Q&A for How to Interact With People

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    I wish to interact with people, but I don't know what to talk about. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask the people questions about themselves.
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    When I talk to someone I can't focus on my words, so I speak with a trembling voice. How can I overcome this?
    Community Answer
    Start talking in shorter, easy to say and clear sentences. Practice a lot and you'll gain confidence and be able to speak for longer periods of time.
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    What should I do if I like a girl and I am afraid to start a conservation with her? How do I know that she is interested in talking to me?
    Danny Seymour
    Community Answer
    Find a common point of interest. It doesn't have to be anything big. Maybe you're both in the bookstore and you notice that she's in the fiction section, you can say something short about how you like fiction books. You can find out if she is interested in talking to you by her tone of voice, body language, level of eye contact, facial expressions, and overall the level of attention she is giving to you. A simple thing you can also try is, after making an initial comment, say, "Hi my name is _____." If she follows up and tells you her name, she's probably interested in continuing the conversation.
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    What should I do if I feel like I'm being ignored by my friends and don't know why?
    Community Answer
    Do not jump to conclusions. At the same time be a little observant about your behavior and theirs. Become quieter, but remain pleasant and considerate. You will soon be able to figure out what is actually happening. You could talk to one of them about the situation as well. In the end, remember that relationships cannot be forced, give it time, be independent and gracious.
  • Question
    How can I interact with friends?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them about shared interests. If you're not sure what their interests are yet, ask. People love to talk about themselves, so get them talking and they will soon feel the need to reciprocate and ask you about your life.
  • Question
    How can I learn to converse with other people better if I'm always worried about being dumb?
    Community Answer
    Be more confident in yourself. You never know what you are capable of until you try. You may find that others think your contributions to discussions are interesting, worthwhile, and important. Besides, those kinds of conversations can be a great opportunity to widen your knowledge about different subjects which might help your confidence in the future.
  • Question
    Doesn't telling us to talk to strangers contradict with everything we heard as children? So many things could go wrong.
    Community Answer
    That advice is for children specifically, not meant to apply for a person's entire life - it's meant to protect children from adults who could potentially prey on them. When you're grown up, you can talk to anyone you want to, and by that point you should be wise enough to know what types of people and situations you should avoid. Talking to strangers is how you get to know new people. The vast majority of people are harmless, and merely talking to a person rarely does any harm.
  • Question
    How can I get people who obviously hate me to start liking me? I also don't like them.
    Community Answer
    You need to show respect and kindness first. Pray for God to help you to learn to like them, if you cannot find it within yourself to do so.
  • Question
    What should I talk when there's no topic to talk about?
    Community Answer
    There are many things to talk about to other people. Things like the weather, their interests, their family. Just don't get too personal or nosy.
  • Question
    What do I do if I feel that I have nothing to talk about that would interest my friends?
    Community Answer
    Friendships should be based in part on mutual interests. If you feel you don't have things to talk about with your friends, maybe you should consider finding new friends. Otherwise, try to show interest in your friends, ask their opinions on things, and talk about things they like talking about.
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    How can toddlers start a conversation with people?
    Community Answer
    They won't, generally, unless you yourself push him into speaking to others. Try asking your toddler questions that you know they can answer in front of other people. Let him get comfortable with speaking in front of other people; you may be surprised to find how quickly he picks up the art of conversation.
  • Question
    How am I supposed to talk when they don't consider the fact that I'm talking? And sometimes they just bully and I don't know how to overcome that fear when I get to talk.
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about them, clearly if they don't want to listen they're not interested in you and are not worth your time.
  • Question
    What should I do if it seems that the person is not interested in talking to me?
    Community Answer
    You can try to get the person to interact with you, but it may just be best to leave them alone.
  • Question
    How can I become a part of someone's group knowing that they don't like me much?
    Community Answer
    Trying talking to them individually and then over time, ease your way into hanging out with them. Act like them but still be yourself. If you get rejected, keep smiling.
  • Question
    I want to be able to entertain people, but how? How do I make my interactions entertaining?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If a friend says, "You look great in green, only wear green when you go out with me" and another says the same about red, what will you do if the three of you go out together? It's a very good idea to want to be entertaining, funny and kind in your interactions, but don't spend too much time thinking about what other people find entertaining; think about what you like, and look for the people who like that too. Whatever you come up with that you think is entertaining, some will like it, but most will not. But at least you'll have something in common with those who like it.
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    What topics can we talk about?
    Community Answer
    Anything that makes the person seem interested. For some it may be music, for some it could be politics. It's a wide arena, here. Also, if you compliment someone, chances are the conversation might just take a sweet turn. Just keep it interesting.
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    How do I interact with people if I'm shy?
    Community Answer
    It's tough, but you just have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. The more frequently you do it, the easier it will get. Use the tips in this article, and start with small, easy interactions using small talk. Say "Hi, how are you." If you're talking to a new person, introduce yourself and tell them your name. Talk about the weather, sports, school, music, anything light and easy to chat about. Try to initiate one conversation every day and you'll feel more comfortable before you know it.
  • Question
    What is the reason when I am talking with friends I sometime lack out of words?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There's only so many words in the dictionary, so theoretically all conversations must end for lack of words. Or, compare it to keeping up a soccer ball: it falls down sometimes, but when it does, you try again. Consider also that they're your friends - it's ok to mess up, they'll forgive you. It's also ok to be quiet from time to time, in each other's company. Finally, sometimes words do indeed not come to us immediately. There's a lot of psychological science behind that, you know a word, but can't think of it when you want it. That happens to everyone, so we all know and understand when it happens to you.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have no friends?
    Top Answerer
    Search for places and situations to meet new people. Start or participate in a conversation. Making friends takes time, to make it happen, you have to put effort and interest to the person, to do this, listen and be respectful to each other.
  • Question
    What do I do when my inability to talk is medical?
    Community Answer
    Try smiling all the time, and give people a hand when they need it. You don't need to be able to talk to communicate, maybe you could even bring along an iPhone and when you want to say something type it in and have the computer read it aloud.
  • Question
    How do I interact with people? My autism is the problem for me.
    Community Answer
    I have autism as well and here are a few things that have helped me! Firstly, observing how other people interact with one another and picking up jokes, idioms, mannerisms, etc. that you like. This helps your speech sound more natural and inviting. Secondly, if you can, get involved with theater, tabletop games, or anything else that requires performing as a character. It’s a fun way to improve at following dialogue patterns, and it also helps a ton with body control.
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