Q&A for How to Get Strong

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    I am a 12 year old girl. How long will it take for me to become stronger?
    Community Answer
    About six weeks of consistent exercise will make you noticeably stronger.
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    What if I'm a kid and I can't do most of this stuff?
    Community Answer
    If you're a kid, you can still run, do toe-touches, squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. These are all safe exercises that will make you stronger.
  • Question
    I'm super skinny, will my arms get bigger?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Your arms will get bigger the more you use them. Do lots of pull-ups, look up variations on the pull-up to keep things interesting. One rule of thumb is if you do reps fast you build muscle strength, if you do them slowly you build both strength and mass. But that doesn't work for everyone all the time. You could consider getting a PT to work with you specifically. But none of it will work if you don't also eat well, drink lots of water and most of all sleep well.
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    What if I am a picky eater?
    Community Answer
    Find foods you like that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and eat more of them. You can also try new foods cooked different ways to expand the list of foods you might like. Stay hydrated.
  • Question
    I do gymnastics for one hour three days a week. Should I still do this much?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what your goals are. If you want to stay fit, this is a good way to do so.
  • Question
    What if I'm really skinny? Will I still be able to get strong?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can! Everyone can get strong. You have to eat a higher calorie diet to put on more weight. Maybe even start drinking mass-building supplements to help you gain weight. Then exercise, lift weights, do push ups, and practice some kind of martial arts to gain strength, muscles, and agility. It also will improve your posture and confidence.
  • Question
    I'm a 12 year old boy but this isn't working for me. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Keep at it! It takes time to build muscle. Also make sure you are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins.
  • Question
    How long does it take to get strong?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your age, the frequency and intensity of your workouts, and what you mean by "strong." Schedule a session with a professional trainer; they can answer all your questions. It's also a good idea to consult a nutritionist.
  • Question
    I thought I was strong I am a tall kid. I play sports and exercise. But girls can always pick me up, and they are stronger than me. I want to be stronger than them, so what should I do?
    Ronnie robichaud
    Community Answer
    Try changing your diet a little, add some protein-rich foods and some more calories in it. Keep doing sit-ups and push-ups. Try to use it as an advantage. Try upside down pushups against a wall, even with help. They will help many muscles, mostly your arms.
  • Question
    I'm too weak to do any pull-ups. What should I do?
    Ronnie robichaud
    Community Answer
    Just keep practicing, you need help from someone till you are able to do it alone. Just ask either a parent, older sibling, etc. Get someone to help phase you into doing a upside down push-up against the wall.
  • Question
    What if my parents don't let me exercise or eat healthy?
    Cee Forest
    Community Answer
    There should be extracurricular activities you can join at school. Sports are an option – choose a sport you enjoy – for 2 reasons: 1) You enjoy it 2) You suggest your parents are opposed to this? Up front, that doesn't sound logical, but maybe they worry about injuries? If you say you enjoy it, they might be more open to allowing your participation. Sports aren't the only option (hopefully). There's dance; even theater requires activity. If you're in high school, they might have classes geared towards becoming a physical education teacher! Finally, ask to see your doctor. The doctor should help you convince them of the need for exercise (and proper diet) if you're medically cleared.
  • Question
    Im 13 and I wrestle 5 days a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes a day how long will it take me to get noticeably stronger if I do the exercises above or should i not do them?
    Cee Forest
    Community Answer
    Squats, cleans and presses (bench, shoulder). At your young age – at the start, you must be supervised by someone who is knowledgeable about weightlifting. For young people who haven't performed these exercises before, safety and technique are the first step to use these exercises in a way that best builds strength and doing so safely. (If you hurt yourself doing it improperly, what good is that? You won't be building strength any longer; you'll be recovering from injury.) Iran is noted for their successful wrestling programs around the world. In training, their priorities hold strength and power right up there with speed (that's another story).
  • Question
    I am a young weightlifter, should I train every day a week?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    Probably not, beginners can achieve fantastic results training full body workouts 3 days a week. If you want an easy workout guide search for Stronglifts 5x5. Training every day for every week may leave you overly fatigued and your muscles won't recover. Strength comes from recovery, not from training.
  • Question
    How long does this take? (I'm a female kid and I'm scared people would make fun of me.)
    Community Answer
    First of all, be proud you want to take this step to become healthier and stronger! It takes a different amount of time for each person to become stronger and you will improve over time. It depends on how much you do these exercises and at what intensity. Make sure to use good technique to get the best results!
  • Question
    I am a kid and I don't have weights, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    The best exercises for kids are bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups (if you can), planks, squats, and other core exercises. Make sure to use good technique when doing these exercises. Running can also be good for your health.
  • Question
    For an eleven year old boy, how long does it take to get strong if he trains every 5 days a week?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    At eleven years old, training five days a week is probably not the best idea. Most beginners should start training three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday is a common split) doing full body routines. If you're adamant about training five days a week, you'll probably see slower gains because you're not giving your body the rest it needs.
  • Question
    What if i cant afford nutritional food?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    Nutritional food is surprisingly cheap to come by if you're willing to prep food yourself. Less nutritional food like fast food isn't always less expensive it's just... well, faster. if you've got time to prep food you can get raw ingredients to make food from scratch for very little.
  • Question
    How do i get big biceps if I'm skinny?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    If you're skinny, use it to your advantage. you'll have an easier time shifting your bodyweight for pull ups and chin ups. And if you can't do those, you can use bicep curls, bent over rows or inverted rows (just look all these exercises up for form).
  • Question
    I do taekwondo 3-4 hours a week. Will this help me to get stronger, including a 20 minutes of a normal workout routine?
    Community Answer
    Yes it will, but you might overwork your body if you do too much, so be mindful of that. If you overwork yourself too much, that might make your body unable to use this new strength, as well as causing you to have to take time away from training.
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    What if I want core strength?
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    How can I train to get stronger at home?
    Community Answer
    The best way to train depends on the individual themselves. First things first: if there's a gym nearby then you should probably go there and work out 3-4 times a week, but spaced out with a day in-between for rest. At the gym you can ask what to do, but in my opinion running, sit ups, crunches, bench-press, push-ups, chin-ups, curling, and using kettle bells during these exercises will really help. Do how ever many of these you want for maybe 20 minutes a piece. Now, if there's no gym than no worries! I suppose eating healthy foods is a major aspect to consider, in addition to exercising everything I recommended, besides using kettle bells.
  • Question
    Do push ups make you stronger?
    Community Answer
    Any persistent body weight exercises you partake in is guaranteed to build your strength. You will also see other physical gains. As well as becoming stronger, you will build up a considerable amount of endurance.
  • Question
    Will lifting weights stunt my growth?
    Yusuf Ahmed
    Community Answer
    There is no evidence that shows that lifting weights will stunt your growth. Just make sure to maintain proper nutrition and get plenty of sleep and you'll be just fine.
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