Q&A for How to Clean up Battery Acid Spills

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    Is rubbing alcohol okay for alkaline battery spills? A tech friend once advised this.
    Community Answer
    It's better to use vinegar or lemon juice; you want a mild acid to neutralize the alkaline substance.
  • Question
    I have an old battery box from an electric forklift that is very corroded from the old batteries. Can I clean this and use in an a pot for a flower garden or vegetables?
    Community Answer
    Is not a good idea, because the box can still contain some pollutant leaked by the battery. Any kind of vegetables you put in can absorb those pollutants.
  • Question
    How do I clean acid battery from a golf cart?
    Community Answer
    You can either get some battery acid cleaner at an auto parts store or mix some baking soda and water to use to clean the acid. Wash away the residue with water.
  • Question
    Would an oz. of coca-cola take away the acid spill?
    Community Answer
    It's acidic, so if it would be an alkaline spill, then sure, as coke has pH of (varying on the type) 2.5-3.8.
  • Question
    What type of batteries do computers use? I have an old iMac computer that I want to clean up and make into a cat bed but the battery has leaked badly.
    Community Answer
    Computers use either LiPo or Li-ion batteries. Some older computers use Ni-MH (nickel metal-hydride). You should be able to identify the battery type by the label.
  • Question
    If I had batteries that sat on the ground and deteriorated, what should I do with the soil?
    Community Answer
    The soil needs to be scooped up and discarded. Be sure to wear protective gear and wrap it in multiple layers of plastic. Dispose of it as you would any toxic waste. Don’t put it in a compost heap or your garden!
  • Question
    What is the liquid color of a leaking lithium polymer battery?
    Community Answer
    It varies based on age, but ti can be yellow to brown (the older, the darker).
  • Question
    What would make a penny turn blue?
    Community Answer
    You may be seeing normal tarnish on copper, which is green or blue.
  • Question
    Can the camera still be used if the battery leaked while inside?
    Community Answer
    If you cleaned up the camera well, replaced the battery AND the camera works, then you should be fine. If you're really concerned & the camera is worth it, send it to the company that made it for a professional cleaning. Contact them first for instructions.
  • Question
    How do I clean a battery acid spill that's on a cloth?
    Community Answer
    Dispose of the cloth if possible. If not, neutralize the acid (see part 2, steps 1-3) and shampoo the cloth.
  • Question
    How do I clean up after motor home batteries?
    Community Answer
    Baking soda and water. Scrub with a toothbrush or something similar, and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Question
    Would pouring baking soda or salt through my computer vents help diminish the smell and dry any possible internal spill, or would it render the computer unusable?
    Community Answer
    This would render your computer unusable, so I don't recommend pouring any baking soda into your vents.
  • Question
    What neutralizes car battery acid on skin?
    Community Answer
    Rinse the affected skin with warm water for at least 30 minutes. If that doesn't work, go to the hospital and have a professional clean it up. It is inadvisable to try to neutralize battery acid while it's on your skin because it could bubble up and affect more skin overall, making it worse than it was originally.
  • Question
    How do I clean up a kettle if battery acid was spilled in it?
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't be using the kettle, because even if you did manage to clean it with some vinegar or baking soda or whatever, it might still leave a residue on the kettle and if consumed, may be harmful.
  • Question
    How do I clean up a battery spill that caught on fire?
    leroy fong
    Community Answer
    Put the fire out with a standard ABC or BC dry chemical fire extinguisher. Then follow the above steps.
  • Question
    How do I clean up battery acid that has crystallized?
    Community Answer
    For alkaline batteries, use vinegar, and wear gloves when you handle it. Also, alkaline batteries don't have acid, they have alkali (base).
  • Question
    How do I clean up A U-1 battery spill on concrete?
    Community Answer
    Use a mild base, baking soda should be fine. The baking soda neutralizes the sulfuric acid.
  • Question
    What do I do if my battery leaked all over the transmission housing on a ride-on lawnmower?
    Community Answer
    Spray affected parts with baking soda solution. Dispose of the battery, and get a mechanic to check it if you want to be extra sure.
  • Question
    What do I do if battery acid ate through my vehicle's upholstery and metal?
    Community Answer
    Spray all affected parts with baking soda solution, and get a mechanic to check it.
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