Q&A for How to Hate a Person You Loved a Lot

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    How do I forget an ex?
    Community Answer
    Try to get rid of any material things that remind you of him. Stay positive, throw yourself into your work or studies, be successful. "Living well is the best revenge."
  • Question
    My ex hates me, how do I deal with that?
    Community Answer
    Just forget about him, if he hates you it's his problem. Distract yourself by living your life, hanging out with your friends, and working or studying hard. They say the best revenge is to live a good life, so focus on yourself and what makes you happy.
  • Question
    How can I forget both my ex and my best friend when they got together?
    Community Answer
    I am sorry that happened to you. I bet it hurt a lot. That being said, the best thing you can do is try to forgive them and keep yourself busy. It's easy to sit home and hate everything, and much harder to throw yourself into productive activities like an exercise class, a hobby, a club, etc., but you will find yourself much happier down the road. Try to be kind to yourself and those that hurt you.
  • Question
    What if you have no way of getting away from the person since you work near him/her?
    Community Answer
    Just treat the person as a friend - like nothing happened. Make him/her feel you're ignoring him/her. Make new friends and mingle with them. When you look at that person, try your level best to distract yourself by remembering something else that gives you pleasure.
  • Question
    My ex ditched me, saying that I am possessive, and now he acts like I am nothing to him - what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Move away from any toxic relationship. It's his loss. There are so many other men that would see the good in you!
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    Why do people lose interest in a relationship and take me for granted, disrespect me, and don't value me? What do I need to do?
    Community Answer
    Be more careful about who you get into a relationship with. It's best to get to know someone well and make sure you're compatible with each other before you commit to anything. Focusing on friendships rather than romantic relationships for a while might be helpful. If someone is a good friend to you, they'll likely be a good romantic partner as well (if you two are interested in each other in that way).
  • Question
    How do I forget someone that doesn't love me back?
    Community Answer
    You need to try to think about something else, and don't let your mind wander back to them. Find something else to distract you.
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    I'm scared of him leaving me, so I want to be the one to leave instead, but I have no interests or friends that I really care about, how can I find something that can distract me?
    Community Answer
    You have two problems here, and they're both really difficult. You shouldn't leave someone just because you're afraid of getting hurt. If you do this, it will become a pattern and you'll never be happy with anyone. Work on your confidence, because this is a self-esteem issue. Secondly, you need to put yourself out there and meet some people/gain some friends and also set some goals for yourself (through school, work, etc.) so that you have something going on in your life besides this relationship. The plus side is, when you find yourself meeting your goals, your self-esteem will improve. I'd also encourage you to talk to a mental health professional about these issues to try to get to the root of the problem.
  • Question
    She broke off our relationship without any reason, and I still love her. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You can try to talk to her to found out why she broke up with you to get closure. Try to move on and find someone else, there are other girls in this world. Find a girl to talk to, but remember you don't need to make a relationship right then and there, just let things happen naturally. If your ex broke up with you because she loves someone else, too bad for her it's her loss.
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    What can I do to get over a former love?
    Community Answer
    Focus on improving yourself, getting into a new hobby, improving your health, or increasing your knowledge of the world or a new topic. Even though it may seem difficult now, you’ll look back and be proud that you took steps to improve your well-being instead of focusing only on what could have been. Move forward, because we can’t change the past, but we can determine our futures.
  • Question
    How do I deal with my husband's behavior when he has an urge for sex, as he treats me like a princess and then changes back to his regular behavior afterwards?
    Community Answer
    Tell him straight out that you do not like his behavior, and he needs to change. Consider creating boundaries when he exhibits unwanted behaviors.
  • Question
    How can I get over my ex when I see her every day?
    Community Answer
    You just need to ignore her and focus your energy on your other friends, academics, and potential future relationships. If you can't stop seeing her, then you just have to force yourself to stop being distracted by her. It will take some time, so be patient with yourself.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm a Muslim but am in love with a non-Muslim?
    Community Answer
    Religion does not matter in love. If you really like him/her, it's your soul liking another soul. Souls do not consider religion, caste etc.
  • Question
    What do I do when a relationship had to end because one of the people had a "mental disorder," and we are both still very much in love and want to be together?
    Community Answer
    Acknowledge that maybe one of you has to work on yourself for a little bit, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. If one's emotional distress is causing the other to hurt as well, one must consider that maybe time to work on oneself is needed before being able to give the other the love and attention they deserve. Focus on something else besides this relationships for a while. If it is meant to be, it will happen.
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    How do I avoid him when he is my classmate and part of many gatherings I attend?
    Community Answer
    Just distance yourself from him as far as possible. If he notices the silence and it upsets him, good for you.
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    A guy I was dating broke up with me for my best friend, even though he promised that he wouldn't break up with me. I loved him with everything I had and I'm hurting a lot. How can I let go?
    Community Answer
    You just have to let go of the relationship because he does not value you. If he did value you he would not have left you for your best friend. Just have it at the back of your mind that you are better than your best friend that he left you because a better person is coming for you. You don't need to stress yourself during this period he broke up with you––live your to the fullest and have fun. Get yourself occupied with work, studies, outings and friends.
  • Question
    How do I stop someone from lusting over me when I just want them as a friend?
    Community Answer
    Be very direct with them that you only want friendship and are not interested in anything else. Give them one chance to show that they honor and respect your wishes and can be a true friend with nothing else in mind. If they go back to pressuring you with their sexual interest in you, end the connection once and for all.
  • Question
    I had this crush but she didn't like me back. The problem is she was one of my best friends. Now she is mean to me and ignoring me. I am so mad because I didn't do anything wrong, but part of me still loves her. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try letting her know that you've noticed that she seems upset with you and you value her friendship and want to know if you did something to upset her. If she isn't honest with you and continues to ignore and be mean to you, that shows she probably doesn't see you as a best friend. Look for new people to make friendly connections and friendships with people who like you back and who you can trust. It might make you feel better to try some new interests and hobbies to balance out your life and take the focus off your former crush.
  • Question
    I used to like this guy but he has a girlfriend and I think he likes my best friend. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    When we like someone, it's hard to ignore our feelings. But since he has a girlfriend and interests in other people, it would be a waste of time and emotions to pursue a romance with him. Plus, if he already has a girlfriend, and might end up cheating on her with someone else, what kind of boyfriend would he make for you? Focus on your friendships with other people, interests, and hobbies and don't waste your time on him. If in the future he is single, then you might consider approaching him, but don't assume he will be available to you.
  • Question
    I know that my boyfriend loves me a lot, but he has broken the relationship just because he wants to be alone. And I know that within some time, he will again come back to me only. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Move on, or talk. If someone breaks up repeatedly, and always comes back, they won't change. Talk to him about why, how, and find closure. If he truly loves you, he will understand that relationships need to be open, and built on trust. A relationship is two people, not one just starting whenever he wants.
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