Q&A for How to Repel Chickens

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    When putting spices in yard to keep chickens from my flower beds, will rain or watering make it go away?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Yes, and it will eliminate the scent that discourages the chickens.
  • Question
    How often do I need to put out the spices?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend putting out the spices once a week. You may need to do it more often if you live in an area with frequent rain.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of crows?
    Community Answer
    A scarecrow, or mannequins may work. If it's a bird feeder issue, maybe use a smaller bird feeder for the birds you are feeding.
  • Question
    I have read that chickens cannot smell. Is that true? I spray a deer deterrent in my yard that reeks of garlic, but that does not faze them.
    Community Answer
    Chickens can smell, but they do not mind the smell of garlic. They will be attracted to anything that smells like food.
  • Question
    When do I separate young chickens from their parents?
    Community Answer
    If your hen hatched and is raising the chickens, she'll wean them off on her own when she's ready, usually at around 6 weeks, depending on the temperament of the hen. This also about the time they would be self-sufficient in the coop. Before that you will need to place them in a brooder if you remove them early. Unless you are breeding them, there's no need to remove them from the flock. If you are breeding them, you can separate them at any time, but remember sperm can live in a hen's oviducts for up to a month, so be sure to wait at least that long before collecting eggs that would be fertilized by another rooster.
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    How would shooting them with a BB gun work?
    Community Answer
    It would not work well and you should not do that. You will most likely end up hurting the chicken badly. Use the methods above instead.
  • Question
    My neighbor has free range chickens and they've been getting into my garden. What can I do? Does anyone know if moth crystals work?
    Zeta Whitmer
    Community Answer
    Whatever you do, do NOT put moth balls out, they can harm the chickens! I would first ask the neighbor to keep them away from your yard. If this doesn't work try putting out a hose or sprinkler. I know that my chickens hate water and will stay as far as they can away from it.
  • Question
    If I sprinkle spices (cinnamon, pepper, etc) in my garden, will the rain wash them away?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how long it is after you sprinkle the spices before it starts to rain. Most likely the spices will be mixed in with the dirt so they won't be washed away.
  • Question
    My neighbor keeps free-range chickens that come into my garden. I ask her to keep them away but they still continue to come onto my property. They're also hungry every time they're here. What should I do?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    If asking doesn't help then you'll need to take further measures by getting in contact with a ranger or your local council to see what they can do about the situation. And although chickens constantly forage for food throughout the day, if you think they aren't being fed properly then maybe get in contact with the SPCA. They will check out the chickens' welfare and also help with the ''trespassing'' situation. It helps to look into your local laws and regulations on chickens to see if they have to be cooped up or if they're even allowed. You can bring this up with the owner if she isn't following the rules.
  • Question
    Can you suggest a powerful water gun (shooting at least 60 feet) for repelling destructive, wild chickens? The chickens are too smart to depend on hoses & are adept at keeping their distance.
    Community Answer
    Using spices such as oregano, cinnamon, and paprika sprinkled in the yard should be enough to repel them. The water would only repel them for a short amount of time and the pressure of a long distance gun may be harmful to them.
  • Question
    My neighbors who live on the same property have several chickens, they use to stay in their coop, but for the last few months they have been getting out, and they poop everywhere, what can be done?
    Community Answer
    Getting a fence is an option, or sprinkling your yard with spices such as cinnamon, paprika, or oregano. Also, if you don't mind having a compost pile, citrus peels and juices ward off chickens as well.
  • Question
    Will diatomaceous earth harm chickens?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Natural diatomaceous earth is actually beneficial and recommended to help treat mites. It won't repel chickens, as it is used in their dust baths to kill and repel parasites on their skin.
  • Question
    Can I sprinkle potassium permanganate on my lawn to repel chickens?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't, as it may be harmful to the chickens. Use strong spices such as cinnamon, paprika, or oregano, or use citrus juices and peels.
  • Question
    My neighbors have over 45 chickens and they smell terrible. How can I stop my house from smelling?
