Q&A for How to Get Invited to Parties

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    What should I do if a boy wants to hook up with me, but I don't want to?
    Community Answer
    You can say that you like talking to him, but that you're not interesting in hooking up with him. If he keeps bugging you about it, just keep refusing and letting him know that you absolutely do not want to have any kind of physical relationship with him. If he doesn't listen, then you should get away from him (and stay away). You might even want to warn other girls that he doesn't listen to the word "no."
  • Question
    What can I do to get my friends to include me in things?
    Community Answer
    Be enthusiastic about every opportunity, initiate social hangouts, and try to suggest other things you could do as a group. Involve yourself, and eventually they will start involving you without you having to push the issue.
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    How do I keep a good impression going?
    Community Answer
    Always be polite and kind and friendly. Make conversation, ask questions of the other person. Don't say anything too opinionated unless you know they share your opinion.
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    How can I make friends?
    Community Answer
    Try to be outgoing and kind. More people will then notice you and talk to you.
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    What if nobody likes me?
    Community Answer
    Maybe try new opportunities and focus on yourself instead of constantly thinking about what people are going to say. Don't let any sort of negative energy affect your happiness. It's just a party.
  • Question
    How do I get more friends to invite me to parties?
    Community Answer
    Try doing various activities, and thus you will get to know more people and get invited to more parties.
  • Question
    How can I get people to like and accept me so they will invite me to parties?
    Community Answer
    Just be yourself. If they don't accept you, then they aren't the kindest of friends.
  • Question
    What if her party is in two weeks?
    Community Answer
    Be really friendly toward her and get her a present. A few days before the party say, "I got a present for you. Should I drop it off at your party?" Then when you go and drop it off, just stay for the rest of the party!
  • Question
    I have many friends, but no one invites me to party. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Throw a party at your house and invite your friends. Then maybe next time your friends throw a party, they'll invite you!
  • Question
    Is it normal high school etiquette to never specify what someone is inviting you to, but just ask if you are free?
    Community Answer
    Pretty much, but then before the date/time they will/should tell you what you are actually going to.
  • Question
    What should I do if my friends call me while they are at a party I wasn't invited to?
    Community Answer
    Just stay calm and be respectful. You could say something like, "Sounds like fun, I wish I was there," so that they may feel bad and try to invite you to the next party. Then take your mind off things by doing something you like to do, or invite another friend over and have your own party.
  • Question
    How do I get invited to a party when I'm not very popular?
    Community Answer
    Don't look at parties along the lines of being with "popular" people or "unpopular" people, check out where your friends tend to go and stick around them. When they go to a party, you can go with them.
  • Question
    What if I'm too stressed to ask people about parties?
    Community Answer
    The most important lesson in life is just not to care what people think of you when you're being yourself. Just ask them, you'll rarely get a chance to go if you don't try.
  • Question
    Is it ok for middle schoolers to have parties?
    Community Answer
    They can, but it's not going to be like elementary school parties where everyone in the class is invited.
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    My friends invite each other to places in front of me but not me. How do I get them to ask me too?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    If it's happening often, they're not being very thoughtful or considerate. But giving them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they think you can't make it for some reason and have gotten into the habit of not asking you too. Have you ever indicated in the past that you can't come along for any reason? Whatever the reason, since you consider them friends, try asking them to think about including you too, for example: "Hey guys, I'd really like it if you could ask me to be part of your plans too. I'd love to come to some of the things you do but I feel that maybe you think I can't or something - please do ask me along too."
  • Question
    What if I have friends but I am never invited?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    There may be reasons your friends don't invite you to parties - do you make it clear you're available? Do you live close to them? Do you invite them to parties at your place? Try talking to them first about why they don't ask you to parties and clear up any misunderstandings. Then think about asking them to a small party at your place or somewhere like a park or local cafe so they know you're keen on reciprocating.
  • Question
    What is a bridal shower?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    A bridal shower is an event where the bride-to-be and her chosen bridesmaids, friends, relatives, etc., who want to celebrate the engagement and upcoming wedding come together to share treats, discuss the wedding and give small gifts. Traditionally, the idea was to give small amounts of cash or gifts that would help the wedding take place but nowadays the gifts tend to based on what might be needed when becoming a new couple in a household. To know what to give, ask the bride-to-be or organizing bridesmaid if there is a list of suggestions.
  • Question
    How do I get ready for a formal occasion?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    If the dress code says it is formal, put on makeup and do a hairstyle that suits the occasion, then put on fancy dresses and suits for guys and ladies.
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