Q&A for How to Play Mexican Train Domino Game

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  • Question
    Do doubles count more at the end of the game?
    Community Answer
    No. Doubles only count for face value, except for the double blank, which is generally scored as 50.
  • Question
    What is the number score for each domino?
    Community Answer
    The number score is equal to the total of the pips on it.
  • Question
    How many points do the blank tiles count for?
    Community Answer
    We have always counted the double blank domino as 50 points. Some others count it as 25 points.
  • Question
    How is a Mexican train different from a personal train?
    Community Answer
    A Mexican train may be played on by anyone having the correct tile. Your personal train can only be played on by yourself unless it has a marker placed on it.
  • Question
    If a double is played by another player, and I have not started my own train, am I required to cover the double? Or am I passed?
    Community Answer
    You must back up the double and start your own personal train at your next turn. You can wait as long as you want to start your personal train. (If you choose to wait, you can play other available trains.)
  • Question
    If a double is played on the first train made by a player, the next player must cover it. Doesn't seem fair that they are punished for someone else's issue. Do they still get to start their train, and if not, why not?
    Community Answer
    Yes they can start their train whenever they can. Which could be their next turn or whenever they get the starting piece.
  • Question
    What do you actually use the train pieces for?
    Community Answer
    The train pieces that come in some sets is used instead of pennies to mark a train that is available to anyone to play on. Each player picks a color to use on their train when they can't play a domino.
  • Question
    Are blanks also "wild cards"?
    Community Answer
    No, you can consider a blank as a zero, which must be matched with another zero side of a bone.
  • Question
    If another player ends their turn with a double, but their train is not open to the public, must the next player place the tile on that unopened train?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely, that double needs to be satisfied. Once played, that train can return to be non-open to other players. The original player could have satisfied the double by playing a tile somewhere else, therefore his marker did not go up = made the train public. However, if the player who played the double could not satisfy it anywhere and after drawing from the boneyard could not play, then his marker would have gone up, i.e., making his train open until he plays a tile on it.
  • Question
    Do I HAVE to play on another person if I have a matching tile, or can I hold it, draw, and maybe use it at a more advantaged time in the game?
    Community Answer
    You always have to play it if you can.
  • Question
    Can the blank tiles be used as any number?
    Community Answer
    No. The blank tiles represent 0. There are many tiles in the set with a blank end, therefore it is possible to match a 0 to a 0.
  • Question
    What if I play two doubles, do I need to satisfy them both?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they must be satisfied in the order that they were played. Only one must be satisfied at a time.
  • Question
    Can there be multiple Mexican trains in a single game?
    Community Answer
    There is usually only one Mexican train in a single game. If you are playing a "just for fun" game, however, you can always change the rules and include more Mexican trains.
  • Question
    Can you end the game with a double without following it up?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the game ends instantly once your final piece is played. The only exception is if you go out on your first turn. In this case, the remaining players play until everyone has completed their first turn and then scoring follows.
  • Question
    What are the little cabooses for?
    Community Answer
    If you cannot play on any trains, you put one on your train. Other players can play on your train as long as the caboose is on it. Once you play on your train, you take the caboose off.
  • Question
    Can your original train from your draw be held in your hand and started after the first round, or must you play your starter tile off the double on your first round if you have one?
    Community Answer
    You can hold your train as long as you want, you do not have to start it if you have one.
  • Question
    If a player is unable to open, and someone plays a double (forcing them to play), can they still play their train on their next turn or do they have to play one tile at a time?
    Community Answer
    After someone plays a double and is unable to answer to it, each player must either answer it with the corresponding number. If they are unable to, they have to draw one of the remaining dominoes that's not being used and try to respond to it one tile at a time. All players must try for the double on every turn until it's answered to.
  • Question
    What happened if I was double-played and no one can satisfy it?
    Community Answer
    People draw from the bone pile, and if they can use that piece on the double they do (or keep it if they can't), then play proceeds to the next person.
  • Question
    Must I add the starters on the board, or hold them to use in my train?
    Community Answer
    You may hold them to use, but you must start your train with another domino with the starter number.
  • Question
    If I am playing on my own train, can I also play on another?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can switch in between any and all trains (except others who don't have their train up) while you are playing.
  • Question
    There seems to be a lot of contradictions in the rules depending on who you ask. For instance, in these questions above, it implies that I don't have to play a "playable" tile. Is this correct information?
    Community Answer
    If you have a playable tile, you MUST play it. If you have more than one playable tile, you may play any of them. You MUST play on a double first if you have multiple plays.
  • Question
    When I put down a double, do I satisfy one or both sides of it when playing dominoes?
    Community Answer
    Just one side. Obviously, both sides are identical. If it's a double two, for example, the double is satisfied with one more two. The other side can be anything.
  • Question
    Can I go out if my train is up?
    Annette Francis
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you run out of all the dominoes in your hand, you can go out regardless of your train's status.
  • Question
    How do I play the blank tiles? Do I match them, or are they wild?
    Community Answer
    You match them, they count as 0 points each.
  • Question
    Can a player have two trains?
    Community Answer
    Yes, in some other variations of the game. Always set the house rules before starting a game.
  • Question
    If a player ends their first train with a double, does the double have to be satisfied immediately?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the double must be satisfied. If the player that plays a double cannot satisfy it, then all of the other players must attempt to do it.
  • Question
    If I have two doubles on the last play, can I play them and go out, or does one need to be satisfied?
    Community Answer
    Before playing another one, the first double must be satisfied. Even if you satisfy it with a regular, non-double tile, you must wait until your next turn to play the other one.
  • Question
    Why do I have duplicate dominoes in a double 9 set, sixes and below?
    Community Answer
    There should never be any duplicate dominoes on any set. There are 55 dominoes in a double nine set. Any more than that means you have dominoes from another set mixed in, or they are spares. In any case, duplicates should be removed before playing.
  • Question
    If there are no more tiles in the bone yard, and no one has gotten out, does the game continue until none of us can put down a tile?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If it comes to a point where there aren't any players left that are able to put a tile down, then add up the total of your remaining dominoes, and the person with the smallest number wins that round.
  • Question
    If I have a marker on my train, can I play on another player's train?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if your train is open or public, and you draw a tile from the boneyard that can be played on the Mexican train or any other open or public train, you may play it there. Your train can only be closed or made private again if you play the domino on your own train.
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