Until babies learn to talk, they communicate through crying. Although this can be frustrating, it is up to the caregiver to determine what is upsetting the baby. Sometimes we know what the problem is and can easily rectify the issue. Other times we have to go through several attempts to find the cause before being able to rectify the problem. You can calm a baby by determining the problem, providing the baby physical comfort, using sound, and eliminating discomfort.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Addressing the Underlying Issue

  1. Many babies get upset when they are in need of a diaper change. The feeling of the dirty or wet diaper against their skin is uncomfortable. Waiting too long to change a baby’s diaper can lead to diaper rash, which is very uncomfortable. [1]
    • If you are using disposable diapers, the diaper will begin to sag or appear full.
    • If you are using cloth diapers, feel the outside of the diaper to discern if the diaper is full.
    • Some disposable diapers, like Pampers Swaddlers, have an indication strip that turns blue when the diaper is wet.
    • Check for leaking near the legs or above the top of the diaper.
    • Peek inside the back of the diaper to check for a bowel movement.
  2. A baby’s nutritional needs change several times in the first two years of their life. Signs you should watch out for in a newborn include smacking their lips, rooting, or sucking on their fists. You can tell if your newborn baby has had enough to eat by their fists. If a newborn’s fists are closed and near their face, they have not had enough to eat. If their fists are open and relaxed, they are satisfied. An older baby may try to get into a feeding position or yank on your clothes if you breastfeed. They may become fussy, hit you, or turn their head from side to side. [2]
  3. Babies, at any age, become fussy and cranky when they are tired. If they become too tired, they are inconsolable and difficult to put to sleep. You can also look for signs of sleepiness like yawning or eye rubbing. [3]
  4. You should always be aware of signs that your baby is sick and not just fussy. If your baby shows signs of illness, you may need to seek medical attention. [4]
    • Take your baby to the doctor if they have a fever over 100.4°F (38°C) and they are under 3 months or 102°F(38.9°C) if they are between 3 months and 3 years old.
    • Seek help if your baby will not eat or drink. Look for signs of dehydration like less than 6 diapers per day or crying without producing tears.
    • Make your baby an appointment if they have a cough that lasts more than a couple of days.
    • Seek help immediately if your baby is having trouble breathing.
    • Pulling on ears or a hoarse cry could be signs of a bacterial infection that may need treated with antibiotics.
    • Trust your instincts. If you think something is wrong with your baby it is best to take them to a doctor.
  5. Teething often mimics signs of sickness in babies. It is not unusual for a baby to run a low grade fever, have a runny nose, or pull on their ears if they are teething. You may be able to see your baby’s gums become swollen or start to break where the tooth is emerging. Try to make them as comfortable as possible for the next couple of days until the teething pain subsides. [5]
    • Provide them a teething ring or toy for them to chew on.
    • Talk to the child’s pediatrician about giving them Tylenol or Motrin to alleviate pain.
    • Provide them cold drinks or food to help with the pain. A bottle of cold water or a frozen banana might help. Only give solid foods to babies who are able to sit up and reach for the food on their own. Always make sure that they are being supervised by an adult when they eat.
  6. 6
    Visit your doctor if you can't identify a reason for the crying. The doctor can make sure that there are no underlying issues that are causing your baby's discomfort. Although it's likely that your baby is just experiencing normal crying, it's best to err on the side of caution.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Providing Physical Comfort

  1. Rocking your baby can help to soothe them when they are fussy or cranky. The rocking motion reminds them of their mother’s womb. It might even help them settle into sleep.
    • Rock your baby in a rocking or gliding chair.
    • Use a baby swing or bassinet to rock your baby.
    • Be careful that you don't rock or shake the baby too hard.
  2. Strap your baby in their car seat or stroller and go for a ride. The vibration of the seat is often very soothing. If your baby does not want to be in their stroller, considering holding them and taking a quick walk around the block. Your baby will enjoy the change of scenery.
  3. When done correctly, swaddling can provide many benefits to your baby when they are sleeping. Swaddled babies sleep longer because they startle less. The swaddling mimics touch and reminds baby’s of their mother’s womb. It also helps a baby learn to self soothe. [6]
    • Learn to swaddle your baby correctly. Be careful to not swaddle them too tightly. Always swaddle your baby with their hands on their chest. Swaddling them with their hands to their side can cause joint problems. [7]
    • Always place a swaddled baby on their back. You should stop swaddling once a baby is able to roll over.
  4. You might find that your baby wants you to hold them frequently. It can be very difficult to get anything else done when your baby wants to be held all of the time. If this is the case for you, you may want to consider babywearing. Babywearing is a safe method practiced all over the world to carry your children. It provides your child the comfort and attention that they need while giving you two free hands to do other things.
    • A baby wrap is the most common type of baby carrier. It is a long piece of stretchy fabric that you can wrap around your body in different ways to carry different size children.
    • The ring sling can be used for newborns and toddlers as well. It can also be used for hands free nursing.
    • Soft structured carriers are produced to wear like a backpack. Your child slides down into it. It is padded to provide you and the baby a lot of comfort.
  5. A baby can become fussy when they are overstimulated. Your baby can become overstimulated from toys, screens, noises, or crowds. Your baby may become irritable, hit you, or get too hyper. When you notice signs of overstimulation, try to provide your baby with some quiet time. [8]
  6. Babies need a lot of attention. Your baby may become fussy if they want you to hold or play with them. Be patient with your baby and keep in mind that your baby is not able to keep itself occupied for very long.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Calming a Baby with Sound

