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Q&A for How to Grow Gourds
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QuestionI am growing gourds in pots and the first time I tried it, everything was great. Now, the leaves are small and the fruit looks small, considering the amount of time they have been growing. Is that because I watered them too much?Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.Are you using the same pot? Did you change out the soil and/or add compost? Your soil might be stripped of nutrients, or there might be a disease lingering in the pot. When plants are over watered, usually what happens is that the stem and lower leaves will begin turning yellow or brown and drop off. Try adding some fertilizer or compost and see if that helps.
QuestionWhen do I quit watering gourds?Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.You don't ever want to quit watering your gourds. Keep the soil regularly moist in order to help them grow well.
QuestionCan I plant gourds next to vegetables?Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.You can absolutely plant gourds next to your vegetables. However, it's important that you give them plenty of space; don't plant them too close to each other.
QuestionMy plant had lots of white flowers, but it never grew any gourds. What did I do wrong?Community AnswerThe gourd plant should produce both male and female flowers. The female flower will need to be pollinated by the male. Usually, bees or other insects do this. However, sometimes that doesn't happen. You may have to step in and help by manually pollinating them by hand.
QuestionWhen the bottom leaves die, can I cut them off? They turn yellow first. Also, do I need to fertilize?Community AnswerWhen the leaves die, simply cut them off; this will make room for new healthy leaves to grow. When leaves turn yellow that indicates the lack of chlorophyll, meaning too much or too little water. Unfortunately the plants do need to be fertilized, as most planting soil lacks essential nutrients.
QuestionWhy are my gourds rotting on the vine?Community AnswerThey are probably getting too much direct sunlight. You may want to move them to a slightly more shady area.
QuestionWhen planting gourds, do I point them up or down?Community AnswerYou should plant them like any other seed: horizontally and flat.
QuestionHow long do the seeds take to germinate?Community AnswerLarge green gourds (soft leaf varieties) take a long time to germinate, two to three weeks.
QuestionHow do I increase the gourd population?Community AnswerPlant more gourds. Seriously, some vines will produce many, some not as many fruit. I think that if you have a rich soil with lots of compost, water deeply (but not too often), and the weather is suitable for the gourds with a long enough growing season (at least 120 days) you will get the greatest number.
QuestionMy gourds are beginning to grow but I have some kind of insect on the flowers. What should I do?Community AnswerYou should remove them by hand, as using a pesticide will affect growth of your plant. Or, you can use soapy water or neem oil.
QuestionShould I trim the flowers off of my gourds?Community AnswerYou can trim them and all the suckers off of plant to focus all the energy on the growth of plant, but you won't have any gourds growing. This is a good way to grow the plant larger.
QuestionWhy are my gourds turning brown and rotting when they get approximately 2 inches long?Community AnswerGourds seem to need to be pollinated to grow to maturity. The little gourds probably weren't pollinated and therefore the vine rejected them.
QuestionHow do I pollinate gourds?Community AnswerGourds produce male and female flowers. The male flowers appear first in late evening; they are somewhat bigger than the female. Use a small, clean, soft watercolor brush. Collect pollen from the male flower -- a somewhat sticky, light yellow power produced on anthers -- and then place it on the stigma, a structure that sits atop a small vertical stalk on the female flower. Continue the process with all female flowers by collecting pollen from as many male flowers as possible. Be sure to grow other plants that attract moths since gourds need to be pollinated once the sun goes down, and moths, unlike butterflies, are active at night.
QuestionHow long does it take decorative gourds to completely dry out so I can get the seeds?Community AnswerAbout 6 months. I place mine in my garage on shelves in the winter, then in the summer I clean them.
QuestionWill my snake and swan neck gourds straighten out if I hang them from a trellis?Community AnswerYes, they will be straighter if they hang.
QuestionMy vine is 15 ft long and has all male flowers with only one female growing. Why?Denise MacBayne NuñoCommunity AnswerSometimes this happens when plants are stressed. Check to see they are receiving adequate water and mulch, to prevent overly dry soil conditions. Extreme heat may also be a problem.
QuestionHow do I increase the size of my ridge gourd if it is in a pot and does not seem to be growing?Community AnswerMake sure it's not root bound. If you have more roots than dirt, transfer to a bigger pot. Also, make sure your gourd gets at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. Soil should be kept damp, but not soggy. Use miracle grow or other fertilizer as directed.
QuestionShould I leave dead gourds hanging on the vine or cut them off?Community AnswerIf you are referring to immature gourds that die and mold, they can be removed. However, it is not necessary. Mature, ripe gourds should be allowed to air dry on the vine until harvesting time.
QuestionHow long do gourd plants keep growing and producing more flowers?Community AnswerGourds need hot, summer weather, so once fruit production starts, you'll continue to have flowers and even baby gourds until frost. After the first frost, the plants will be wilted and at the end of their growing season.
QuestionHow do I treat white spots on my gourds?Community AnswerSome gourds naturally have spots, so be sure what you're seeing is not part of the gourd's genetics. If white spots appear on mature, solid green gourds, it is probably a type of mold that is harmless if the gourd is completely mature. Any mold growth, regardless of color, can be removed with a damp cloth and bleach solution. Some vigorous washing may be needed. Completely dry your gourd after washing it.
QuestionHow big can gourds get by fall?Community AnswerIt depends on the variety. Size information is typically included in descriptions given by seed producers based on the variety of gourd. Of course, the fewer gourds on each vine, the bigger they will grow since they will get all the food and water from the parent plant.
QuestionThere are plenty of female and male flowers on my bottle gourd, but none of the female flowers are surviving. What could be the reason for this?Community AnswerEither a lack of bee activity in your yard or excessive heat could be the cause.
QuestionWill pinching/cutting back the vines encourage bigger gourds?Community AnswerPinching back the vine will bring you more female flowers, not bigger gourds.
QuestionWill my gourds grow in the shape of a cucumber if I don't train them to grow another shape?Community AnswerNo. Gourd shapes depend on the variety types. When purchasing your seeds, read the type descriptions carefully. For instance, "bottle" gourds will naturally produce "bottle" shapes. "Dipper" gourds will produce long "handles" and round bases if hanging from a tall support. (Grown on the ground, they will have curled handles.) Loopha gourds grow to resemble giant cucumbers.
QuestionWhat is the best tool to use when cutting a gourd after it has dried?Community AnswerA Drimel kit works quite well and ensures more safety than using a knife. However, folks have used knives of some sort since humans began saving gourds to use as vessels for food storage and serving. To make a cut, always drill a "pilot" hole with either a bit or the pointed tip of a dull knife. The Drimel bits can also be used for beautiful surface carving work.
QuestionCan I grow gourds up a pole?Community AnswerYes, if you slant the pole at a 45 degree angle or attach horizontal bars to provide enough growing space for the gourds. Poles can be used to create a teepee shape, too.
QuestionHow do I cut designs on hard gourds?Community AnswerUse a sharp knife or a electric saw with a small blade. First draw the shape you want, then cut it.
QuestionWhat is wrong if my gourds have black spots on them?Community AnswerBlack spots are mold on the removable skin. Best is to soak in warm dish water about 15 - 30 minutes and scrub with wire cleaning brush. Some take a few times before they get clean.
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