Q&A for How to Play the Hunger Games Outdoor Game

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    How would the "starving to death" aspect of the game work?
    Community Answer
    You could make rule that if a fake day or two passes and that player has had no food or water for that time then they are dead.
  • Question
    If it is based on the Games, then what about the feast, caves, and mutts? What is a good way to do these if we are limited to part of a neighborhood?
    Jon Coomer
    Community Answer
    For the feast, get the announcer / game-maker to gather some of the spare / unused supplies or supplies from dead tributes, then have that person place them at mid or where ever the feast will take place, then they announce that location and the feast to the other people that are still alive via the walkie-talkies / texting.
  • Question
    How do we know when we run out of food or water?
    Community Answer
    When your fake "first to third day" has passed, it means any player who hasn't consumed their rations is considered dead.
  • Question
    If I die and get tired of lying on the ground, can I get up and watch the game?
    Community Answer
    Of course, you can. But there's a rule: you can't participate in the game besides sponsoring players.
  • Question
    Can there be two winners?
    Community Answer
    Based upon the rules of the game, no. However, it is your game, so you may adjust the rules as you desire.
  • Question
    Where do I get armor from?
    Community Answer
    You may make your own armor or purchase it online from a source like Amazon.com.
  • Question
    Is this appropriate for kids? I want them to have fun, but be safe and not get hurt.
    Community Answer
    It's appropriate for them if they know about Hunger Games and understand what they are in for. You can also adjust the game to make it less violent, if needed, for different age groups.
  • Question
    I live in a house by some woods, and I want to play the game for my party. My woods are not very dense, so should I go somewhere else to play?
    Community Answer
    I think that you could play it anywhere because in the books there are many different types of environments. A long as you have some trees, you'll be fine.
  • Question
    What if people break the rules and cry when they die?
    Community Answer
    Tell them that if they are going to be like that and break the rules, you cannot play with them.
  • Question
    How would the rest of the arena be alerted if a death took place?
    Community Answer
    It would be alerted by texting or walkie talkie. The announcer would text or call everyone on the chosen device and then you would know.
  • Question
    How do I make outfits for the tributes to wear?
    Community Answer
    Have the tributes wear black pants and dark tops and make mockingjay pins using wikiHow's mockingjay pin tutorial for them to wear.
  • Question
    What should I do if don't have a big place to play?
    Community Answer
    Ask your neighbors, or get your parents to take you to a large place, such as a sports field or track with bushes/trees.
  • Question
    What should I do for the mutts/hounds?
    Community Answer
    You could train your dogs to play, or use stuffed animals as a replacement. You could also just leave them out entirely and the game would still be fun.
  • Question
    Can you play this game with two people?
    Community Answer
    That would just be a duel, or sparring with toy weapons. Or, you could do a thing where you both can hunt each other by taking a certain amount of time to hide in some woods and then hunt and "kill" each other.
  • Question
    If there is a playground nearby, can I use that as the training area?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, as long as the playground isn't being used by anyone else at the time. If it is being used by others, you could invite them to play with you.
  • Question
    Is it fair if I am killed at the beginning of the game and the game lasts a few hours?
    Community Answer
    You are still dead because if this was real and you died then you can't just come back to life.
  • Question
    Can I put bandages onto the packs?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You can put anything you want as long as it doesn't make the game too easy.
  • Question
    How could I record for my YouTube channel?
    Community Answer
    Get a professional or mobile recording device and have someone be the camera man. You can use iMovie to edit, and, when you're finished, there's an "Upload to YouTube" button.
  • Question
    Can this game be played with two or three players?
    Community Answer
    It can be, but it is best if you have a minimum of 6 players, otherwise the Games will only be about 10 minutes long. If you have a large enough area with lots of places to hide, the game could potentially last longer with only a few players.
  • Question
    How can I make an arena in my backyard?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your budget. If you want cheap, try cardboard boxes stacked. If you have some excess cash (a few hundred dollars!), you can rent blow-up mazes from companies.
  • Question
    Can I play with just one other person?
    Community Answer
    You can, but it will be pretty short and possibly boring. You really need at least 3-4 people for this game to work properly.
  • Question
    How do I have a Hunger Games-themed party in the woods near my house if it's hunting season?
    Community Answer
    It would not be safe to do this during hunting season and could result in injury or death. Best to wait until hunting season is over.
  • Question
    What if I don't have enough friends to play this?
    Community Answer
    You could also play with your family members and neighbors if you don't have enough friends for the game. As a last resort, you could also just play the game by yourself and imagine that there are other people too.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone is a sore loser?
    Community Answer
    Remind them that everyone is there to have fun, and tell them if they can't play nice and accept a loss, they won't be allowed to play anymore.
  • Question
    I just moved to another country, with a language barrier, and I don't have any friends. How do I play Hunger Games when it's too cold outside, and I don't have much to do?
    Community Answer
    If you have any siblings, you can play with them. Otherwise, you can actually play by yourself. You will need a vivid imagination, and it might not be AS fun, but you can take a pack then find a place for a base and go "hunting". If you get food and do not die of starvation and do not get killed by other tributes (imaginary), then you win!
  • Question
    What do I use for swords, spears, etc.?
    Community Answer
    You can use cardboard or foam. Cut the shape you need, and paint and color it.
  • Question
    What if none of my friends can play and I really want to play the games?
    Community Answer
    There is no way to force your friends to play. Maybe you could find new friends who do want to play.
  • Question
    How do I throw a Hunger Games party on a budget?
    Community Answer
    It does not have to be thrown on a big budget, or any budget at all. for food, you could just use leftover snacks you do not want to use. You can always make swords and knives out of tools like cardboard and, if you worry about backpacks, you can just use paper bags from a store. You don't even have to use any money.
  • Question
    What if two people have a fight about whether a person died or not?
    Community Answer
    Then they obviously aren't mature enough to play a simple game like this. If somebody dies, then they should just be cool about it and accept death.
  • Question
    What if we don't have a big area to play in?
    Community Answer
    You could ask around or go to a public park. Or, to increase the challenges in the game, try playing in your home. Alternatively, you could set up boundaries around your yard and play within the yard and home.
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