Diya Chaudhuri, PhD
PhD in Creative Writing, Georgia State University
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Co-authored Articles (3)
How to Write a Sonnet
Write your very own Shakespearean or Petrarchan sonnet with this guideThough as a general rule, the sonnet is defined as having 14 lines and an ''iambic pentameter'' meter, there's a significant difference between the tw...
How to
Cite an Essay
If you're writing a research paper, whether as a student or a professional researcher, you might want to use an essay as a source. You'll typically find essays published in another source, such as an edited book or colle...
How to
Format Dialogue in a Story
Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, satire or drama, writing the dialogue may have its challenges. The parts of a story where characters speak stand out from the other elements of a story, starting with the qu...