Q&A for How to Become a Vigilante

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    How can I train myself?
    Community Answer
    Martial arts is both non-suspicious and an easy way to learn. Boxing and weaponry lessons are useful too. And make sure you're fit. Train yourself to run, cycle, swim, parkour, and exercise your body mercilessly.
  • Question
    What are the worst and least consequences if caught?
    Minimech 1123
    Community Answer
    The worst could be assault and battery, or obstruction of the law. The most minor could be a parking ticket, or harassment.
  • Question
    What kind of exercises should I do?
    Community Answer
    Start with things to strengthen your abs and leg power, then move on to more difficult exercises, which test your power a little more, to give you that push you need for detaining.
  • Question
    Should I ever tell anyone I'm a vigilante?
    Community Answer
    That's up to you, but it would have to be someone you really trust that you're sure won't tell anybody else.
  • Question
    Is it normal to be angry and/or get revenge?
    Community Answer
    Oliver Queen says: "Remember, the goal is not revenge, you can let it drive you, but keep in mind a vigilante's job is to pick up the slack left behind by authorities."
  • Question
    What do I do if I get confronted by the police?
    Community Answer
    Hopefully you'll never be confronted by the police. But if you are and he start questioning you, just tell him you are being a good Samaritan, that your intentions were non-lethal and you are just trying to help. Being a vigilante is risky because the law can take it both ways, either appreciating what you're doing or thinking you're insane. So becoming a vigilante is going to have it's risks.
  • Question
    Do I need to buy a stab proof vest?
    Community Answer
    It would be a good idea as an extra layer of protection, but you should hone your reflexes and fighting skills so it isn't needed. If you know where to get it, Kevlar would be a better choice to offer some protection against firearms. Of course, if you start roaming around wearing Kevlar and claiming self defense, nobody much will believe you unless it's wartime.
  • Question
    Do I have to have a costume?
    Community Answer
    There's a different between functional, comfortable disguises, and play costumes. You don't need a costume no, but you do need something to cover your face and support you out there. Wear something warm, comfortable, safe, and above all, whatever feels right to you.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to catch the perpetrators, make sure they aren't going anywhere, call the police and leave?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you stay there, you may be treated as one of the criminals and arrested, rather than being treated as a hero.
  • Question
    Where should I be a vigilante?
    Community Answer
    Mainly urban areas with high crime rate (e.g. NYC, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc.). Start out with small crime, such as the occasional drug deal or theft -- then work your way up to the more serious crimes as you become more experienced.
  • Question
    Do I need to be fast?
    Minimech 1123
    Community Answer
    YES YES YES! You must be quick and efficient. If someone were to hear or see the commotion, or if the victims buddies were nearby, speed is absolutely necessary. Be sure to also have a form of transportation if fleeing on foot would be a bad idea.
  • Question
    Should I have a base?
    Minimech 1123
    Community Answer
    Why not? Find maybe an abandoned warehouse or someplace nobody will be going to for a while. Your house may suffice at first, but if someone were to visit and see the weapons and stuff, you'd be screwed.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to fight crime during the day?
    Minimech 1123
    Community Answer
    It is unfavorable, but you should help whenever you see crime happening randomly.
  • Question
    Can I move around on my bike?
    Minimech 1123
    Community Answer
    That wouldn't be a good idea because if the criminal has a gang that could hunt you down by car, you would be found in a second.
  • Question
    What should you do if you get hurt?
    Community Answer
    Click "respawn." If that's not an option, try to get away from the fight as quickly as possible, and try to fix your wounds by yourself. It isn't recommended to call for hospital since it would seem suspicious; ask a close friend to help fix you up if you can't fix yourself up.
  • Question
    What if I have a criminal record?
    Community Answer
    If you participate in vigilante activity, the police will automatically assume the worst about you due to already having a record.
  • Question
    Is a bow acceptable?
    Community Answer
    Not really, mainly because of the large size. If you're looking for a silent long range weapon, you have blowguns, air pistols, slingshots, .22 CB (not 100% silent). And also, it can be very hard to purchase a decent compound bow and arrows while keeping it 100 percent off the books. If the officials start investigating and see your transactions, you could get landed in deep issues, including intent to commit harm.
  • Question
    Would it be wrong to take a little tip from the victim's wallet?
    ZEUS REXZ you
    Community Answer
    Yes, being a vigilante is about the people. If you steal, you're just a filthy criminal.
  • Question
    Can I be a police officer and a vigilante at the same time?
    Community Answer
    You could, but you wouldn't want anyone to know about your vigilante activities. If you get caught you could lose your job and maybe even go to jail.
  • Question
    Can I use a copyrighted name, like "the Flash"?
    Community Answer
    Using a name like that might get people confused, they will be looking out for someone dressed as the Flash. And you're supposed to be doing this to fight crime, not get attention or recognition. There is also the chance you would be sued by DC Comics.
  • Question
    What would you say is the most recommended weapon to use?
    ZEUS REXZ you
    Community Answer
    Hand weapons like a bat or baton or if you want be creative, you could make your own weapon. Just no guns.
  • Question
    If somebody kills a person should I beat them down?
    Community Answer
    If they have killed someone with a weapon, call the cops. It's best to not get involved in cases like this. Maybe follow him and get the cops to his location.
  • Question
    What if I want to kill them?
    Community Answer
    Then you shouldn't be a vigilante, instead you should be hunted by one - you also shouldn't watch so many movies.
  • Question
    What is the best weapon to use besides a taser?
    Community Answer
    I would say a conventional baton, like the one from Watch Dogs.
  • Question
    What about travel? I can't be jumping and climbing rooftops, I'd probably die either way, and I don't think people would think too positively about a dark clothed masked figure roaming the streets.
    Community Answer
    Use something fast yet easy to use. Something like a motorbike would be acceptable for cover. Of course, the whole idea of being a vigilante is somewhat ridiculous, so take this all with a pinch of salt.
  • Question
    Should I make gadgets to help me?
    Community Answer
    You could, but this is unnecessary and expensive. If you wish to do so, be sure that the device/gadget is quiet enough so that you remain undetected.
  • Question
    Would it be good to know how to do parkour and climb rooftops?
    Community Answer
    It would be very helpful; knowing how to move in and out of an area with speed and stealth will help you stay safe and become an even greater vigilante.
  • Question
    Is it best to spare an enemy even if this person did something wrong to you?
    Community Answer
    None of us can answer that question. It really comes to the vigilante's opinion and choice (see the "Guys Like Us" mission).
  • Question
    Will watching "Arrow" help prepare you to be a vigilante?
    Community Answer
    No, take some real martial arts classes. "Arrow" is a fictional show.
  • Question
    Are homemade BB guns acceptable?
    Minimech 1123
    Community Answer
    No, because it may break down or not have enough stopping power. Even a factory certified BB gun would not be enough.
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