Q&A for How to Tell Your Girlfriend That You Want to Marry Her

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    Do I need a ring to propose?
    Community Answer
    No, but it is a more traditional way. Drop small hints, and if she sounds like she wants a ring try to earn some extra cash or find a budgeted ring that is still up to her standards. If she doesn't want one, then maybe wait and surprise her with one as an anniversary or birthday gift, or you can skip it entirely.
  • Question
    If I propose, should I tell her to think about it before she answers?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    No. The rule is to never ask the question until you're sure she'll say yes. If she says "I need to think about it," you may have asked the question too soon, or you may have disappointed her expectations about that special moment. Also, if you remind her of her rights, it reduces the romance of the moment, and may be an indication that you're not sure, either. She may have been dreaming about this for years. It's your job to find out what those dreams are, what she dreams a perfect proposal would be like, and give that to her. Be strong, confident and to-the-point. However, if she does ask for time to think, respect that.
  • Question
    What do I do if I want to marry my lover, but I'm being forced to marry someone else?
    Community Answer
    You can tell your parents that it's your choice whom you can marry and that you have already promised this girl that you would marry her. It's not fair on you or the other person to marry someone you don't want to marry.
  • Question
    How can I make sure she feels the same way about me?
    Community Answer
    Drop small hints, so she won't be terribly shocked and may share some feelings about marriage herself. If you can tell she is not ready, wait! You don't want to push her into something too fast. You also may learn more about her and how she wants to be treated.
  • Question
    How can I get a girl I like to marry me?
    Community Answer
    Ask her. If she loves you (and you don't want her to marry you if she doesn't), she'll say yes.
  • Question
    I love my office colleague who is my junior. She helps me a lot in my daily work. I want to marry her. How can I tell if she is interested in me?
    Community Answer
    It's much too early to be rushing into thoughts of marriage. Don't get that hung up on someone you're not even in a relationship with. Consider expressing your feelings (without going overboard) to your colleague and asking her out. See How to Date a Co Worker .
  • Question
    What should I do if my girlfriend says "no?"
    Community Answer
    Talk about the reasons you want to get married and the reasons she doesn't want to get married. Work on your relationship until you are both at the same place.
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    How do I know what kind of ring she wants?
    Community Answer
    Just buy a ring that you think is best. Do not ask her what ring she wants, because it will spoil it. However, think back; maybe she has dropped some hints about what she wants.
  • Question
    My boyfriend loves me, but I am uncertain if he will marry me, how do I find out if he will?
    Community Answer
    Drop hints. Talk about your future together, where you might live, kids you might have, etc. If he engages in these conversations with you, it's a good sign. If he tries to avoid these topics, he's not ready to commit to marriage.
  • Question
    How can I be sure that she will say yes before I propose?
    Community Answer
    Drop some hints first. Consider having a serious conversation about your future together, i.e. "Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Do you think we'll still be together?" If she says yes, that's a pretty good indication that she would accept your proposal. Of course, you can never really be certain until you ask.
  • Question
    Do I need the parents' permission?
    Community Answer
    You only need parental permission if one or both of you are minors.
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    How can I persuade my girlfriend to marry me?
    Community Answer
    You might not be able to "persuade" her if she's not ready to get married. But it would be a good idea to tell her how much you love her and want to spend the rest of your life with her, and then go on to discuss how you envision your future with her.
  • Question
    Can I propose marriage when my girlfriend is about to graduate?
    Community Answer
    It would probably be best to wait. Don’t overload her with too many serious life decisions and events at the same time. Let her get through the graduation first and enjoy that for what it is. Then you can pop the question after, for best results. It will also allow for two good memories!
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