Q&A for How to Calculate Half Life

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    If a sample contains 100 g of a radioactive isotope that has a half-life of 2 days, how much of the isotope remains after 6 days?
    Meredith Juncker, PhD
    Scientific Researcher
    Meredith Juncker is a PhD candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Her studies are focused on proteins and neurodegenerative diseases.
    Scientific Researcher
    Expert Answer
    One quick way to do this would be to figure out how many half-lives we have in the time given. 6 days/2 days = 3 half lives 100/2 = 50 (1 half life) 50/2 = 25 (2 half lives) 25/2 = 12.5 (3 half lives) So 12.5g of the isotope would remain after 6 days.
  • Question
    If the half-life of a material is 6 hours, how much material remains in 36 hours?
    Meredith Juncker, PhD
    Scientific Researcher
    Meredith Juncker is a PhD candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Her studies are focused on proteins and neurodegenerative diseases.
    Scientific Researcher
    Expert Answer
    We would need to know how much material you start with in order to solve this problem.
  • Question
    What is the half-life of an isotope that decays to 25% of its original activity in 26.7 hours?
    Community Answer
    Since the whole is 100%, the first half-life would drop to 50% and then to 25%. Because it takes the isotope 26.7 hours to reach 25%, and there are only 2 halves from 100 to 25%, divide 26.7/2, and you'll get 13.35 hours as the half life.
  • Question
    If 100g of an atom become 50g in three months, what is the half life?
    Community Answer
    Here, 100g becomes 50g, which is exactly half. It took three months to do this. Three months is its half life.
  • Question
    If carbon-10 has a half-life of about 19 seconds, how many half-lives does it undergo in two minutes and 32 seconds?
    Community Answer
    Half life simply means a radioactive element's active weight will remain half after that particular time. In this case, two minutes 32 seconds means 152 seconds is eight times of the half life of carbon-10, so it will undergo eight half lives in this time.
  • Question
    If you start with a sample of 600 radioactive nuclei, how many would remain un decayed after 3 half lives?
    Community Answer
    After first half-life: 600/2=300; After second half-life: 300/2=150; After third half-life: 150/2=75 nuclei.
  • Question
    What do I do if there isn't an initial amount or end amount but just the half life, and I have to find out how long until only 4% remains?
    Community Answer
    Make up an initial amount, then see how long it takes for there to be 4% of the initial amount remaining. For example, you could start with 100 as the initial amount and then see how long it takes for 4% of 100, which is 4, to remain.
  • Question
    What is the half life of Strontium 90?
    RakshitKnows *_*
    Community Answer
    It is 28.8 years.
  • Question
    What is meant by decay constant?
    Community Answer
    Decay constant of any element is equal to the fraction of decaying atoms per unit time.
  • Question
    If 20 g of a radioactive isotope is present at 1:00 PM and the half-life is 30 minutes, what would remain at 2:00 PM?
    Snehashish Mandal
    Community Answer
    In 1 hr = 60 minutes, 60 minutes / 30 minutes = 2 half-lives would have passed. So, remaining amount after an hour will be 20 grams x (1/2)^2 = 20 x (1/4) = 5 grams.
  • Question
    How do I find the half life of 140 mg of caffeine in an individual monitored over 12 hours?
    Snehashish Mandal
    Community Answer
    There is insufficient data in this problem. You need to provide the amount remaining after 12 hours to solve this.
  • Question
    How can I calculate what remains of 160 grams of a substance after 6 half lives?
    Community Answer
    The first half life is 160/2=80, the second half life is 80/2=40, and so on up to 6 half lives, which equals 2.5 grams.
  • Question
    If the half-life of a radioactive element is 4 months, how long will it take for 3/4 of that element to decay?
    Community Answer
    6 months, if half = 4 then the whole life = 8 and 3 months is 3/4 of half the life so 6 months = 3/4 of the whole life. 3/4=6/8.
