Q&A for How to Persuade Someone

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    How do I persuade my friends to let me in on something I am unaware of? They refuse to tell me what it is.
    Community Answer
    If they don't want to let you on something, let it be that way. If they're excluding you unfairly, then you may want to weigh the value of those relationships. But they may be leaving you out for a good reason, in which case, make peace with the fact that you don't (and can't) always know everything.
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    How do I ask someone to be partners with me for school?
    Nupur Goyal
    Community Answer
    First try to help him/her as much as you can, then ask him/her.
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    When I want to do a group project but somebody asks "What do I get out of it?", what should I answer?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It's normal to ask that. After all, the person is investing time and effort. Many people are more than willing to do something for the sole benefit of others, but it's good to know what's what. At the very least, the people in the project get the satisfaction of knowing they contributed to a project that helped others.
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    How do I persuade someone to let me go somewhere?
    Community Answer
    It depends on who the someone is. If it's your parents, promise them good behavior and grades.
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    How can I persuade someone to go to the doctor's for their own health, I don't know how to approach them?
    Community Answer
    Make sure they know your advice comes from a place of care and concern on your part. Try relating a story about someone else you know who either had a bad outcome from neglecting medical care or a great one that would've turned out poorly had they not gotten care. If you don't have a first or secondhand account, research their issue from reliable online medical sites, and forward or bring them the printouts that show skilled professionals giving the same advice. Another option is to get a home call by a doctor.
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    How do I persuade a client to buy a product?
    Community Answer
    Gain their attention by outlining the benefits and features of the product. Tell them the positive aspects of the product and have ready answers for difficult questions about the product.
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    How can I persuade my parents to send me to ballet classes? They don't really like dancing.
    Community Answer
    Come up with several good reasons why you would like to take ballet classes, such as it's great exercise and it's an ideal way to express yourself. If they are worried about the expense or level of commitment needed, do some research first so you have the facts to argue with rather than losing your argument because you aren't sure.
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    How do I persuade someone not to leak my nudes?
    Yew Ning Xuan
    Community Answer
    Tell the person how much you trust him/her, to somehow make the person thinks that you leaked your nudes only for that person. However, this might be really risky. Next time, make sure that the person whom you leaked the nudes is trusted by you.
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    When we're on a trip together, my friends want to stay out really late, while I think it's unsafe to do that. They might go out and leave me on my own. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell them firmly you do not believe it will be safe to do this. If they don't listen, and if you are under care from an adult, tell that adult that they are planning to do this and you believe this will not be safe. That adult will surely listen to you and prohibit your friends from going out.
  • Question
    How can I persuade someone who doesn't want to listen or give time to me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Persuasion is not to convince by force. If someone thinks 2 + 2 = 5 and simply does not want to listen to your input, then it ends. Give up, leave the person be and focus your energy elsewhere.
  • Question
    What if being persistent becomes annoying?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    When people are wrong, and you know but they don't, then some persistence may be needed, even pushing things a little across some boundaries, because you already now know they will agree once they'll have listened. However, if they insist on not listening, then it ends. It is not acceptable to insist beyond reason, even if you know they're wrong. Leave them be, focus your energy on someone else.
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    How do I convince my parents to let my dog inside when there's bad weather?
    Community Answer
    Many dogs are afraid of thunderstorms and bad weather. It is just as frightening to them as it is to some people. Like us, they are social beings. When you bring a dog into your home, it sees itself as part of your family. To be isolated from its family, the dog perceives as punishment, and that does psychological damage. Tell your parents the dog is afraid and needs to stay with its family to feel safe.
  • Question
    How to convince a prospect to take my company to work on the project they are busy with when I have limited experience but am willing to do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Emphasize that, with you as with any other, their project will get done and done well. Businesses have people running them, and people you can talk to. People like to do good for others, so emphasize that their choice to select you, will help you grow. Show enthusiasm but don't mention it, to some it's become a standard word that doesn't really persuade anymore. Be confident in your pricing. You can offer a discount, but why would you? The work costs what it costs, doing it for less doesn't always convince.
  • Question
    How can I persuade a family member to let me play a certain video game?
    Top Answerer
    Talk to the family member and point out your current successes, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Ask him/her about their concerns. Then offer to perform a task or achieve a goal in exchange for play privilege.
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