Q&A for How to Get Yourself Into the Christmas Spirit

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    My presents are wrapped really messily, plus my gifts seem lame. But if they come from the heart, and are meaningful, does it matter?
    Community Answer
    No, not at all! This time of year is a time to be kind and grateful. I'm sure your family will appreciate them all the same.
  • Question
    What can you do if these methods are still not working?
    Community Answer
    Decorate (while listening to holiday music), go on a wintry vacation in late fall, watch Christmas movies, invite family and friends over for a fun, casual Christmassy meal, or anything similar to those. Don't become so fixated on getting into the "Christmas Spirit" that you forget what the Christmas Spirit is all about! December 25th is about spending time with those you love and enjoying the season, not pressuring yourself to get in the mood, then ending up frustrated.
  • Question
    How early should I start celebrating?
    Community Answer
    In most cases, starting any earlier than late November will result in strange looks and eye-rolling. But there are no set rules, if you just can't restrain yourself.
  • Question
    What are some good homemade Christmas gifts?
    Community Answer
    Make some fun and easy origami, buy a craft kit and make something special from it, look up DIY projects for Christmas and make something cute!
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    I love Christmas, but this year, my spirit seem to have gone away. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Remember that Christmas is a magical time. Listen to a lot of Christmas music.
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    I have been sick lately, and am finding it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Listen to your body. If you need to sleep to get over your sickness, then sleep. Do whatever you need to do to get better; meanwhile, listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies.
  • Question
    How should I decorate Christmas cookies?
    Community Answer
    Use your imagination! But stick with a theme. Are you a fan of "Frozen"? If so, use some white frosting to create Elsa's braid, and some baby blue frosting for her dress. You can even add edible glitter to add pizzazz! Is Santa a large part of your Christmas? Decorate gingerbread with red, white, and black to create Ms. and Mr. Claus. For regular cookies, use any frosting to create snowflake and trees.
  • Question
    How can I get into the Christmas spirit as a young kid?
    Community Answer
    Think about the true meaning of Christmas, make special gifts for your loved ones, help your family decorate the house and volunteer in your community.
  • Question
    My grandmother passed away in August and she always came out for Christmas. I feel bad because I never really noticed her. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's normal. Just remember that your grandmother loved you no matter what, and try to make an effort to spend time with each of your family members going forward so that you don't have these regrets again in the future.
  • Question
    How do I get into the Christmas spirit if I'm emotionally detached?
    Top Answerer
    Find less emotional and more physical things to enjoy or look forward about about Christmas. If you can't be filled with joy, which a lot of ordinary people don't feel at Christmas, just enjoy what you can. Be relaxed, enjoy the time off school or work, eat Christmas food you enjoy, be constructive or practical - you don't have to be emotionally invested in decorating a Christmas tree, peeling potatoes, wrapping gifts or doing anything else that will help out the people you are with over Christmas. It is also okay to not be that into Christmas, as long as you don't spoil things for others.
  • Question
    I love to wrap gifts but I do not have any to wrap. How do I get into the Christmas Spirit without gifts to wrap?
    Community Answer
    Ask close friends or family if they have gifts that need wrapping.
  • Question
    How can I get into the Christmas spirit without the music?
    Sinead Louise
    Community Answer
    You can watch movies, decorate, or bake Christmas cookies. Do something you enjoy but add a Christmas twist to it!
  • Question
    How do I encourage my introverted relatives to loosen up and enjoy Christmas dinner? My relatives are intellectual and stiff.
    Community Answer
    Festive alcoholic drinks are always a good start! Games are a great way to get people to loosen up, too. Card games or board games are good icebreakers.
  • Question
    I always get made fun of when I tell people that I decorate for Christmas on the 1st of November. Am I crazy or is it normal?
    Community Answer
    To be honest, it is a bit early. Most people start to decorate their houses around the beginning of December.
  • Question
    What movies get you in the Christmas mood?
    Community Answer
    Some good movies for Christmas include: Elf, Santa Claus, Home Alone, Christmas Story, Noelle and The Grinch. If you look up family Christmas movies, a lot of movies will show, and you can use Wikipedia to learn what they're about. If you subscribe to a TV streaming service, they will suggest a Christmas section of movies for Christmas time; watch a trailer and choose what appeals to you.
  • Question
    What do you do if you don't have enough money to buy any presents and don't know what to make?
    Community Answer
    Look up cool D.I.Y. crafts or ask your friends and family what to make. Even making a very thoughtful Christmas card will make someone's day.
  • Question
    How do I get my dogs into the Christmas spirit?
    Melanie Sepuleveda
    Community Answer
    If your dogs don’t mind this, consider dressing your dogs up. Some people go full out doing this (boots, headbands, hats, etc.), which is completely optional, but even a small festive coat would work. You can also include them in some Christmas activities (e.g., if you go Christmas caroling with a group, ask if it’s okay to bring your dogs along.)
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