    Community Answer
    You can try talking to your neighbors nicely about ways they can keep the smell to a minimum. You can also try spraying air freshener around your house.
  • Question
    I've read that snakes can get caught in the plastic fencing, so I'd like to keep it a few inches off the ground so as not to harm them. Will the chickens try to go under if I do that?
    Community Answer
    Chickens can slip under incredibly small spaces! Your chickens will make an escape if you do leave the plastic off the ground. Snakes are predators, wanting an easy chicken dinner.
  • Question
    Will it hurt other animals' feet, like our cats, if we sprinkle spices?
    Community Answer
    No, but you will have a dirty house. You can also try spraying the ground with lemon juice or lime juice. For maximum effect, you can even cut lemons or limes and scatter the fruit halves over the area. Chickens generally don't like the smell of citrus, and that smell might be enough to repel them.
  • Question
    My neighbor's chickens (6 to 8) of them come onto my porch and do their pooping. I've complained to the neighbor but to no avail. How can I run these chickens off my porch and out of my yard?
    Community Answer
    You can try spraying the ground with lemon juice or lime juice. For the maximum effect, you can even cut lemons or limes and scatter the fruit halves over the area. Chickens generally don't like the smell of citrus, and that smell might be enough to repel them. And tell your neighbor to fence them or you'll call the municipality.
  • Question
    Will peppermint oil deter chickens?
    Community Answer
    No, as it won't even deter insects. You can also try spraying the ground with lemon juice or lime juice. For the maximum effect, you can even cut lemons or limes and scatter the fruit halves over the area. Chickens generally don't like the smell of citrus, and that smell might be enough to repel them.
  • Question
    i live next to a family who has 6 chickens and it's near my fence midway down yard. The air in my yard smells and I can't stand it. I would like to smell nice air. What can I spray around?
    cottage goblin
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, spraying scents around could drift onto next door's grass and kill the chickens. It would also be temporary and ineffective at covering the smell up. Instead, ask your neighbor to make sure they clean out the coop regularly, as this likely the cause. If they refuse to be helpful, contact your local council or municipality, as there will be rules concerning keeping chickens and not causing problems for neighbors.
  • Question
    If I want my chickens to stop pecking each other, can I stop that by putting spices on them?
    Community Answer
    You would probably want to avoid putting anything on your chickens. For the most part, a little pecking in normal and healthy in a flock to maintain the pecking order. However, if you notice any blood or feather loss, then it is a sign to remove the aggressor from the flock temporarily. This should be avoided unless absolutely necessary though, as tampering with the pecking order will cause distress in your flock.
  • Question
    Do chickens like weeds and vegetable scraps?
    Community Answer
    You can certainly feed them vegetables if you want. Avoid feeding onion and garlic. As for weeds, you can let them outside for them to find their own weeds. Dandelion leaves are edible for chickens and you can feed them some too.
  • Question
    One chicken picks on all 5 new chickens. They are all in the same age group. Picks at the water stations, food stations. We have provided several available food places for this reason. What can you advise?
    Community Answer
    This is normal for the chickens to “bully” new chickens. One chicken may pick more than the other. Gradually the chickens will get together much better. If you’d like, separate them so you won’t have as much drama.
  • Question
    Our 2.5 acres of saplings and smaller plants has 240 yards bordering a neighbor with chicken that destroy our mulch, root systems and compost. is there a cheap, large-scale solution?
    Community Answer
    To prevent this chicken from messing up your plants, try putting up a fence or barrier (even if it is just some chicken wire with sticks in them). This should be about 4 feet up and along the property of the chicken.
  • Question
    We're trying to keep our chickens out of the flowerbeds in our garden (they have a free rein in the day). Would they be attracted to a dust-bath if we built one for them and what is best to put in it?
    Community Answer
    Chickens love dust baths! You can buy chinchilla dust from a store, or just give them sand or dirt for the bath. Fence off any areas you don't want the chickens invading.
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