Jun Draper
Candle Maker
- Bachelor's degree in Education, Chongqing University of Arts & Sciences
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Co-authored Articles (12)
How to Fold a Gum Wrapper Heart in 9 Simple Steps
Learn how to turn a gum wrapper into a heart–without needing scissors or glue Is there anything sweeter than making a handmade paper heart and giving it to a friend (or maybe even your crush)? There might be, because y...
How to
Make a Plaster Mold
Whether you’re looking for a one-time project, a new hobby, or a new way to express yourself as an artist, plaster molds can be great for art projects. From figurines to tableware to wall hangings, they can provide mol...
How to
Put Out a Candle with Your Fingers
Have you ever seen someone put out a candle with their fingers? Have you ever wanted to try it without burning your hands? Here is a way to do it safely.
How to
Transfer Pictures to Candles
Photo candles make great personalized gifts and centerpieces for special occasions. There are a few different ways to complete the project, but each produces similar results.
How to Make a DIY Candle with Coffee Grounds or Beans
Quick and easy way to create a deliciously fragrant candle at home If you love the smell of coffee, then you might like coffee-scented candles. While you can always buy a coffee-scented candle from a store, you will get ...
How to
Make a Gel Candle
Gel wax isn't wax at all, but a form of mineral oil. It's easier to work with in many ways than traditional waxes and allows for more light to reflect than standard candles. The clear gel allows you to achieve many inter...
How to
Make Japanese Kites
A guide to making different kite shapes Japanese people have been creating beautiful kites for hundreds of years. Each region in Japan has its own traditional kite design, and many holidays have kites associated with ...
How to
Make a Paper Snake
Paper snakes are fun and easy to make. They are a great craft to learn about snakes. They also make great decorations for Halloween, or for nature lovers. This article will show you a few simple and fun ways of making a ...
How to
Light Sparkling Candles
Sparkling candles are a great way to add some extra flair to a birthday celebration! Unlike sparklers, these candles should be inserted into the cake before being lit. Once you’ve taken some precautions to remove any f...
How to Craft Wax Hands at Home
Melt, cast, and customize your very own wax sculptures or candles A casted wax hand makes an elegant and even mysterious decoration. Add a wick, and you've got yourself a bespoke candle that adds some mystique to any roo...
How to
Make Bacon Candles
Sometimes referred jokingly to as the "Man-dle," the bacon candle is made out of the fat left in the pan after cooking bacon. Lasting just as long if not longer as a wax candle, bacon candles with leave your house smelli...
How to
Make "Wax" Seals Made of Hot Glue
Wax seals are elegant, stately works of art, but you don’t need wax to make them. Glue sticks for glue guns work almost as well, and by using a glue gun, you have a way to make many wax seals at once. If you don’t ha...