Sometimes it may be necessary to know the process of how to ring up fruit on a Walmart self checkout register. This article will explain to you this process.


  1. Proceed up to and ring up all items on the Walmart Self Checkout register. Scan in all the items that have barcodes and that don't need additional lookup or weight measuring to proceed until you hear a beep.
  2. You'll see a sticker on it. The sticker will have a number that is marked starting with the character "#".
  3. Don't allow any other item to be placed on the scale, otherwise you'll end up paying for more than what the weight really was on the item.
  4. 5
    Press the "Key in Code" button (which should also contain a 10-digit keypad looking icon on same said button).
  5. 6
    Touch each number on the screen that corresponds to each number on the piece of fruit.
  6. 7
    Press the OK button to ring up that piece completely.
  7. 8
    Remove the piece of fruit from the scale, and place it into the bag.
  8. Advertisement

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      • Put all fruits of the same type and sub-type together. If you have naval oranges and blood oranges, they aren't the same, and should be rung-up separately. However, if you have naval oranges in one area of the cart in one bag, and another bag of even more oranges (for the same order), sure, ring them up at the same time.


      • The "Look Up Item" is surely a hassle. If you want a time-killer, use it. Tap the button, and find the item in the list. Use the folder-like setup on the left-hand side to find the one type of item, and narrow the search down even further until you find the appropriate item on the right-hand side of the screen.

      Things You'll Need

      • Fruits of any type at Walmart (any quantity will work)
      • Walmart Self-checkout register

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