Q&A for How to Stretch Like a Contortionist

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    I am 12 and I want to be a contortionist. If I start stretching every day will I be able to do it?
    Community Answer
    If you put your mind to it, of course, but be careful not to stretch too hard and take a break once in a while.
  • Question
    I'm 12 and flexibility isn't really in our family, so I have trouble with anything keeping my legs straight. I can't do splits. How do I help my legs get stronger and more flexible?
    Community Answer
    Start off with small steps. Start with stretching 5-10 minutes everyday. Increase the time you hold a stretch gradually until you have become completely flexible in that specific stretch. Then, go for more intense stretching, and eventually you will gain flexibility. Remember practice is the key!
  • Question
    I am 15 and want to be a contortionist, am I too old to become one?
    Community Answer
    You are never too old to start. Start stretching every day, set realistic goals, and work hard to achieve them.
  • Question
    I'm 12, and I'm not very flexible. If I practice every day, how long do you think it will be until I become quite flexible?
    Community Answer
    That all depends on the person; there's no clear cut answer for that. At the age of 12, it should be easier for your body that for someone who is 30. You should see gradual progression with your results every day.
  • Question
    How can I get better at my splits?
    Community Answer
    You can stretch daily and watch YouTube videos of people demonstrating split techniques. This article might also help you: How to Do a Split .
  • Question
    I am 8 years old, and I want to become like Sofie Dossi. I would like an aerial silk ,but I can't find any stores that sell it.
    Community Answer
    You can talk to somebody at Firefly (I'm not sure if they sell or not, but they might be able to set you up). Talk to your parents first and then look up Firefly Edmonton with them. Call them.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and I've been stretching to be a contortionist, but I'd like to get better. There are no contortionist classes near me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    YouTube is a great place to find tutorials and learn new skills. Also, you don't have to take a class specifically advertised as contortionist training, a gymnastics class would teach you a lot about flexibility as well.
  • Question
    I am really good at my left leg split, but not the right. What would help me get better at my right leg split?
    Julia Strzelecka
    Community Answer
    Practice makes perfect. If you repeat what you did to get your left leg split on your other leg, then you should get your right leg split. Stretch regularly and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. Remember, one leg is always weaker and takes more time to be able to do something. Make sure to warm up before stretching and do not overstretch.
  • Question
    I am 12 and flexible. During my backbend, I am attempting to put my head through my legs. What stretches would you recommend?
    Riley Next
    Community Answer
    Hip and torso stretches. These really increase your contortion flexibility.
  • Question
    Is there a way I can improve putting my legs behind my head? I can do it, but only for a little while at a time.
    Community Answer
    Don't worry -- it takes practice. Just try stretching your legs more and more each day. Eventually you'll be able to keep them there for longer periods of time.
  • Question
    I've been doing the stretches but how do I go further with them?
    Leela Howlter
    Community Answer
    Ask a partner or parent to help or if you have a gym nearby go ask a coach to help as well but don’t push too hard because you could hurt yourself.
  • Question
    I can do my splits and the bent-leg split;what do I do if I can't do a scorpion?
    Rider K
    Community Answer
    Doing a scorpion isn't just about leg flexibility. You need to have a certain element of back flexibility to execute it. Don't just stretch out your legs, also stretch out your back!
  • Question
    Im 11 years old and extremely flexible. I want to be like Sofie Dossi, but I cannot balance on my hands without falling over. What can I do to balance?
    Community Answer
    To practice balancing, you can go in a back bend and slowly move your legs up the wall into a hand stand. It helps to look at a object that is still.You should practice balance on one foot and try to do that when you get good at balancing.
  • Question
    I can do all these. Is there a way to make these more challenging?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can also do new stretches entirely. Try to look up some advanced stretches. Also, you could do a back bend but keep your legs and arms straight and make them go closer together. Think of what challenges you, and what you need to work on. Then try to add that in to your stretches. Try staying in that position for a long time.
  • Question
    After bending backwards, i often get bad head rushes. How do I prevent that?
