Q&A for How to Speak Well and Confidently

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    How can I improve my English so that I make fewer mistakes?
    Community Answer
    Read more English books. Have as many conversations with fluent English speakers as possible. Look up words you don't know and then use them regularly so you won't forget.
  • Question
    How do I speak without getting nervous and forgetting what I want to say?
    Community Answer
    Practice. You can start small, such as talking to yourself, then reaching out to family to practice, but you mainly have to practice by yourself. Praise yourself when you fix a mistake or did well on another problem you fixed. If you do happen to forget, take a second to pause, but don't show the audience that you forgot. We are all human, so it is okay to be nervous or to forget.
  • Question
    How can I make myself unique and confident?
    Community Answer
    You are already unique. Focus on the message you want to deliver, and how important it is to get it across. You're intrinsic uniqueness will shine as a consequence. Self-affirm every day. Tell yourself that you are amazing and you will feel more confident and deliver an amazing speech. Even if you don't believe it at first, if you keep it up, eventually you will.
  • Question
    How do I become active and smart?
    Shubham Sharma
    Community Answer
    Spend time reading books that will educate you and are motivating, exercise every day, and meditate for at least 15 minutes per day.
  • Question
    I always smile when I look into people's eyes. Is it a good thing to do?
    Community Answer
    Yes, smiling is good thing. Smiling gently makes the other person feel welcome and makes you more likable.
  • Question
    How can I speak English fluently?
    Community Answer
    Read English books, magazines, newspapers, etc. Watch English television shows and pay attention to the dialogue. Practice speaking to yourself in the mirror, and practice with English-speaking friends if you have them. If you have fluent friends, ask them to correct you if you make a mistake.
  • Question
    How I can become smart and active?
    Community Answer
    Read more textbooks or literature, and study every single second you have. Exercise by walking around or taking up a sport.
  • Question
    How can I get the audience's attention while speaking?
    Community Answer
    Start with an attention-grabbing introduction. You may tell a joke or speak about a shocking statistic. This will get their attention, and speaking with confidence will keep it.
  • Question
    How can I use the right verb at the right time?
    Community Answer
    You can read a lot of books that use correct grammar, and similarly to #2 in Part 2, if you encounter words that you are unfamiliar with or get mixed up with, write them down in a journal with definitions and clarify where and when to use those words in a sentence with some sentence examples.
  • Question
    How can I maintain confidence before an audience when I make a mistake while giving a speech?
    Community Answer
    Do not stop or draw attention to your mistake and just keep going. It's absolutely fine if you've made a mistake, but attracting the audience to your mistake will make it sound more awkward. So stay calm, and take deep breaths.
  • Question
    How can I come up with ideas on the spot?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to invent ideas and relate to what you are speaking with more ease if you feel strongly about something. If you don't feel strongly, it is always helpful to first acknowledge both sides of an idea that you have in your mind and then put which one you support.
  • Question
    How do I speak well and confidently if I make mistakes with English when I am nervous and end up speaking too fast?
    Community Answer
    If you make a mistake, it's ok just keep going on with the sentence. If you end up speaking too fast, take a deep breath before each sentence.
  • Question
    I speak confidently to my family members, but when I speak with my teachers, I start blabbering and become very nervous. Why is that so? How can I speak confidently with my teachers?
    Community Answer
    It is often because you fear being judged unfairly by outsiders, while family accepts you for who you are. Just try to imagine you are speaking to your family, the teachers won't do anything if you make a mistake or two - they've seen it all before. Take a deep breath, speak slowly and focus on what you say. Keep eye contact with a well known person like a friend and give your best.
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