Amy Collins
Sewing Expert
- BA, Theatre, University of Houston
- Associate's Degree, Fashion Design, Fashion Institute of Technology
Professional Achievements
- Launched her PDF sewing pattern online shop in 2017
- Apprenticed in New York for 3 years under fashion designers, a pattern maker, and a tailor in the Manhattan garment district
Favorite Piece of Advice
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Co-authored Articles (9)
How to
Make a Stuffed Animal
Stuffed animals provide companionship and foster creativity for children. They are both playmates and bedroom decorations. From sea monsters to dogs and stuffed toy cats, most animals can be made into plush toys. With a ...
How to
Design a Stuffed Animal Pattern
Making stuffed animals for yourself, or to sell or give away, can be a very fun and rewarding process. But sometimes, it can be hard to find the pattern of something you really want to make. So, why not make your own pat...
How to
Transfer Prints to Fabric
Applying a photo or image to fabric is a fun way to customize your own upholstery, clothing or bags. Keep reading for tips to get started making your own amazing creations!
How to
Make a Kilt
A traditional kilt can be a challenge to make, but, with enough time and patience, even a sewing novice can complete the project. This article will teach you how to create this manly garment.
How to
Dye a Shirt
Use dye to quickly transform your shirt and make it look brand new. Simply soak your shirt in hot water, then thoroughly submerge it in a dye bath of 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water and your preferred dye for 30 minutes (wear ...
How to
Dye a Sweatshirt
A cozy sweatshirt that's perfectly broken in is one of the most comfortable clothing items you can own. Unfortunately, sweatshirts can fade or become stained, making them unsightly to wear in public. You might even find ...
How to
Make a Doll
Homemade toys are cost-effective, fun to create, and may end up being keepsakes. They also make great gifts. Read the steps below to learn a few different ways to make one of the most iconic children's toys, the doll, in...
How to
Shrink Stretchy Jeans
Few things are more comfortable than your favorite pair of jeans. Over time, however, their snug fit can start to sag from regular use. You may need to shrink only a section of your jeans, or you might want the whole pai...
How to
Make a Simple Fabric Box
Fabric boxes are a great way to store craft supplies and present gifts. You can always buy them from the store, but why not make your own? It is quite simple, but the results are stunning. Best of all, the possibilities ...