    Julia Strzelecka
    Community Answer
    You can't exactly prevent it. You just need to get yourself and your head used to it. Start by holding that position (bridge?) for about 3 seconds at a time and wait about 30 seconds to do that position again and do that 10 times. Repeat this every day and start increasing the amount of seconds you hold the position for (Monday 3 seconds, Tuesday 4 seconds, Wednesday 5 seconds...) and hopefully you will get used to the feeling in your head when you bend backwards and do a bridge.
  • Question
    I am a gymnast, and my shoulders are very inflexible. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have a coach or gymnastics instructor, ask them what they recommend. Otherwise, take a look at How to Perform Shoulder Stretches , and search YouTube for tutorials on increasing shoulder flexibility.
  • Question
    If I can't do an elbow stand, what can I do instead?
    Community Answer
    You can do the elbow handstand if you work up to it. Another thing that helps is using the wall to help you do a handstand.
  • Question
    What if you can't go to a gym and you are stuck in your house?
    Community Answer
    You don't need anything besides some space on the floor to stretch. You can do your contortion work in your house.
  • Question
    How can I do my splits better?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you stretch every day and push yourself a little bit further.
  • Question
    What if I do dance? How long will it take me to become like Sofie Dossi?
    Community Answer
    You will still have to stretch on your own time if you want to be like her. Being a dancer will help with your flexibility, but you will still have to do a lot of extra work. Remember, Sofie Dossi is famous because she can do what most people can't, so if you do get that flexible, it will take many months of stretching.
  • Question
    I am 9 years old and I want to be a contortionist. I can do to some contortion moves, but I want to do a chest stand. How can I do this? Will this make me a contortionist?
    Community Answer
    If you would like to do a chest stand, start with stretching your back every day. If you don't feel strong enough to lift your legs, go into a bridge and lower your chin onto the ground. The best way to become a contortionist is to practice every day. You will need all kinds of moves, so get this one down first, then research others and move on to the next.
  • Question
    When I do a chest stand, it puts pressure on my back and I can't breathe. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Lift your head. It will most likely still put that annoying pressure on your back, but it should help you breathe, which will ease your back pain.
  • Question
    When should I start using hand balancing canes?
    Community Answer
    After you can hold a handstand for 1 minute and you are flexible enough. You should have a mat just in case.
  • Question
    I'm 14 years old and I want to start contortion. I was flexible, but I stopped stretching and lost my flexibility. Is it possible to regain it?
    Community Answer
    Of course! All you have to do is start stretching, slowly at first, and work back up to where you used to be.
  • Question
    I am 10 and I can't do the splits. Will that stop me from being a contortionist?
    Community Answer
    You are still too young. Wait a while. And it doesn't stop you from practicing so you can be one when you grow up. Start doing normal stretching till you reach your goal.
  • Question
    I want to learn how to do a chest stand. How do I do that?
    Community Answer
    Like always, stretch! Stretch out your back, legs, and arms. Then start by standing on your knees with your arms back and your palms facing the floor. Arch your back and kind of roll (like a ball). Don't let your face hit the ground, let your chin hit the ground softly. Then straighten your legs and point your toes.
  • Question
    What if I'm too fat to do any of these?
    Community Answer
    Do what you can and just keep pushing yourself a little further. If you want to get really flexible, you will probably have to lose a little weight. Cardio exercise is the best way to do that.
  • Question
    I used to be moderately flexible but have gotten stiff in the last few years but would like to be flexible again. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Stretch and exercise. You can regain some or all of your former flexibility at any age if you will gently stretch your muscles and joints and get plenty of exercise. Let it be a gradual and never-ending process.
  • Question
    My sister can literally jump down into splits position. How can I be more like her?
    Tina X
    Community Answer
    Try stretching more. Some people are naturally more flexible, but that's completely normal. Try half splits on both legs. Try to do the cobra position, and the bridge position.
  • Question
    I want to be a very good contortionist but I don't know if I am too stiff because whenever I try to do the cobra, I only can touch my head occasionally. And there are no contortion classes near me.
    Ielena Campos Avalos
    Community Answer
    Always warm up your muscles before trying contortion stretching and exercises on your own, as you do not want to pull a muscle or injure yourself. Seeking professional guidance from a contortionist teacher or coach can also help you to become more flexible and go deeper into contortionist movements. If you can't find contortion classes, then watch professional videos of how to improve.
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