Q&A for How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Dye Your Hair

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    My parents let me get my hair dyed, but afterwords were complaining about how long it took and how much it cost. What should I do if they won't let me dye my own hair either?
    Community Answer
    Find a compromise, whether it's a cheaper salon, a trustworthy friend or family member who can dye your hair, etc. If they won't let you dye your hair on your own, then they're likely just worried about you making a mistake.
  • Question
    What if I am scared but I really want to do it because all my friends do but not me and they make fun of me?
    Community Answer
    You should try and convince your parents to let you. If they refuse, you should accept your parents decision. As for your friends, they shouldn't be making fun of you. Friends should support each other.
  • Question
    What if my parents are scared of me getting it on my skin? Would it stain my skin if it is permanent dye?
    Community Answer
    The dye can stain your skin, but it comes off if you thoroughly scrub it with soap and water. If you dab some Vaseline around your hairline and your ears, you're much less likely to get any dye on your skin.
  • Question
    My mom says dyeing hair is dangerous, but I really want to. Help!
    Community Answer
    Dyeing your hair is only dangerous if it's done improperly. You could always save your money and ask to go to a professional.
  • Question
    My parents and I got into an argument, and now they're not letting me dye my hair. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    First you should apologize, and don't mention anything about dyeing your hair when you do so. Then give them a little time to get over/forget about it. Wait a few days or a week at least. Then ask if they might reconsider letting you dye your hair.
  • Question
    Will there be a color that is exactly like my hair now? I need to know if things can go wrong trying to turn it back
    Community Answer
    It can be hard finding a dye in store that matches your natural color exactly. If you go to a salon they will most likely be able to help you.
  • Question
    My dad wants 3 good reasons why he should let me, I need help!
    Emma Rae Toren
    Community Answer
    1. It will help you to stand out in a good way. 2. It defines your personality. 3. You would like to experiment with different hair colors. 4. You will feel more confident with some color in your hair. 5. He will make you happy! You can also try bargaining with him. Tell him you will get good grades in exchange for him letting you dye your hair.
  • Question
    I want the ends of my hair purple but I am scared to ask my mom. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Just wait until she is in a good mood that way when she answers she's more likely to say yes.
  • Question
    Where can I get non-permanent hair dye?
    Community Answer
    You can find it at Walmart or your local pharmacy. Anything that says 'temporary' or 'semi-permanent' will work. Use Head and Shoulders shampoo if you want it to fade fast.
  • Question
    Am I too young to dye my hair? I'm 12 turning 13 and I want it for my birthday.
    Community Answer
    That is something that is up to you and your parents to decide. It is different for everyone.
  • Question
    My dad said yes and my mom said no. How can I convince her?
    Community Answer
    Sit down with both your Mom and Dad and talk about the pros and cons. Show your mom that you know what you're doing, or that you found someone trustworthy to do it for you.
  • Question
    I want to dye my hair teal, but my hair is dark brown. I want it to stand out, but I don't want to lighten my hair first. What do i do?
    Community Answer
    There is no magical solution to this, unfortunately. If you don't lighten your hair first, the teal will not be very vibrant. If you choose to go teal anyway, Manic Panic dye is probably your best bet.
  • Question
    What if my mom just won't budge?
    Community Answer
    If your mom will not budge, that's okay. Be respectful and kind. Christmas is coming up, maybe you can ask her for this to be your gift. If not, she probably just wants you to wait until you're a little older, so try to be patient.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and have dyed the ends of my hair before, this time I want to dye the whole thing. My parents agreed to do it if I don't bleach it, I've tried to convince them, gave them multiple reasons. Help!
    Community Answer
    Will they let you use a boxed dye from the drugstore? Feria makes a really light/white blond that will give you close to the same effect. You could also suggest going to a salon and having a professional do it. Bleaching is perfectly safe if you know what you're doing. Otherwise, you might have to choose a different color or wait until you're a little older.
  • Question
    What age would be the right age to dye my hair?
    Community Answer
    The right age is whenever you and your parents decide is the right time.
  • Question
    Is blonde hair allowed on schools? I have searched this up and haven't got an answer?
