Roslyn Teng

Roslyn Teng is a Pet Fashion Brand Owner. She is the founder of Furry Muse, a premium pet accessories brand that blends fashion-forward design with high-performance functionality. Inspired by cultural trends, Furry Muse offers innovative products that are durable yet elegant, enhancing everyday adventures for pets and their owners. Roslyn is also a product and growth marketing expert and a two-time entrepreneur passionate about go-to-market strategies, product development and design, and marketing. As a pet parent of three, her pets fuel her passion for creating exceptional products.


  • MBA, Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires (INSEAD)
  • BA, Psychology & Economics, Yale University-National University of Singapore

Professional Achievements

  • Two-time entrepreneur with a demonstrated ability to build and grow innovative businesses
  • Founded Furry Muse, a premium pet accessories brand that combines fashion-forward design with high-performance functionality, catering to the modern pet parent
  • Previously worked on TikTok Shop's product marketing team, where she launched tools that helped millions of sellers globally grow their revenue
  • Founded a health food business in college that served tens of thousands of individual customers, as well as major corporate clients

Favorite Piece of Advice

Make your customer your compass. By deeply understanding their needs, challenges, and aspirations, you can design products and experiences that truly resonate. Being customer-obsessed means not just meeting their expectations but consistently finding ways to exceed them, building lasting trust and loyalty along the way.

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Co-authored Articles (9)