Q&A for How to Tell If a Guy Likes You (Guys)

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    How do guys drop hints that they like you?
    Joshua Pompey
    Relationship Expert
    Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert and Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking (NEM) based in New York City, NY. With over 15 years in the industry, Joshua helps his clients navigate online dating and has a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world.
    Relationship Expert
    Expert Answer
    If a guy is interested in you, there's going to be some playful flirting, like eye contact, a playful way of talking to you, or light touches here and there.
  • Question
    If a boy I barely know goes out of his way almost every day to say "good morning" to me while touching my arm with his hand, does he like me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, he's going out of his way to greet you and also touch you, he almost definitely has feelings for you.
  • Question
    I told the person that I like him. He never said anything, but he is cool with it. What do I do?
    Nehemiah Bordello
    Community Answer
    Just give him some time and space, maybe he's still contemplating it himself.
  • Question
    There a boy that I have a crush on who shows me all the signals, but he also likes to compliment random girls. I'm a little bit confused as to whether he likes me more than a friend. Any advice?
    Nehemiah Bordello
    Community Answer
    Maybe he's bisexual and is attracted to you and girls, or he doesn't realize he's giving you signals and keeps flirting with girls.
  • Question
    Does a guy like me if he itches his head and smiles, but will also look away if I look at him?
    Community Answer
    Smiling is a good sign that the guy is either friendly, happy or interested in you. He may also feel shy when you look at him because he likes you.
  • Question
    I have a friend who kissed me on the first night we met, and then we had sex. Lately he has been tickling me and trying to wrestle with me. Does he like me?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like he definitely likes you, but the only way to find out if he wants a real relationship or just sex is to ask him how he feels.
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    If a guy always tells me I'm cute, does that mean he likes me?
    Community Answer
    It might be. You should pay attention to his voice tone, the way he looks at you, and whether he smiles at you while doing it. It also will be significant if he say it to you over and over again. If you really think he might like you and you like him, go for it.
  • Question
    How can I tell if the guy I like thinks I pushed him away?
    Community Answer
    He will probably take a step back, because if you don't seem interested he won't want to seem desperate. If you're regretting pushing him away, just tell him.
  • Question
    Does the fact that I read this at least 5-10 times mean I'm being obsessing over my crush?
    Community Answer
    No. Just because you're interested in finding out if he likes you doesn't mean you're obsessing over him. Anyway, everybody's a little obsessive when they have a crush, it's probably no big deal.
  • Question
    I have a crush on a cute guy. However, he said he's not ready to date until high school. Is he trying to avoid answering me?
    Community Answer
    No, he's not. If he says he will date you, take that as a good thing.
  • Question
    What do I do when a guy likes me but is too scared to tell me?
    Community Answer
    Go after him like the strong and capable person you are. Confidence is attractive.
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    I'm in college and my classmate always touches my butt. Does he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Possibly. But either way, this is sexual harassment unless you've given him permission to touch you like that.
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    What if he only meets five out of nine criteria?
    Community Answer
    Try to get him alone. Guys show more emotions and are more open minded when they are alone. That might help you determine his true feelings.
  • Question
    I'm in high school and I'm gay but nobody else knows it. And I have a friend that I think is also gay. How can I figure out if he is or not?
    Community Answer
    Don't go right in and ask him. Try to work it into a conversation.
  • Question
    This guy I like is usually an energetic guy who high fives everyone, but he acts very formal around me as if he doesn't want to mess something up. Is this a sign?
    Braxton Johnson
    Community Answer
    Yes. It means with others he's not scared to mess up meaning that they would be normal friends, but he is worried to mess things up with you. This would mean you are more important to him. He might try to be something more for you as well, but he doesn't want to push you too hard.
  • Question
    If a guy from my job gives me great eye contact when talking, inches towards me more when we do register together, always tries to make me laugh, and always finds a way to touch my shoulders, could he be gay?
    Community Answer
    It sounds likely, though he could just be very friendly. The best gauge would be to see how he acts around others.
  • Question
    How do I start a conversation when we've never talked before?
    Community Answer
    If you have a class together, you can ask about homework or a certain assignment -- something subtle.
  • Question
    What if he isn't out, but still shows most of these signs?
    Community Answer
    Bring up the topic of gay marriage. Ask if he supports it, and if it's a yes, you might as well ask him out. It's a high possibility that he'll say yes. Even if he doesn't say yes, it is better to ask and him to say no, than never ask.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my crush likes me back?
    Community Answer
    If you are not friends with him, then that's where you need to start. Find something you both have in common. Joke around with him and let him know without letting him know. Guys are pretty up front.
  • Question
    Why is it harder for someone who's a little out of shape to find a guy?
    Community Answer
    Most guys look and judge you for your shape and size, but some who actually have feeling won't. Don't change for anyone.
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    I'm gay, and there's this guy I know who is straight, but he told me I was gorgeous and that I had great legs. Could he be gay?
    Community Answer
    It certainly sounds like he's interested in guys, or at least interested in you, but he might also have been joking around. You could either ask him directly if he likes you, or you could see if you can get him to comment on other guys by asking if he has any crushes, if he thinks a certain celebrity is cute, etc.
  • Question
    How can I become friends with my crush who I only have 1 class with?
    Community Answer
    When you get an assignment, ask him about it. Pretend you are stuck on what to do and ask if he could give you any help. Try and partner up with him in partner activities (but don't force yourself on him). Try and end up with him in group activities if your teacher is one for doing this, and gradually build the relationship. Give it time.
  • Question
    How can I figure out if the other guy likes me secretly?
    Community Answer
    Well, if he keeps staring at you and you notice and he doesn't know that you noticed then there's a good chance he might like you.
  • Question
    Okay, so there's this guy I really like. We've been hanging out, and he told me he only likes me as a friend. But lately, he's been hanging out more and finding every excuse to be around me, and we kiss, but he says only friends. What's going on?
    Community Answer
    If things have advanced to kissing, things are beyond friendly. Your best bet is to talk to him, he may not be ready to accept this relationship. Be supportive and listen.
  • Question
    How can I get over liking someone who is straight?
    Community Answer
    If you're really struggling to get over your feelings for this person, you should put a little distance between yourself and him. Even if he's a good friend, you're only going to feel worse every time you spend time together if you really like him. It's hard to get over someone if you're around them all the time.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my crush, who is a friend of mine, blurted out that he was gay?
    Community Answer
    It could mean that he is interested in you and wanted you to know. He might also just feel you are a safe person to come out to, and think of you only as a friend. The only way to know for sure is to talk to him about it.
  • Question
    My friend asked me if I wanted to kiss and he says he is not gay. Is he gay?
    Community Answer
    If he wants to kiss you, he is probably either gay or bisexual. It can be difficult to accept yourself when you are a young man, because being gay is seen as taboo, so he may be experiencing some of this.
  • Question
    I have a friend who I've crushed on for a while, and I want to start discreetly showing him that I like him. Any tips?
    Nehemiah Bordello
    Community Answer
    Compliment him. Make casual physical contact with him: if he recoils, then he doesn't like you, or he does but he's shy. If he reciprocates your actions (brushing against your arm after you've done the same to him), that's a good sign.
  • Question
    Does a guy like you if they mess up their words?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. It could just mean that they stutter and hesitate in general. A good way to find out is to see how the guy acts with other people.
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    A friend licked my ear and "jokingly" talked about having sex whilst hugging me, is he gay and does he like me?
    Community Answer
    It seems pretty likely. He probably just said he was joking because he was embarrassed.
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