Q&A for How to Write a Good Story

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    I want to give my story to a teacher, but I keep on writing different stories because I've lost interest in that story. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Find a writing buddy (someone else who likes to write stories, too). Share your unfinished story with him or her, and get some help figuring out how to finish it. Then, finish it and turn it into your teacher. Even if you don't feel really inspired by it anymore, you'll have completed the story and turned it in.
  • Question
    If I'm a high school student and still learning English, can I write a story?
    Community Answer
    Yes, writing a story is an excellent way to help improve your English skills.
  • Question
    Should I be writing stories which are similar to other famous stories?
    Community Answer
    You could if you fancy, but maybe put a unique twist on it. Sometimes it is also good to create your own story and storyline.
  • Question
    How do you think of a good character's name?
    Community Answer
    There are name generators online, but you can also use a friend's name or a name containing a word that is a hint about that character's personality.
  • Question
    How do I know if it is a good story or not?
    Community Answer
    Get others to read your story: family, friends, teachers, colleagues, whoever. Ask them to be honest and tell you what they think of it. Don't let harsh criticism knock your confidence; if someone says they hate it or they really don't like it, ask them for detailed feedback so you can improve it. Don't be afraid to edit and rewrite based on their critiques. Don't stop until you think your story is as good as it can be!
  • Question
    How can I keep my character's behavior consistent throughout my story?
    Community Answer
    Try to become the character in your head, and imagine what you would do in the situation you've created. You can also create a profile for the character, describing his or her likes, dislikes, and overall personality.
  • Question
    How can I keep my story interesting?
    Community Answer
    Continue introducing new conflicts and dramas, but don't have constant action - an interesting story has highs and lows, and one can't exist without the other. It's important to take breaks from the action, for realism in the story and to keep the reader from passing out.
  • Question
    How do I choose a good topic to write a story about?
    Community Answer
    Think about what you're most interested in and write a story about that. For example, you might write about a wizard fighting for justice, because you might like to be that character and go through the same adventures. If you like the characters and the settings you're writing about, you'll be that much more motivated to put together a good story.
  • Question
    What should I do if I run out of ideas?
    Community Answer
    Get inspired by the world. Take a walk and see what you can find. Look for traits of every day people. Ask what if.
  • Question
    How can I come up with horror and gore elements to put into my story?
    Community Answer
    Think of what scares you the most, and use elements of that in your stories. If you are scared by your own work, your readers will be *terrified*. Don't set out just to scare your reader, set out to write something that you will be scared by. If you're scared of ghosts, have a ghost in your story - just make sure to have your ghost be unique in some way.
  • Question
    What length of time does it take to write a decent story?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the author and how long the story is. The author might be writing at a slower pace, or the author might be a well experienced author who finds it easy to write. It doesn't matter how long it takes for you to write it, just write at your own pace and try avoiding taking really long breaks in between, because then you might find it hard to get back to writing.
  • Question
    What should I do if I start writing a story and then get ideas to write different stories?
    Community Answer
    If you get ideas and don't want to stress yourself with two stories, get a notebook and jot down your ideas for later.
  • Question
    How do I make my story unpredictable?
    Community Answer
    Think of a predictable ending for your story, something the reader would think would obviously happen. Now think of the exact opposite of that!
  • Question
    What can I do if I get bored and stop after starting?
    Community Answer
    Writing is hard. If it wasn't, everybody would do it. Set a time each day to sit down and write for an 30 minutes to an hour. Set an alarm on your phone so you don't forget. If you can't convince yourself to do that, then writing probably just isn't for you. You can also try writing very short stories for now so you don't have time to get tired of the story.
  • Question
    If I have not finished the story but I find it boring and the pictures ugly, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to add a twist in the part where you feel its boring and if you have time, try to change the pictures . Just believe in yourself.
  • Question
    I only have less than a week to write my story. How can I still make sure that my story will be interesting?
    Community Answer
    Follow the tips in this article and then get feedback from a relative or friend.
  • Question
    Am I copying someone else's work if I use the same characters in a different book?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you would still be copying someone else's original characters, which take time and thought to develop. If you have the author's permission, or if you're just writing your book for fun without the intention of publishing it, then it shouldn't be an issue.
  • Question
    How do I add romance to a story without it taking over the main idea or plot of the story?
    Community Answer
    You could make characters show some signs of love, but not too much. Make it part of the story, but not the whole story.
  • Question
    What if I want to write a story with a friend but they have different interests?
    Community Answer
    Find someone who is interested in the same thing, or find a topic you both enjoy.
  • Question
    I've been learning Spanish in school, and I'm writing a story with Spanish gods. How do I choose names?
    Community Answer
    Because it is a story about gods, and because most myths give their gods and goddesses really literal names, I would attempt to find an archaic Spanish word, or a Latin word, that sums up that god. If you don't like that idea, splice some Spanish or Latin words together to make up a name.
  • Question
    After I write my rough draft, do I go right onto my final copy?
    Community Answer
    After completing your rough draft, ask some other writers to read it and give feedback. Make edits based on their feedback (do another draft), and then ask for feedback again. Usually you'll need to do several drafts before a final copy.
  • Question
    What if I can't really get inspired and all the suggestions I thought of are boring?
    Community Answer
    Just write from your heart. The heart is always interesting.
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    What are some good suggestions for dangerous plots?
    Community Answer
    Suspense with a lot of scary details that will attract readers' attention is the way to go. Try stories involving daredevil antics, extreme sports and skating on thin ice.
  • Question
    Is there a common rule on how long sentences should be at different times of the story?
    Community Answer
    No. Your writing voice determines the length of your sentences and the pace of the story. Listen to your voice.
  • Question
    I never finish a story I start. Is there something wrong with me?
    Community Answer
    There is nothing wrong with you, many people have this problem. Try setting writing goals. Make sure to write every day, even it's just a little bit. Reward yourself when you accomplish your goals.
  • Question
    How do I make my story interesting?
    Community Answer
    Try adding more detail, and if possible you can add more events to the story.
  • Question
    How can I make my story's ending satisfying?
    Community Answer
    Try to avoid happily-ever-after endings, but add some element of relief at the end. For example, the main character might not get exactly what they want, but is happy with the outcome.
  • Question
    What is a good way to choose the right name for a character in a story?
    Community Answer
    Consider factors about that character. If they're a tough individual, give them a name with sharp sounding letters. If they're a sweet person, give them a gentle, elegant name with soft letters. You can even write the character with a temporary name until they're better established.
  • Question
    How do I write a good story for teens?
    Community Answer
    Think of your life as a teen and how you can relate your experiences to the story you're writing. Also keep in mind that teens like to think of themselves as adults, so don't simplify your story too much.
  • Question
    How do I express a moral in a story?
    Community Answer
    Usually this is done by having a character make a mistake and then having them learn from this mistake by the end of the story.
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