Amy Collins

Amy Collins is a sewing expert and pattern maker based in Central Texas. Through her online blog Amy Nicole Studio, she showcases her process as a seamstress, shares tutorials to help others improve their skills, and provides sewing patterns and printables for others to recreate. Amy is ethically and sustainably minded when it comes to her sewing projects and she is enthusiastic about vintage clothing, refashions, and upcycles. In addition to personal projects, she also offers tailoring and alterations to clients and does other freelance work in her studio.


  • BA, Theatre, University of Houston
  • Associate's Degree, Fashion Design, Fashion Institute of Technology

Professional Achievements

  • Launched her PDF sewing pattern online shop in 2017
  • Apprenticed in New York for 3 years under fashion designers, a pattern maker, and a tailor in the Manhattan garment district

Favorite Piece of Advice

It is sewing, not brain surgery; it's okay to make mistakes!

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Co-authored Articles (9)