Bethany Brenneman

Bethany Brenneman is a color analysis expert and professional makeup artist based in Columbus, IN. She is a Master Certified Color Analysis Expert serving the midwest, and has the #1 color analysis business in Southern Indiana. She has over a decade of experience and consulted with over 1000 clients virtually and in person. As a professional makeup artist, she has spent over a decade working with brides, fashion shows, and major tv networks such as MTV. She now serves as a bridal and special event makeup artist. She also offers in-person and virtual color analysis to help you get matched to both makeup and clothing in your season. Bethany has built a social media presence on both YouTube and Instagram where she shares simple makeup and style tips, tutorials, and recommendations. She also hosts in-person group makeup classes while running a virtual makeup artist business with Seint Beauty offering color-matching and customizable palettes.


  • BS, Indiana University

Certifications & Organizations

  • Certified Professional Makeup Artist, Makeup First: School of Makeup Artistry, Chicago, IL
  • Master Certified Color Analyst, International Image Institute, Toronto, CAD

Favorite Piece of Advice

"To know thyself, is to love thyself." – Socrates

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Co-authored Articles (8)