  • Question
    If the half life of radium is 1600 years then what is the fraction of a sample remaining after 6400?
    Community Answer
    This will take some equation re-arrangement but if you take the half-life equation: t 1/2 = t / (log (.5)(N(t)/No)), then we can rearrange this to: log(.5)(N(t)/No) = t / t 1/2, which would look like this if you take the sample to be 100kg or 100%: log(.5)(N/100) = 6400 / 1600. So, after even more solving and re-arranging, it would look like this: N / 100 = 4 / log(.5), which would finally give us: N / 100 ~ -13.287........ N = 100(-13.29) ~ -1329. Now, the answer is a percentage decrease of mass, so that is why it is negative. When you plug it back into the equation, make sure that it is positive.
  • Question
    How do I calculate half life over a long period of time?
    Community Answer
    Well the simplest thing would be to use a stopwatch, however I don't think that they will last years. So I suggest that you record the time at which you want to start 10 am, 3:45 pm, and then after a few years at the time time you started just count how many days have passed and there you go. Started at 12:30 am, July 1st, 2019, second record at 12:30 am, July 1st, 2030. 2030-2019 = 11 yr and I hope you measured the mass after all this time, otherwise it's back to square one.
  • Question
    How do I determine how long it will take for a sample to decay if I know the half life?
    Community Answer
    The sample is never going to completely decay because you can take the half of every number, as small as it gets, and it'll get smaller but never reach 0. So, technically you will never no when it completely decays. It could, however, possibly be destroyed or reduced through massively high incineration: do some research online to learn more.
  • Question
    A patient is taking a 2 mg dose of the drug XR, and the drug has a half-life of 12 hours. How long will it be in the patient's body before only 0.25 mg remains?
    Community Answer
    2 mg has reduced to 0.25 mg, which will happen in three half lives, or 36 hours. 2 mg reduces to 1 mg after 12 hours, 0.5 mg after 24 hours, and 0.25 mg after 36 hours.
  • Question
    Th the half life of radium 226 is 1602 years . If you have 500 grams of radium today, then how many grams would have been present 9,600 years ago?
    Vanessa West
    Community Answer
    You need to figure out how many half lives past. 9600/1602 gives you that number. Then you can figure out the percent 100. (1 half live is 50%, 2 half lives is 25%...etc.) that’s the percentage left. Then its just figuring out the rest of the 100. So if 500 grams is = to 25% then it’s 1/4 of 100 so 500g * 4= 2000 grams.
  • Question
    If a nucleus has a half-life of 1 year, does this mean that will be completed decayed after 2 years?
    Community Answer
    No. It is an exponential function, so at the end of the first half-life, half is left, and at the end of another year, half of that will be left, or 25%, at the end of the third year (3 half-lives) it will be 12.5%, and so on.
  • Question
    Radium 226 has a half life of 1600 years. What percentage would be left after 6400 years?
    Community Answer
    As Ra-226 has a half life of 1600 years, after 6400 years, 4 half lives have passed. So, the percentage left will be 6.25%. For example, if you have 1 kg of Ra-226 at first, then after 6400 years or 4 half lives of Ra-226, the quantity of Ra-226 you have left is 62.5 grams.
  • Question
    The half life an element is 90 days, so how do I find the percentage of reduction in mass at the end of 135 days?
    Community Answer
    As the half life of an element is 90 days, after 135 days, 1 1/2 half lives have passed. So, the percentage of reduction in mass at the end of the 135-day period is 50% because 1 half life have passed, and 12.5%, as the second half life is only half passed. So, the percentage of reduction in mass at the end of the 135-day period is 62.5%
  • Question
    If after 100 days 75% of the parent nuclei are disintegrated, then what is the half life of that atom?
    Community Answer
    If after 100 days, 75% of the parent nuclei are disintegrated, then using some math, we can calculate that 2 half lives has passed. So, the half life of that atom if 50 days.
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