Q&A for How to Make English Tea

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  • Question
    What is the big difference in breakfast tea and afternoon tea?
    Michael Hoffman
    Community Answer
    Breakfast tea has a stronger flavor and higher caffeine content.
  • Question
    Is Twinings a good brand of tea?
    Community Answer
    Twinings has been around for over 300 years, so they are certainly one of the more reputable brands of tea available.
  • Question
    What are some suggestions for the best biscuits/cakes to have with tea?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the tea, but for a black tea, you might enjoy a digestive, a sultana or a shortbread biscuit. For an Earl Grey, try a slice of jaffa (chocolate and orange) cake to highlight the bergamot notes in the tea.
  • Question
    What if you don't want to put sugar in?
    Community Answer
    Sugar is a choice, not a must-have. Don't add the sugar if you don't want it, many tea drinkers don't use sugar and much prefer it that way. Or, you might like to use a sugar-free substitute such as stevia.
  • Question
    I want to use tea leaves. Do I use a strainer?
    Community Answer
    Definitely, for if you don't the leaves will float around the cup and they're not pleasant to drink down with the liquid. There are many single-cup or teapot tea leaf strainers available and some of them are cute enough to collect if you love all things tea.
  • Question
    Do I have to add milk?
    Community Answer
    No. The tea will have a stronger flavor if you do not add milk though.
  • Question
    What about half and half or cream, do the British use these products in tea?
    Community Answer
    Cream isn't usually put in tea. The fat and heavier content of the cream can sometimes ruin the whole cup of tea. Half and half, however, is put in tea by some people. But in the end, either is acceptable to put in your cup. After all, it's your cup of tea and your taste preferences.
  • Question
    Is it ok (tastewise) and socially acceptable to reuse a tea bag?
    Michael Hoffman
    Community Answer
    For your own use, it's fine, though uncommon, and it won't be as flavorful. It's bad manners to give a guest a used tea bag. In fact, guests should be afforded the pleasure and quality of loose tea.
  • Question
    What are the best brands of tea?
    Community Answer
    The first bullet under Step 1 suggests some English brands. If you're in the U.S., you can try Bigelow, Twinings, Dilmah, or Harney & Sons.
  • Question
    How many teabags do I need?
    Community Answer
    Normally one per mug, or a minimum of two for a pot. Tastes vary, so experiment to see what you like!
  • Question
    Should I use cold or hot milk?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't really matter because it mixes with the hot tea. Cold milk will cool down the tea more quickly.
  • Question
    Why does my tea turn gray when I add milk?
    Community Answer
    You didn't let it steep enough. It will be brown after you add milk if you've let it steep long enough.
  • Question
    What does the milk do to the tea? Does it change the flavor in any way?
    Community Answer
    It dilutes to the tea so its taste isn't as strong, and it gives the tea a creamier, mellower flavor.
  • Question
    Does the milk have to be hot?
    Community Answer
    No, the milk can be any temperature. It will get hot once blended with the hot tea.
  • Question
    Should I add milk before or after I remove the teabag?
    Community Answer
    You should add milk after you remove the tea bag.
  • Question
    Should I use sweetened condensed milk instead of milk?
    Community Answer
    No, because you have to wait a few minutes for the tea to brew.The water will get slightly cooler than earlier, so if you use sweetened condensed milk, it won't dissolve. Also, the tea will end up being quite sticky.
  • Question
    What can I do with leftover tea in the pot?
    Community Answer
    It can be used as a substitute for the liquid in baked goods or dishes such as pot roast. You can also just discard it.
  • Question
    Should I add hot water to the milk powder first?
    Community Answer
    Use it as you would coffee-mate powder. Just add a teaspoon at a time, until you get to your desired liking.
  • Question
    What do you mean by "fully sterilized" milk? How do I shop for that?
    Community Answer
    Whole milk. Usually marketed as "Vitamin D Pasteurized Whole Milk," it can be purchased at the local market.
  • Question
    Can I use half and half instead of milk?
    Community Answer
    Yes, although this may weaken the flavour of the tea.
  • Question
    What type of tea bag should I use?
    Community Answer
    If you're asking about the actual bag itself, I recommend trying Clipper's bags, which are natural and more earth-friendly than the normal paper ones. However, any type of tea bag would work, really.
  • Question
    Can I use Newman's Own Chamomile Tea, even though it has no caffeine?
    Community Answer
    It depends if you want caffeine in your tea. If you use a tea without caffeine, have it before bed, rather than as a morning pick-me-up.
  • Question
    Do I have to have milk and sugar to have real English tea?
    Evie Garcia Phillips
    Community Answer
    Many English tea drinkers put milk and sugar in their tea, but also many don't. It's your decision whether you want it or not.
  • Question
    Is an electric kettle better than a stove kettle?
    Community Answer
    Yes. This can help you reduce the boiling time, saving money and taking care of the environment.
  • Question
    Why do some in Britain feel that adding the milk to the cup before the tea, allowing it to mix, is improper?
    Community Answer
    It is viewed as improper because it cools down the tea when adding it to the cup, meaning its harder to dissolve sugar in.
  • Question
    I thought you were supposed to put milk in the cup first, then pour the tea. Does it matter?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't really matter. Adding the milk second is traditional - this is thought to scald the milk, but unless you have a very refined palate or you use a lot of milk and hardly any tea, you won't taste the difference.
  • Question
    How many degrees should the milk be?
    Top Answerer
    The milk is usually added cold, between fridge and room temperature. You could try heating it a little if you like, but not too much, or it could get scalded (changing the flavour) or separate.
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