Q&A for How to Sprint Faster

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    What would be a good workout for a 12 year old sprinter?
    Community Answer
    Do pushups and sit ups, probably some pull ups, try to increase energy projection and speed by jogging in the park or do some jumping jacks. Don't eat too much before running, or you may vomit.
  • Question
    How do I start a 200 meters race well?
    Community Answer
    When you hear the gun or whistle, do not start running at maximum top speed because you will start losing energy. Run faster than jogging and more slowly than sprinting when you are starting. Then, when you reach the curve, start gaining speed. Do not start sprinting suddenly from the curve. Start gaining speed slowly when you start reaching the curve go sprinting, as fast as possible. Finish the 200 meter at top speed when you reach the curve.
  • Question
    How can I, as a middle school student, become good at sprints?
    Community Answer
    Do sit ups, pushups, run up hill a lot but don't sprint, and do back sprinting drills like high knees and quick feet.
  • Question
    Do you have tips on gaining the most speed at the first starting point?
    Community Answer
    Your start should be very fast; the start is the main part of the race. You should not pop right up straight but stay down. Dab with one arm and swing the other back hard. Do this again but change arms do this for five to seven steps, then slowly come up. This should be the point when you start accelerating and at your fastest speed.
  • Question
    Can I increase my speed in a month?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but a lot of hard work and practice is required. Focus in leg muscles and fast muscle reactions.
  • Question
    How shall I prepare for a 100m sprint?
    Katherine Googins '21
    Community Answer
    Stretch. Jog in place a little. Warm up and think about something (or someone) which makes you angry. The adrenaline will help you prepare for the sprint.
  • Question
    What should I do to do my best seven days before a competition?
    Community Answer
    Work out back to back for four days doing leg, arm, back, and foot workout in separate days. Then, for the three days left, live a normal life without any workout. Don't do anything silly or show off, stay safe and ready.
  • Question
    Should I take long strides or short strides in a sprint?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how long your legs are. Usually, it is better to move your legs faster and take short strides, but long legged people find that very difficult and ungainly. Whatever feels the best and gives you the best results should do. Remember that everyone is different.
  • Question
    What can I do last minute to help my long distance run the next day?
    Community Answer
    It's best to have carbs the night before because it will give you energy for a longer amount of time than having protein. Make sure you get a lot of sleep and if you are running a half-marathon or above GU packs can help replenish what you are losing.
  • Question
    What are some recommended types of running shoes?
    Community Answer
    Good running shoes should have a good grip on the bottom, especially for track races. Other than that, a comfortable and lightweight shoe will do.
  • Question
    Do I move my arms powerfully or lightly, and how?
    Katherine Googins '21
    Community Answer
    Try to move them powerfully. The more powerfully you move them, the more speed you'll have. Bring your hand up to your ear, and then move it back so that your forearm is dangling down and your upper arm is parallel to the ground. Do it faster and faster, and there you go.
  • Question
    Can you run up a hill in winter?
    Community Answer
    If it's not icy or snowed in, and it's not really cold out, you could. But be aware that as a sprinter, your body needs to stay warm to sprint well and sprinting in the cold can cause serious injury. In a temperate climate winter with no snow and a warmer sort of winter's day, it'd possibly be okay but nothing colder than that.
  • Question
    What's the best way to start sprinting?
    Community Answer
    You want to start off in a kneeling position with one leg forward and your hands out. When you hear "Get Set," lift your bottom up. When "Go" is said, have your dominant arm in an L shape in front of you and the same for the back; repeat this arm movement until your race is over.
  • Question
    How do I train for sports day which is in 5 days?
    Community Answer
    Keep Googling the race and find information on it. You can try walking around the race tracks few times as well, so you are used to where you will be running.
  • Question
    Will toe raises and stadium help a lot? Then add weight?
    Community Answer
    Toe raises will help prevent common injuries runners get. Stadium will help but running up a hill is better because it is closer to the movements you'll be doing while sprinting in a race.
  • Question
    Which type of shoes I can wear if I don't have spikes?
    Community Answer
    You can were Adidas shoes or Nike's. If it says running shoes on it your good to go.
  • Question
    What do I do when I'm in a race and feel my legs giving up?
    Katherine Googins '21
    Community Answer
    Keep pushing through the pain. Also, I practice for 45-50 minutes a day, so do that. Practice for at least 30-40 minutes each day.
  • Question
    How can I run the 400 m faster?
    Community Answer
    Sprint a bit further than the first turn. You will have lots of adrenaline, and it will not tire out your body. Lean into the second curve (finishing up the first 100 m). For the first straight, sit on your pace and focus on breathing and running tall and relaxed. For the final two curves (200 - 300 m), accelerate slightly (your pace will actually remain the same; it will just feel like you're accelerating) and reinvest yourself in the race. Use your arms. For the final 100 m, run for time, use your arms, and push through all of the pain.
  • Question
    I only run uphill as my training, will this improve my speed?
    Community Answer
    Uphills are a great form of practice, as the body will think a flat course is better. Remember that you shouldn't change your form, so try running among flat ground every now and then.
  • Question
    What should be my stride length in the 100m?
    Top Answerer
    Take a stride that is comfortable for you. No stride is perfect for everyone. The best sprinters tend to take strides that are (for them) somewhere between medium-length and long. (The better sprinters usually -- but not always -- have fairly long legs.)
  • Question
    Why shouldn't I look back while running?
    Community Answer
    Because looking back can slow you down, cause you to trip and fall, or throw off your running form.
  • Question
    How can I start a 100m dash well?
    Katherine Googins '21
    Community Answer
    Go at about 70 percent of your full-on sprint. Steadily increase as you near the finish line.
  • Question
    How do I do long strides with my legs?
    Community Answer
    Try to push forward on the tips of your toes. Your arms are also a key part of a good sprint and you should 'pump' them to help your gait and speed.
  • Question
    I am 13, and I'm not free to do whatever I like. What can I do at home to improve my speed?
    Community Answer
    If you have stairs, stand on the edge of one and do calve raises. Squats (especially holding weights) will also help with leg strength, improving speed, while jumping rope can improve your endurance.
  • Question
    I want to clear a physical examination of 5 km in 20 minutes, but have intense internal pain in my right knee. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Do not run on a painful knee. You could do serious (even permanent) damage. Have a doctor examine your knee.
  • Question
    How do I calm my nerves before a 100m dash?
    Community Answer
    Steel your nerves and focus solely on the race. Breathe in and out and focus. Keep your eyes on the finish line.
  • Question
    Can I run a 100-meter race with bare feet?
    Top Answerer
    Ask your coach or another representative of your school, league, or other race authority about the rules regarding footwear.
  • Question
    How do I start a 400 metres race?
    Community Answer
    Use your adrenaline and sprint all out up until the first curve (then your adrenaline will wear out and you will need to sit on your pace).
  • Question
    Should I practice even if I have a wound on my heel?
    Community Answer
    You should probably allow it to heal before using it again.
  • Question
    I'm a middle school distance runner and I'm doing sprints for a meet. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Practice sprinting, running uphill, and riding a bike. This will increase your speed, strength and stamina.
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