Q&A for How to Make a Magic Wand

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  • Question
    Does a wand need to be shaped a particular way?
    Community Answer
    Use whatever wood you prefer and make your wand look however you want. The wand is just a tool to focus your energy, as the magic comes from within you.
  • Question
    Will the wood rot? If so, how do you prevent it?
    Community Answer
    It usually won't rot if you choose a good wood to make the wand with. You can treat the wood with oil and various herbs to help prevent rot.
  • Question
    Can a 12-year old student create and use a wand?
    Community Answer
    There is no reason why not. Give the one here a try first and see how it goes.
  • Question
    Is peeling the bark off necessary?
    Community Answer
    Not at all. Many people peel the bark off because they feel it makes the wand look neater and feel more comfortable. You can leave the bark on, if you wish.
  • Question
    Is magic required to make a magic wand?
    Community Answer
    That's up to you -- it really depends on the end use. If you want magic to transfer automatically, realize that everyone has their own magic inside of them. Try to channel your energy and good thoughts into the wand. Just believe in magic and it'll work.
  • Question
    What if I find a stick, and I seem to connect with it, but I don't know what tree it came from? How do I leave the offering?
    Community Answer
    Leaving an offering is not necessary. If you want to, though, you could thank the deities you worship or just the earth for bringing it to you and leave an offering for them.
  • Question
    Is it okay for a deaf person to use a magic wand?
    Community Answer
    There is no reason why a deaf person could not use a magic wand. You are still sending your intentions out into the universe, you can equally do that using sign language as you can do it using verbal incantations.
  • Question
    Do you have to add feathers?
    Community Answer
    No. You can use any personal ornamentation.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to use a crystal or can I use something else?
    Community Answer
    It is recommended to use a crystal to cleanse your wand as it helps get rid of negative energies. If you are talking about decorating, then no, you don't need to use a crystal. Your wand should be personal to you, meaning you can decorate and personalize it however you want!
  • Question
    Do you have to have anything at the end of your wand?
    Community Answer
    Most people choose to place a crystal at the end of their wands, but this isn't mandatory.
  • Question
    Can I do whatever I want with this wand?
    Community Answer
    Of course. It's your magic, you should be able to do any spell you wish with your wand.
  • Question
    Will my magic wand work like the one in Harry Potter?
    Community Answer
    No. Real magic is nothing like movie magic. Please do more research on magic and witchcraft.
  • Question
    What if I can't find a crystal?
    Community Answer
    You can buy a crystal online or from stores that sell educational/learning/science toys for children. Look for stores that include "Discovery" or "Learning" in their names. Gift shops often sell crystals as well.
  • Question
    Do you need a wand to be a Wiccan?
    Community Answer
    No, a wand is not necessary, though it can be helpful.
  • Question
    Is sandpaper really that necessary?
    Community Answer
    If you want a smooth finish to your wand, then yes. Keep in mind that some sticks will appear smooth after you peel the bark off, so you might not even need sandpaper.
  • Question
    Will this work for witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will. Just as long as the tree and branch have chosen YOU, instead of you choosing them, then it will work wonders.
  • Question
    Will I get sick or anything if the wand breaks?
    Community Answer
    No, you won't.
  • Question
    Is crystal necessary?
    Community Answer
    It is recommended, as many crystals have different abilities in them.
  • Question
    Would I be able to use magic, like in Harry Potter ?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, this wand won't cast spells, like in Harry Potter. This is because Harry Potter spells defy the laws of physics, which is impossible to do. It can be used to aid in casting other types of spells, however, such as casting a circle or creating a book of shadows.
  • Question
    Will it actually work and give you magic?
    Community Answer
    The wand isn't the source of magic. You are. When you use the wand, it only makes it easier. It's like a spoon stirring soup: you're still the origin of the stirring. And you could stir without it -- it would simply be less efficient. It will work, but it won't give you magic. You already have magic.
  • Question
    Can girls do this?
    Beatriz Menoli
    Community Answer
    I'm a female and a witch, so yes, girls can do it. But you need to study magic before starting to practice.
  • Question
    How I can cast a spell or use the wand?
    Community Answer
    Casting a spell is fairly simple. The main ingredient in a spell is faith; without faith a wand is useless. As the wand transfers the faith, or energy, of the spell it is proper to point the wand at the object or person as you invoke the words of the spell. Bear in mind that a wand is not necessary, you can just use your hand, but a wand is recommended.
  • Question
    Can a regular human girl use a magic wand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, anyone can be a magic bearer, but like Uncle Ben said, "with great power comes with great responsibility".
  • Question
    How do I activate my wand?
    Community Answer
    You can activate your wand by putting your own magic in it. Hold it while thinking of whatever it is you want to accomplish.
  • Question
    Are there spells to use with this wand? If yes, then can we do real magic with wand or is it just for playing little fake tricks?
    Community Answer
    It really depends if you find the magic within you.
  • Question
    Can I use the wand I create to perform a ritual to fight off a demon?
    Community Answer
    You can use the wand to hold ritual, yes. Fighting off a demon is heavy and potentially dangerous work in which you may or not use a wand though, depending on what you find most convenient. Your victory against a demon depends on your power, not on the wand alone. It can be of help at most.
  • Question
    Which crystals should I use for my wand?
    Community Answer
    Use crystals that best resonate with you. You can also make multiple wands for different things and use a crystal that resonates with the intention of the use of the wand.
  • Question
    Can I sand the wand if I haven't taken the bark off?
    Community Answer
    You can sand the wood if the bark isn't taken off, but this will ultimately take the bark off anyway, so it's your choice. To create nice patterns, you could sand some bark off and leave some on.
  • Question
    Do I need parent supervision?
    Community Answer
    If you are under the age of thirteen, you should probably have some type of parent supervision.
  • Question
    Which spells can this wand cast?
    Community Answer
    Any spells that abide within the physical laws of our third dimension reality, because magic cannot transcend these laws.
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