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Q&A for How to Use the Thesaurus in Microsoft Word
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QuestionWhat do I do if there are no synonyms?Community AnswerYou're probably trying to find synonyms for an obscure word or one that you mispelled or used uncorrectly. If in doubt, search the word in Google or Bing by typing in 'define (word)'. Synonyms will come up for you.
QuestionWhat should I do if my thesaurus is not working?Community AnswerI would restart the Word app. There might be some kind of bug messing with the thesaurus.
QuestionHow do I highlight a text?Community AnswerLeft-click at the beginning of the word you wish to highlight (or the word at the start of your text, if you want to highlight a chunk of text) and, holding the left-click down, drag the mouse across the word until everything you want included is highlighted.
QuestionHow can I find the thesaurus in other places on the computer?Community AnswerDouble click on the specific word and on the drop list, click on "Thesaurus."
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