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Q&A for How to Program with VBScript
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QuestionWhat's the best software for hacking?Wizzwizz4Community AnswerThe best software for hacking (for beginners) is probably not VBScript. It is a complicated language that, whilst having some uses, is not really useful for tinkering with existing systems or building new programs. See How to Become a Hacker for more information.
QuestionDo I need VBScript on Windows 10?EnterlitCommunity AnswerYou need VBScript on all types of Windows computers. VBScript comes with the Windows operating system.
QuestionHow do I activate different parts of code on a certain day?Wizzwizz4Community AnswerFirst, detect which day it is. Next, compare that to the day that you want. Finally, put the code that you want to run on that day into the body of an if statement.
QuestionWhy is my basic script (before the variables) not working?Community AnswerMake sure you are using correct syntax. MessageBox will not work in the space of msgbox. VB is case sensitive, so make sure you write things out as they should be.
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