  1. Singing to your baby will not only improve your baby’s mood, it will also strengthen your bond and aiding in your child’s development. Don’t be shy to sing to your baby. They cannot tell if you are a bad singer or tone deaf. [9]
    • Never use headphones on your baby.
  2. When you are trying to sooth your baby through bouncing and rocking, try hushing or “sh”ing your baby. These noises simulate the noises of the mother’s womb and can provide your baby a lot of comfort.
  3. White noise also reminds babies of their mother’s womb. Your baby was used to hearing noises, like a heartbeat and people talking, while they were in the womb. It can be difficult for some babies to fall and stay asleep when it is completely quiet. White noise machines can also block out any other noise that may jar your baby. [10]
    • Do not turn up the volume of the machine too much. Also, make sure that the machine is not within reach of your baby’s crib.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Alleviating Discomfort

  1. It is normal to be worried about bundling up your baby to keep them warm. But remember, your baby should wear the same amount of clothing that you are wearing to stay comfortable. Your body can also help regulate your baby’s temperature. When you are holding your baby next to you, especially skin-to-skin, your baby is not likely to need extra blankets. [11]
    • Check to see if your baby is sweating or shivering.
    • Overheating is thought to cause SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). [12]
  2. Your baby can become fussy if they need to burp after or during a feeding. Try to burp your baby after each feeding regardless of whether you are bottle or breastfeeding. If your baby seems fussy in the middle of a feeding, try burping halfway through the feeding. [13]
    • Burp your baby halfway through their bottle.
    • If you are breastfeeding, try burping your baby when you switch breasts.
  3. Your baby can become uncomfortable if they need to pass gas. Until a baby is walking or crawling, this process can be very difficult for them to do alone. There are a few ways that you can try to help your baby pass gas. If it becomes a continuous problem, you may consider switching formulas, experimenting with different bottles, or talking to your child’s pediatrician. [14]
    • Try lying your baby on their back and working their legs like they are riding a bicycle.
    • Massaging their belly might also provide them some relief.
    • Lay your baby on their belly and help them slightly raise their chest.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can you tell if a baby is hungry?
    Mor Levy Volner, IBCLC, RDN
    International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
    Mor Levy Volner is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant based in Southern California. She earned a BS in Clinical Nutrition from the University of California, Davis in 2009 and finished her Lactation Consultant course from the University of California, San Diego Extension Program in 2013, which included 300 hours of lactation consulting experience from Kaiser Permanente. She also has an MS in Dietetics/Nutrition from the California State University - Northridge in 2014.
    International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
    Expert Answer
    A baby will show signs they're hungry like opening their mouth, looking around, turning from side to side, and putting their hands in their mouth. If you don't feed them soon after these signs, they may also begin to cry. However, it's best to avoid this stage since it will be harder to feed them once they're upset.
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      • Never shake a baby. Sometimes babies cry for no reason. If you are too frustrated, put the baby in a safe place, such as a crib, and step outside for a few minutes.

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      Before you can soothe your baby, you need to figure out what they want. Start by checking if the baby is hungry or needs a diaper change. If the baby has just been fed, they may need to be burped, or require additional burpings to release all the gas. If you aren't sure what's wrong, use comforting motions like rocking them in your arms, or gently bouncing them while they’re laying on your knees. Additionally, try singing a lullaby or making soothing sounds like “shhh shhh" to calm them down. Finally, if the baby is a newborn, swaddle or wrap them in a small, lightweight blanket to replicate the warmth and safety of the mother’s womb. For more advice, including how to soothe your baby with calming sleep techniques, keep reading.

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