Q&A for How to Pray to Invoke the Holy Spirit

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    How do I make my family believe in Christ if they don't want to believe in Christ?
    Community Answer
    You can't make someone receive a free gift -- you can only offer it to that person. Share the truth and then leave it alone and pray for the Holy Spirit to do the convincing. If your family members say no, respect that. Live an example before them and hope that they will eventually believe. Just don't be the person who has no respect and keeps pestering and asking.
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    How do I love my enemies?
    Community Answer
    Pray for them. Choose to see them how God sees them - he loves them. Just remember that you once led a sinful life before you became a Chrisitan, yet God showed us much love and sent Jesus to die for us. You can do it.
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    What does the word Amen means?
    Community Answer
    "So it shall be."
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    God is love, and is unchanging, so why did He kill people in the Old Testament?
    Community Answer
    Because in the Old Testament, the Israelites were God's chosen people, and when other people wanted to destroy the Jews, they threatened the chosen people and God had to defend them.
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    Why do we need to invoke the holy spirit in prayer?
    Community Answer
    Because the Holy Spirit Is the Person of the Trinity, who sanctifies the Christian and makes him/her holy.
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    Can a New Testament believer invoke the Holy Spirit?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a Christian may pray to invoke the Holy Spirit.
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    I want to worship in truth and spirit. What can I do to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
    Community Answer
    Ask and you shall receive! The Holy Spirit is a free gift to all of us. Ask the Holy Spirit for His presence. Just make sure you are sincere, and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is our Lord. Remember, you are loved.
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    How do I pray to regain my prophetic power that I lost somehow?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes God gives you things for a certain time for a certain reason. It is not a power, it is a gift, a gift that can be taken away.
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    How will I know I have been redeemed by God?
    Community Answer
    You will see it or feel it. God will show you when he does. And he will always answer you, though his timing may be different from what you hoped.
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    How do I pray for a loved one to change?
    Community Answer
    Ask Mary or any saint to pray for your loved one's redemption.
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    How can I help my son? He is depressed, always angry at everyone and blaming everyone for the pain he is going through. He is always getting sick. I'm not sure if he is into black magic.
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Take your son either to your priest/pastor, or a mental-health professional, and they will help treat your son.
  • Question
    Do I have to be Baptized to receive my Holy Spirituality?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Yes. Baptism is how one becomes Born Again in Christ the Lord. In Baptism, we die with Christ; are in the Tomb with Christ; and we rise again to New Life with Christ.
  • Question
    How can one speak in tongues?
    Madeleine Flamiano
    Community Answer
    Speaking in tongues is often considered a sign of incredibly strong faith. First, focus on praying to invoke the Holy Spirit. Pray all the Mysteries of the Rosary—including the Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous, and Glorious Mysteries—throughout the week. Commit to daily spiritual practice. Over time, the Holy Spirit may enter your body and allow you to speak in tongues.
  • Question
    We pray each night as a group. We are debating should we pray the Come Holy Spirit before our devotional prayers or after?
    Madeleine Flamiano
    Community Answer
    It's very effective to pray the "Come Holy Spirit" before your devotional prayers. That way, your congregation's hearts will be filled with faith and a love of the Lord.
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    How do I ask the Holy Spirit of a man is a suitable partner for me? We are from the same faith group, age, similar interests and social circle;yet both have traumatic pasts.
    Madeleine Flamiano
    Community Answer
    Try the Three-Day Miracle Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Meditate on your hope for clarity and seek God's wisdom regarding this man. Also ask for insight about how to bond with him and open up about your pasts. Then, pray to the Holy Spirit daily for three consecutive days. By the third day, you should receive an answer from the Lord.
  • Question
    Can Jesus heal and restore all I have lost?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you pray to him regularly and truly repent of all your sins. Also, attend church regularly.
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    How do I keep away from an addiction?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Pray the Holy Rosary daily, and it will strengthen your self control, so that you may be able to overcome addictions. If you still have problems, you should speak to your doctor, and he/she will recommend an addictions counsellor for you.
  • Question
    I have full faith in the existence of the Lord Heavenly Father, the Holy Sprit but does/can He listen to my cries of help?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Yes, He does. Be calm and God will come to your aid. It may seem that He Is far from you, but He is closer to you than you realize.
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    I have tried everything to hear God. What do I do?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Just keep calmly and gently praying to God. Even if you do not hear God (remember, not even St. Teresa of Kolkata always heard the voice Of God), He will certainly hear you, and will respond to your needs and He sees them.
  • Question
    I just happen to discover my gift yesterday. What do do so as not to lose it?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Pray to the Holy Spirit daily, so that He Will never Leave you. Many Christians also pray the Holy Rosary. This keeps the Christian's relationship with Christ very strong.
  • Question
    My best friend told me I am going to hell because I believe in the Old Testament and because I light candles sometimes and pray and believe in saints and have their statues. This is how I was raised.
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Your friend is ignorant of what Christianity is all about. Of course, you never said that your friend was even Christian. Therefore, he/she does not what what he/she is talking about.
  • Question
    When I pray I do it in tongue, what could I do with this gift. How can I make it stronger?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Pray the Holy Rosary regularly, and you will gradually grow stronger in the Spirit Of Almighty God.
  • Question
    How do we pray to the holy spirit first thing in the morning?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    See the second step in the article above for the answer for your question. It will open your heart and your mind to the Calling Of the Holy Spirit in your own life.
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