Q&A for How to Ride a Roller Coaster

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    What if I have a stomachache?
    Community Answer
    Then it's probably best if you don't ride the roller coaster. Riding something like that while experiencing an upset stomach could lead to nausea or vomiting.
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    What if the roller coaster breaks?
    Community Answer
    That rarely happen, but all amusement parks have safety protocol in place that they follow in the event a ride breaks. Try not to worry about that too much.
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    If I vomit while on the roller coaster, should I throw up on my friend or myself?
    Community Answer
    Try to throw up away from both of you, over the edge of the ride. If you throw up on yourself you will most like smell very bad, and if you throw up on your friend, they may not want to be friends with you after that. These rides are at your own risk, so be careful!
  • Question
    Would a small vertical or corkscrew loop be as scary as a 300 ft. drop?
    Community Answer
    They would be way less scary! If you can manage a 300 ft. drop where you can't see where you are falling, a small loop where you can see the track ahead will be a piece of cake!
  • Question
    If I have a lot of stuff with me, where should I stash it so I don't lose it?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes there are bins or boxes that you can place loose articles in, but other times there are not, so you might have to rent a locker for the day or leave your belongings with a non-rider.
  • Question
    I am going to Kings Island with a choir that I recently joined, however I don't know the members very well. How do I tell them that I've never been on a roller coaster before? (I'd like to try.)
    Community Answer
    Unless you're scared or worried about it, there's really no need to tell them unless you want to. There's nothing to be ashamed of, just say, "I've actually never been on a roller coaster before, but I'm excited to ride this one!" If you're nervous, maybe talk to the person you know the best out of the group and just be honest, "I've never been on a roller coaster before and I'm a little scared."
  • Question
    What if I have my period?
    Community Answer
    That should not have any adverse effect on riding a coaster.
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    Do corkscrews feel different from vertical loops?
    Community Answer
    Corkscrews are far tighter loops. They feel worse, especially in succession. Loops are far more fun.
  • Question
    I have a brain injury that’s been there since birth. Is it safe to ride a roller coaster with that condition? I’ve ridden less intense ones, but never super fast ones.
    Community Answer
    Do not try riding an intense roller coaster with a brain problem. It is dangerous and some people have died or have been seriously injured while riding a roller coaster. Depending on the severity of you brain problem, stick to the smaller and less intense activities and rides.
  • Question
    What if I'm afraid of coasters, and hate the idea of them, and don't even want to try them, but am treated like a coward if I don't step out of my comfort zone, and do something that terrifies me?
    Community Answer
    You can try a large roller coaster and even if it scares you, it might help you realize that they aren't that bad. I used to be terrified of roller coasters, until I was forced onto a pretty intense one, and once I had done that, I loved roller coasters. Try working your way up, and remember that roller coasters are extremely safe.
  • Question
    I have supraventricular techicardia. Should I ride a rollercoaster?
    Community Answer
    You can. But for your health, choose only the smaller and calmer roller coasters. It may depend on the severity level of supraventricular techicardia but the short answer is yes, and do the smaller rides.
  • Question
    How do you know when a picture is being taken of you on a rollercoaster?
    Top Answerer
    Usually, you will notice a flash in front of or near you when the picture is occurring. You can also ask a ride attendant and they should be able to tell you if/when a picture is taken on the rollercoaster.
  • Question
    What are the g-forces that I will experience during an inversion?
    Top Answerer
    It may seem like the g-forces may flip during an inversion, but in a well-designed inversion, the g-forces should not feel any different than if you were on a straight section of track. This is because the centripetal force from the track accelerates you to keep the train rotating.
  • Question
    Can I break a bone in a roller coaster if I am a tall person?
    Kyoko Marine
    Community Answer
    Roller coasters tend to be super safe. It is nearly impossible that you break a bone in a roller coaster.
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    There's a big one called Leviathan that I always want to ride, but when I get there it seems way bigger, and I get too scared. Should I just deal with it and ride it?
    Community Answer
    Ride it! You'll be glad you did. The experience is something you will remember with pleasure for the rest of your life.
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