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Q&A for How to Delete Your Nintendogs+Cats Completely
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QuestionHow do I get my game back?Community AnswerI'm so sorry, but you can't get back your data once it's already deleted. You'll have to start over from scratch.
QuestionWill this work on Petz Nursery 2?Community AnswerI'm afraid it won't, but here's what you can do: hold down L, X, B, and Select. After that, the Ubisoft logo and a prompt will appear asking if you want to delete saved game data.
QuestionHow do I delete a Nintendogs game?Community AnswerAll you have to do is hold down the buttons L, R, A, B, Y and X when the white Nintendo screen appears. It should prompt you to delete your save.
QuestionWhat do I do if I have tried both combinations and it isn't working?Community AnswerTry, "L, R, Start, Select," when you see the loading screen pop up with the little dog running in the bottom right corner.
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