Q&A for How to Text a Girl That You Like

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    What does it mean if she always texts me first?
    Julia McCurley
    Certified Professional Matchmaker
    Julia McCurley is a Certified Professional Matchmaker, Relationship Coach, and the CEO of Something More, Austin's premier matchmaking service. She has been creating happy couples in Austin for over 12 years and has helped hundreds of singles on their journey to finding love. Her blogs have been published on the Huffington Post, Good Men Project, SheKnows, Emlovz, and The Dating Truth. She also just published her first book, Game Set Match: A Professional Matchmaker's Advice on How to Win At the Game Of Love. Julia holds a BA in Business and Communications from The University of Puget Sound and received her Master Executive Matchmaker Certification from The Matchmaking Institute.
    Certified Professional Matchmaker
    Expert Answer
    Well, if you like her I've got good news for you. Finding excuses or reasons to reach out to you out of nowhere is a big sign that they've got a crush on you.
  • Question
    What can I talk to a girl about everyday?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes its hard to create conversation. You could just joke around and see how the response is. You can ask how her day was and something about her upcoming events to show you are interested in what she is doing.
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    How do I not seem not clingy?
    Community Answer
    Don't answer immediately back to texts, use about the same delay as she does. If she's replying back to yours in 5 minutes, take roughly the same amount of time to respond.
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    What are some things that I can say that will show her that I am interested in her?
    Community Answer
    Ask the girl questions about herself, such as her hobbies, what sorts of music she likes, and what she did over the weekend. Try to care about what she says, even if it does not sound very interesting to you. Lastly, compliment her achievements and looks, but only if she mentions them (ie: comments on a test score or shows you a picture). If you compliment her too much, you might come off as creepy instead.
  • Question
    What if she says that it is a waste of time chatting with me?
    Community Answer
    Then don't waste any more of your own time chatting with her. Find someone else.
  • Question
    Is it difficult to do this?
    Community Answer
    No, it needn't be. Just text the girl. The worst that could happen to you is that she doesn't text back or says something inane like "YU text me?". You can always find a new love interest if she is that uncharitable.
  • Question
    What does it mean if a girl told me she has a crush on me, but then later told me that it was a joke?
    Community Answer
    It's possible that she really was joking but it's really more likely that she does have a crush on you but she got embarrassed after she told you.
  • Question
    What does it mean if a girl sends me an "I love you message" and then says that she sent it to the wrong number?
    Community Answer
    She may be flirting, or she may have made a genuine mistake. Text her back and ask who she meant to send it to.
  • Question
    Is it possible that my crush doesn't like me if she responds a long time after I have texted, telling me she has to do homework?
    Community Answer
    It may be that she has a tight schedule and can't text very often. She may also not like you. It's too hard to tell.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a girl likes me?
    Community Answer
    If she finds excuses to talk to or spend time with you. Examine her body language; if her feet are pointed toward you while she's talking, for example, this can indicate she's interested; likewise, if she leans toward you when you're speaking. Playing with her hair can also be an indication.
  • Question
    How can I get the girl interested in me?
    Community Answer
    Find out what she likes (talking to her friends can help), and try to start finding common ground. Talk about her interests, ask her questions about herself, and use body language that indicates that you're interested in her.
  • Question
    Can I like someone I've only talked to through text messages?
    Community Answer
    You can, but you should be cautious. Keep in mind that if you don't know this person in real life, they could be lying to you about their identity, or anything else they are telling you.
  • Question
    How do I know when a girl is busy?
    Community Answer
    She would probably not reply to you as quickly or as often, or she might tell you she's busy. If she tells you she's busy, and you think she's just avoiding you, ask her directly what's going on.
  • Question
    I regularly text with a girl I like who sometimes flirts with me but she calls me her friend. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    She is probably just too shy to tell you how she feels but calls you a friend because she wants to hang out with you still regularly. Flirt a little back and see what happens. And you may be mistaken with her flirting with you -- make sure it's real (one way to help figure out is have an emoji war, that's where you send a bunch of emojis back and forth randomly, and add a heart or kiss face in and see if she puts one back).
  • Question
    I was too shy to make a move on the girl I like, and now that I'm ready, she has a boyfriend. How can I approach her?
    Community Answer
    Just be friendly and get to know her. Don't try to force her and her boyfriend apart. It's best not to make any 'moves' until the relationship ends, unless she's clearly unhappy in the relationship. Just be a friend if you can. Ask her how things are going, bring up something of mutual interest, etc.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm talking to a girl and she's flirting back, but she is also talking to my friend?
    Community Answer
    Tell the friend that you want her, and see if your friend is okay with you going forward with asking her out. Then drop more hints to her or just directly ask her out.
  • Question
    What do I do if I text someone and they don't respond?
    Community Answer
    You probably should back off. It's better than sending more and making things awkward.
  • Question
    What does it mean if a girl says she cares about me?
    Community Answer
    It's pretty straightforward: it means she cares about you.
  • Question
    How do I text a girl without her telling her friends?
    Community Answer
    If she tells her friends that means two things: she is into you or she is making fun of you. You cannot really control what she does after you text her.
  • Question
    I was hanging with a girl I really like, and we got into some trouble together. Now we aren't very close. How could I get back to hanging out with her?
    Community Answer
    If this "trouble" you got into was something serious that involved cops or parents or the like, give her some space. After several days, text or call to tell her you're very sorry and try to slowly re-build off of that. If the trouble involved her parents, you should also say sorry to them to get back on good footing with the whole family.
  • Question
    I was texting with a girl I like and she ended her last message with a Z. I haven't heard from her again, and now I feel like she's not as interested anymore. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If it was multiple Zs, then maybe she was getting tired of the conversation. A single Z could have just been a typo. Text her again to find out.
  • Question
    What do I do if I texted a girl and she hasn't responded?
    Community Answer
    Wait for her to respond. Don't text other massages before her texting you.
  • Question
    I regularly text this girl I like, and one night she texted me herself saying that if I don't contact her for a day, she feels dead. Does this mean that she likes me?
    Community Answer
    It certainly sounds that way. That's kind of a super dramatic thing to say, though! She might be a little clingy.
  • Question
    I started texting a girl about a week ago and since then we have been texting non-stop. Does that mean something?
    Community Answer
    It may. Try to find more opportunities to meet her in person. She probably likes you. If not in a romantic way, she at least likes you as a friend. Try to schedule something with her.
  • Question
    What does it mean if a girl ignores my questions but responds immediately if I say goodbye?
    Community Answer
    It could be a coincidence, but more than likely this is a sign that she's not interested in talking to you. I would move on.
  • Question
    How do I text a girl I like if she only answers with one or two words?
    Community Answer
    You could try asking open-ended questions that require more than a yes-or-no answer; however, if she's only replying with one or two words, it sounds like she may not be interested.
  • Question
    How do I act when just the two of us are on a hangout?
    Community Answer
    Act natural, you want her to end up liking you for who you are, and not some fake persona you're putting on. Ask her about herself, her day, her interests, etc. and just have a normal chat the way you would with a friend.
  • Question
    How can I avoid being awkward when texting a girl I like?
    Community Answer
    Reading wikiHow's article on how to avoid being awkward would be helpful for you.
  • Question
    I told her I love her and she said I'm like a brother to her, what does she mean?
    Community Answer
    She means that she likes you and she feels very close to you, but she doesn't have romantic feelings for you.
  • Question
    If a girl says goodbye immediately after I say I have to go, is something wrong?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Maybe she just wants to respect you. She’s just telling you goodbye back. After all, it’s better than her not saying anything back at all.
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