Q&A for How to Camp Indoors

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    What should I do if I'm camping alone in my room?
    Community Answer
    Read books with scary stories, make a craft or use your imagination to pretend like you are camping out in the wilderness.
  • Question
    What kind of snacks should I have if I can't eat wheat or flour?
    Community Answer
    Dried fruit, nuts, peanuts, chocolate chips, beef jerky--many non-perishable portable foods don't have wheat! Many granola bar companies are gluten-free as well.
  • Question
    How do I build the tent?
    Community Answer
    For instructions on how to build a tent out of common household objects, you can check out How To Build An Indoor Tent here on Wikihow.
  • Question
    Should we watch a horror movie instead of telling a scary story?
    Community Answer
    Telling scary stories makes it more like camping, but it's entirely up to you and you co-campers.
  • Question
    What food should we eat?
    Anya G.
    Community Answer
    Any foods will work. The best foods are hot dogs, s'mores, and other camp treats.
  • Question
    How can I keep my camp secret from my parents?
    Community Answer
    Do you have a tool shed that's always completely empty? That would be a great tent. Distract your parents with a video you want to show them, then go hide and invite your friends over. Tell them not to come in the front because your parents can't know.
  • Question
    How can I make a tent in my bed if I have a small bed?
    Community Answer
    You can put pillows around and make sure that they won't fall off. Then put a light blanket on the top.
  • Question
    How do I make s'mores?
    Community Answer
    wikiHow has a lot of articles about how to make s'mores, so I would try reading through a couple of those, like making a s'more or making Oreo s'mores .
  • Question
    How can I do a sleepover by myself in my room?
    Community Answer
    You could make a tent or fort on your bed or floor and surround yourself with your stuffed animals. Then you can read or watch movies.
  • Question
    How do I camp indoors if I don't have a portable light for a fire?
    Community Answer
    You can just put a video of a campfire on your computer, tablet, TV or phone instead.
  • Question
    Can I camp in my balcony?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as there is no risk of rolling off it over the side, then you can camp on the balcony. Check for railing to keep you safe and also, beware of neighbors' balconies as they might be smoking, barbecuing or just staring and these things might bother you.
  • Question
    What if there are no large spaces?
    Community Answer
    Try moving furniture to the edge of the room if you are allowed to or camp on top of a double bed. You could also move under the porch or even the yard but that is not really indoors then.
  • Question
    My fort is completely covered in blankets and it's hot in there. Do I still use my sleeping bag?
    Community Answer
    No, there is no need when it's hot and you will risk overheating and feeling unwell. Just use a sheet or nothing at all if it's that hot.
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