Q&A for How to Remove Grease or Oil Stains from Clothing

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    How do I get butter stains out of clothes?
    Rani Gorgis
    Laundry & Cleaning Specialist
    Rani Gorgis is a Laundry and Cleaning Specialist and the Owner of Park Blvd Laundry & Dry Cleaners in San Diego, California. With several years of experience in the laundry and cleaning industry, Rani specializes in dry cleaning, wash-n-fold, shirt laundry, and servicing smoke-damaged clothes. He holds a BS in Accounting and a CPA certification.
    Laundry & Cleaning Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Wipe away as much of the stain as possible with a paper towel. Use mild dish soap and warm water to wash the stain in the sink, and then place the item in the washer with regular laundry detergent on a warm water cycle.
  • Question
    How do you get rid of thick oil stains?
    Rani Gorgis
    Laundry & Cleaning Specialist
    Rani Gorgis is a Laundry and Cleaning Specialist and the Owner of Park Blvd Laundry & Dry Cleaners in San Diego, California. With several years of experience in the laundry and cleaning industry, Rani specializes in dry cleaning, wash-n-fold, shirt laundry, and servicing smoke-damaged clothes. He holds a BS in Accounting and a CPA certification.
    Laundry & Cleaning Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Apply baking soda to the stain and rub it in vigorously. Let it sit for half an hour and then brush it away. You can also spray a mixture of warm water and vinegar directly on the stain—just let it sit for a few minutes and then drop the item in the wash with warm water and regular laundry detergent.
  • Question
    How do you get a grease stain out of jeans?
    Rani Gorgis
    Laundry & Cleaning Specialist
    Rani Gorgis is a Laundry and Cleaning Specialist and the Owner of Park Blvd Laundry & Dry Cleaners in San Diego, California. With several years of experience in the laundry and cleaning industry, Rani specializes in dry cleaning, wash-n-fold, shirt laundry, and servicing smoke-damaged clothes. He holds a BS in Accounting and a CPA certification.
    Laundry & Cleaning Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Mix some baking soda with a little bit of warm water. Using circular motions, brush the mixture into the stain with a small bristle brush until you see the stain subside. Then, wash the jeans in a warm water cycle with regular laundry detergent. You can also add vinegar to the wash cycle to make sure that the stain is completely removed. To finish things off, dry the jeans on a low heat dryer cycle.
  • Question
    Can I use salt to soak up an oil stain?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It is a common absorbent, as are baby powder and cornstarch.
  • Question
    What if the item has already been washed and dried in the dryer? Is there still a chance these options will work?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how long you've left the stain, and how big or little it is. If it is small, you may have a chance of the item's survival.
  • Question
    Can I remove grease stains with hairspray?
    Community Answer
    Yes, first heavily douse your grease stain with hairspray, using a paper towel in between the fabric and the spray. Allow it to soak for thirty minutes, and then put it in the washing machine for a regular wash. Air-dry your clothes when finished in the washing machine, and you should be good to go!
  • Question
    What can a cook do to get the smells out of a uniform?
    Community Answer
    Try putting a quarter-cup of distilled white vinegar in the washer with your uniforms; this will strip away many of the odor-causing agents that laundry soaps may miss, as well as making the fabric softer, brightening whites and making colors more vivid, and keeping your washing machine cleaner. You might find it especially helpful to soak your work clothes in 1/2 cup vinegar in a gallon of water for a half-hour first.
  • Question
    What do you do if it is only oil spots?
    Community Answer
    This article is for oil-stain spots of any size and number on any washable piece of clothing, so you can have one stain or many, but you have to repeat some of the processes for each stain and then launder the item, as stated.
  • Question
    Can I use baking soda to scrub an oil stain out of clothing?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can use baking soda for this.
  • Question
    How do I remove stains of grease from a white t-shirt?
    Community Answer
    I work with machinery and get oil and grease stains frequently on my clothes. I wear white t-shirts almost exclusively because bleach seems to get them clean every time. My t-shirts are cotton. I wash them in bleach then rewash to get them smelling fresh. I always air dry them.
  • Question
    What if the item says "dry clean only"? The material is polyester and the stain has set in. I had it dry cleaned but they didn't get the stain out. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Usually dry cleaners use bleach free gentle stain removers that don’t always get grease and tough stains out. Most will redo the item free of charge to try to get the stain out again, but I would just try using a stain remover that doesn’t require using water.
  • Question
    Does hydrogen peroxide work on grease or oil stains?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but be careful as using too much might make the color of the clothing fade.
  • Question
    How can I remove a popcorn butter stain from a white shirt?
    Community Answer
    Completely cover the stain with Dawn dish soap. Rub in and set aside to dry. Wash normally in the washer, then air dry.
  • Question
    How do I remove grease stains from silk?
    Community Answer
    Sprinkle talcum powder over the area and slightly rub in. Leave overnight and wash as normal, repeating the process as required.
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    How do I remove grease stains from a down feather jacket if I can't use detergent?
    Community Answer
    Most down that I have encountered is washable in the washer, usually on a delicate setting, unless the fabric on the item is finicky. If the item material is washable, spot clean it first following the guide above, depending on material. Once you have completely removed the spot on the down item, place it with 2-3 clean tennis balls into the dryer on the low or air dry setting. The tennis balls keep the down fluffed while drying. The fluffing is vital. Use one dryer sheet to keep static out. Use any spot cleaner sparingly and follow their instructions.
  • Question
    What do I do if I washed and dried stained clothing, and I want to get rid of the stain?
    Community Answer
    Using your gas or electric dryer on high heat, or even medium heat, will set the stain. Unfortunately, it will be almost impossible at that point to get the stain out.
  • Question
    How do I remove car grease and oil stains from jeans?
    Community Answer
    Try Dawn dish detergent or WD-40.
  • Question
    I have a grease stain from food on a piece of clothing that I've already washed. Is there some way to treat it and get rid of it at this point?
    Paulette Jackson
    Community Answer
    My husband always gets grease stains on his clothes and washes them without my knowledge. When I find his shirts with grease stains have been washed and dried, I simply put Dawn dish detergent on the spot(s) and rub it into the material for a few seconds, then rewash in the washing machine on cold/warm and air-dry. This has always removed the old stains.
  • Question
    How do I remove ink stains from couch fabric? How do I remove hairspray?
    Community Answer
    Use rubbing alcohol to remove ink. It can be a little tricky depending on the size of the ink spot. For small spots like a pen mark, put some rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth and apply to the area. Then dab or press down firmly with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb it. The rubbing alcohol will break up the ink and bleed but don't panic. The ink will transfer onto the paper towel when you apply pressure to absorb the rubbing alcohol. Repeat the process until the ink is gone Be sure to use a clean part of the paper towel or cloth each time you dab and press down on the fabric, so you won't transfer ink back to the area.
  • Question
    Does the color fade if I use vinegar?
    Community Answer
    The answer would depend on the dyes used in the fabric. A test in an inconspicuous area is needed. Vinegar or any other acid would be ill advised for cotton, linen or hemp fabrics.
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