Payam Daneshrad, MD
Board Certified Otolaryngologist
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Co-authored Articles (20)
How to
Unclog the Inner Ear or Eustachian Tube
The Eustachian tubes are small passages in the head that connect the ears to the back of the nostrils. These tubes can become clogged due to colds and allergies. Serious cases need expert medical attention from an ear, n...
Expert-Backed Tips & Remedies to Unclog Your Ears at Home
Effective tips to relieve the clogged feeling in your earsCommon colds are super annoying, and the stuffy nose and clogged sinuses are an added aggravation. If you are getting over a cold, your ears may still feel stuffe...
How to
Stop Ringing in Ears
Ringing, buzzing, or roaring in the ears is often used to describe tinnitus, which can be extremely annoying and occur without any reason. Tinnitus may signify underlying nerve damage or an issue with your circulatory sy...
How to
Remove Fluid in Ears
Water or fluid in the ears can be annoying, but you don't have to live with it. While fluid will usually drain out on its own, you can help the process along with a few simple tricks. Empty the fluids by using simple ma...
How to Use an Ear Wax Removal Kit Safely: Drops & Bulb Ear Syringe
Best ways to remove blocked earwax at home Earwax protects your ear canal from bacteria, dust, and trauma. It’s not necessary to remove earwax since it makes its way out of your ears on its own.. 30 September 2020. If ...
How to Treat Fungal Ear Infections at Home: Cures, Causes, & More
Everything you need to know about clearing up your tomycosis fastFungal ear infections, or otomycosis, can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms like pain and difficulty hearing, but the good news is they’re relativel...
How to
Unplug Ears
Ear congestion can be an annoying medical issue that makes it difficult to hear and, when left untreated, can lead to dizziness and ear pain. If you experience severe pain or bleeding along with plugged ears you may have...
How to
Relieve Ear Infection Pain
Ear pain can be in one or both ears and can be either long-lasting or short term. Earaches can feel like a sharp, burning, achy, or dull pain. Infections of the ear, especially of the middle ear, are a common cause of e...
How to
Deep Clean Your Ears
In most cases, the best way for you to keep the insides of your ears clean is to leave them alone. A little earwax is in fact a good thing!. 30 September 2020. But if you do have excessive wax buildup, there are some ge...
How to
Cure an Ear Infection
Ear infections (also known as otitis media) are a common problem for infants and children, but they can occur in adults as well. Nearly 90% of children will have at least one ear infection by age three. Infections can be...
How to
Cure Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous growths that can form inside your sinuses and nose. They can be caused by allergies or any sort of irritation within the nasal passage.. 30 September 2020. While they might not be pai...
How to
Prevent Earwax Buildup
If you find that you often have an excessive amount of earwax built up in your ear canals, you may be interested in finding out ways to decrease the wax buildup. Excess wax buildup can lead to temporarily blocked hearing...
How to
Improve Your Hearing
Hearing loss can be scary thing for some, and people experience it all the time. Luckily, there are many ways you can improve your own hearing or protect yourself from damage. If you’re already experiencing hearing los...
How to
Treat Itchy Ears
Your ears are home to a large number of nerve endings, which when irritated can cause your ears to feel itchy and uncomfortable. There are many different reasons why your ears might be itchy, and we'll walk you easy ways...
How to
Heal Barrett's Esophagus
Barrett's esophagus is a condition where the tissue of the esophagus changes from a normal, white lining to a pink or red lining similar to the inside of your stomach, usually because of gastroesophageal reflux disease (...
How to
Get Rid of Swimmer's Ear
Swimmer's ear (also called otitis external) is an infection in the outer ear that often occurs in swimmers, due to contaminated water trapped in the ear. This can cause painful inflammation, reduced hearing, and more ser...
How to
Heal an Esophagus
A damaged esophagus is uncomfortable and can affect your daily life. If you experience heartburn after eating, pain while swallowing, or the feeling that something is always stuck in your throat, you may have an issue th...
How to
Treat Tinnitus
Tinnitus is characterized by ringing or buzzing in the ears. Exposure to loud noises, earwax blockages, heart or blood vessel issues, prescription medications, and thyroid disorders can all cause tinnitus. See your docto...
How to
Hear TV Sound Without Blasting Everyone Else Out
People of all ages may have difficulty hearing the TV. Turning up the volume too loudly on your TV can disrupt your neighbors or make it difficult for you to watch TV with other people. Assistive Listening Devices (ALD...
How to
Prevent Your Ears from Popping
Have you ever suffered from airplane ear? It's that uncomfortable, sometimes painful ear popping that occurs when pressure changes exert stress on your inner ear during a flight. It usually happens when the plane is gain...