero suit without paying?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    You can just improvise and use some old T-shirts, scissors, and a sewing machine.
  • Question
    Do I need to learn parkour?
    Community Answer
    It is highly recommended. It is also a good cardio workout. If you are chasing a evildoer, you want to be as fast as possible.
  • Question
    Can I call the cops if I need to?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    Yeah. There's no shame in having to call the police. They have rights to carry guns so they can take down the bad guys a lot faster, and they have real equipment.
  • Question
    When I have done my job, how do I sneak away, because I can't just walk home in public?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    Carry a pack with regular clothes in it. Go to a public restroom and change into your regular clothes before heading home.
  • Question
    If I become a superhero, what should I use to arm myself?
    Community Answer
    Stick with non-lethal weapons (no guns!). Also, look at the laws of the areas or cities that you will be patrolling. Don't forget, if there is a college campus, sometimes not even pepper spray or tasers will be allowed on campus grounds, so make sure that you are never carrying something that could mistake you for a bad guy.
  • Question
    What if someone I like gets involved and I wish to tell them my identity?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    The first rule of superheroes is to never tell anybody your identity, no matter what. If they turn against you, then they would tell other people.
  • Question
    How do I pick a superhero name?
    Community Answer
    Choose an adjective that describes you. For example, if you are strong, your superhero name could be "Mighty" or something similar.
  • Question
    What name should I choose?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    It's hard for someone else to make that decision for you. Try thinking of one that matches the suit and colors.
  • Question
    Is there an easy way to manufacture my suit?
    Community Answer
    Use some old t-shirts, scissors, and some stretchy and flexible fabric like nylon. Attach them with a sewing machine or fabric glue.
  • Question
    Do you need a certain day job like a lawyer or a fire fighter?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    You can choose whatever job you want; you don't have to have a specific job to be a superhero.
  • Question
    Do I have to be flexible in order to become a superhero?
    Community Answer
    It's definitely going to be beneficial, but it depends on your skills. If you aren't flexible, you'll probably need to make up for it with extra intelligence or handy gadgets.
  • Question
    What are other ways to keep my identity safe, besides wearing a mask?
    Community Answer
    Don't tell anybody, including best friends, that you are the superhero. If people find out, they may tell others.
  • Question
    What if someone finds out your secret identity?
    Community Answer
    Either find a way to convince them otherwise, or trust them with it.
  • Question
    Can I carry weapons?
    Community Answer
    You can if you have a permit and the weapons are legal, but many superheros save the world without the use of weapons.
  • Question
    If a person is attacking someone, should I help the person who is getting attacked, or walk away?
    Community Answer
    You should call the police. It could be dangerous to get involved yourself, but just walking away isn't a good idea.
  • Question
    What if I have a criminal past? Can I still be a superhero?
    Community Answer
    If you are really committed to changing and overcoming your criminal past, yes, you can still be a superhero.
  • Question
    What if I want to look like a superhero that has already been taken?
    Jack Bergeron
    Community Answer
    Make a slight change in the outfit like a different logo and different mask.
  • Question
    Could I be a super hero with no suit or at least no mask?
    Community Answer
    You could, but it would probably look better if you at least had a suit.
  • Question
    How can I design a superhero costume?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your super power. For example, Spider-Man's costume has a spider on the front. Or Super-Man's had a big "S". So try to make the design something that reflects your power. If your power was breathing underwater, it might be blue or green, maybe both. But remember to always keep your face covered.
  • Question
    Do I tell the police my name?
    Taylor Wolf
    Community Answer
    Yes; never lie to police officers. If your identity is really at risk, then tell them your superhero name.
  • Question
    Why do I need to keep my ID safe?
    Bubby Aroura
    Community Answer
    So criminals don't assassinate you. A criminal could see your cause and hurt or kill you.
  • Question
    What if I can't draw a suit that well, or if I try it comes out horrible?
    Community Answer
    Have a friend help and draw inspiration from other superheroes (both in real life and in the comics).
  • Question
    What if the attacker is way better at martial arts than me?
    Community Answer
    Everyone has weaknesses. Pay attention to their fighting style, find a weakness, and exploit it. If you know you are definitely over matched, run away and live to fight another day.
  • Question
    What does it take to become a superhero?
    Community Answer
    Dedication, willingness to help anyone regardless of things like race, sexuality, political standpoint, the ability to keep calm and friendly even in awful situations, and willingness to work with and listen to the police.
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