    Community Answer
    Yes, my sister dyed her hair blonde. You should be allowed unless your school has a specific policy.
  • Question
    My parents keep telling me they are going to take me to get my hair dyed professionally, but they keep putting it off. When we pass by a salon, they try to dodge the question. What exactly does this mean?
    Community Answer
    Maybe they want to wait until you get a little older. It takes a while to get your hair dyed, so it might also just not be the best time when you guys are out and about running errands. See if you can get them give you an actual time/date when you can get it done, but don't ask so many times that it becomes annoying.
  • Question
    My mom says I can dye my hair when I am 18, how can I get her to let me dye my hair sooner than that?
    Community Answer
    Ask your mom if you can get a temporary dye, meaning a wash-out dye. You spray it in and then you wash it out when you're tired of it. This might be a good compromise.
  • Question
    I'm 11, am I too young to dye my hair? I'm afraid to ask my mom. Is dark brown with highlights a good color to dye?
    Community Answer
    See how your mom would react to that kind of hairstyle. Then, politely ask if you could get your hair dyed. It may take some convincing, but don't lose faith. Don't annoy her with the question, either; be respectful.
  • Question
    I'm 11, and my mom says yes, but my dad says maybe, and he'll think about it. He always forgets, though. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Put hair-dyeing on your Christmas or birthday wish list. Then they'll see that you're really serious about it. You can also try getting your mom to convince your dad or to at least remind him to think about it.
  • Question
    What if my parents say no?
    Community Answer
    You may just have to wait until you're old enough to do it on your own. You could also suggest temporary or spray-in dyes to your parents to see if they might change their minds.
  • Question
    Could I dye my hair if I'm 9 years old?
    Community Answer
    If your parents say it's okay, then yes, you could. It might be best to go with a temporary dye, though. You can even use Kool-Aid if your hair isn't too dark.
  • Question
    I have brown hair, and want to dye it sapphire blue or pastel aqua. Would I need to lighten my hair first, or would it be fine the way it is?
    Community Answer
    Yes definitely, if you don't, it will have a green tone to it. It might not even look blue at all. Lighten it up with a 15 volume cream developer.
  • Question
    My parents are still hesitant about it. What should I do? Am I allowed to dye my hair at the age of 11? Do you think I can change my hair color from light brown to ginger, or will it be too hard?
    Community Answer
    There is no age requirement for dyeing your hair, and you shouldn't have any trouble going from light brown to ginger. It might put your parents at ease if you suggest getting it done by a professional at a salon (if you can pay for it with your own money, all the better). If they still won't let you, maybe suggest a temporary dye?
  • Question
    What if my parents are completely against dying my hair?
    Community Answer
    Invest in hair extensions.
  • Question
    What should I say/do if I want ombre hair but my mom won't let me dye my hair?
    Community Answer
    You can try to talk to her about it and see if you can come to a compromise, but you should ultimately respect your mom's wishes even if you do not agree with them.
  • Question
    How do I lighten the bottom of my brown hair?
    Community Answer
    Use a small amount of bleach.
  • Question
    I really want to dye the tips of my hair blond but what if my parents say no?
    Community Answer
    If they say no, then there's nothing you can really do about it. The worst thing you could do is go behind their back and do it anyway because it can lead to trust issues between you and our parents. Just wait it out till you're a bit older, then ask again. Or, ask if you can use temporary dye, as it washes out, just for an occasion like Halloween. If they say yes to that, then you can suggest doing it for longer.
  • Question
    I want to dye my hair again the highlights have turned blond and I don't like it so I want to dye it back red. My friends have complimenting me for it and mum keeps tell me it's overdone. What do I do?
    Iris Rose
    Community Answer
    How did you dye it before? If your mom doesn't approve, you may have a hard time dyeing it professionally, or without getting in trouble. However, you can go to a pharmacy, beauty supply, or a simple store like Walmart and get boxed dye and use hair rubber bands or ties to separate the sections you want to dye. Dyeing your hair is a fun, safe (if done correctly), and harmless way to express yourself. Sit down and tell your mom how happy getting your hair dyed would make you. Offer to do things to pay for it, etc.
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