Am I Ready for College?

Take this quiz to see if you're prepared to attend a university!

You’re a high schooler, and college isn’t far away. But how ready for university are you?

Answer these 15 essential questions about your academic skills and the college application process, and we’ll grade your responses to let you know if you’re prepared and what you can do to get ready.

A graduating student in a cap and gown standing in a line of other students.

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Questions Overview

1. Do you know what you want to study?
  1. Yes, I've made up my mind and decided what my major will be.
  2. I'm deciding between 2 or 3 specific majors.
  3. I have a general idea, but I haven't really narrowed it down yet.
  4. I don't know what I want to study.
2. Do you know which colleges you'll apply to, or which college you'll attend?
  1. Yes, I've already been accepted!
  2. Yes, I'm ready to send my applications, or I've already sent them.
  3. I have a pretty good idea, but I'm not quite certain yet.
  4. I don't know which college I want to attend.
3. Are your current grades competitive?
  1. Yes. I have outstanding grades.
  2. I have good grades, but they could be better.
  3. My grades are below average.
  4. I don't know, or this doesn't apply to me. (Select this if you took the GED rather than graduating high school, or are a non-traditional student.)
4. What are the main sections of a standard essay?
  1. Intro, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  2. Intro, quotations, and conclusion.
  3. Intro, argument, and conclusion.
  4. Hook, citations, and bibliography.
5. Are you able to read 50-100 pages of material each day?
  1. Yes, I have no problem achieving this.
  2. Yes, but it takes a lot of effort.
  3. No, I don't feel comfortable doing that.
  4. I'm not sure.
6. Are you able to perform standard computer skills, like installing software, video calling, browsing the web, sending emails, and performing online research?
  1. Yes, I'm totally comfortable doing these things.
  2. I'm able to do these things, but I'm not totally comfortable with them.
  3. I'm unable to do some things on the computer.
  4. I'm not able to, or comfortable with, most of these things.
7. Are you comfortable asking for help if you don't understand something, or can't accomplish something?
  1. Yes. I often ask for help.
  2. I sometimes ask for help, but it makes me uncomfortable.
  3. I only ask for help when I don't have any other choice.
  4. I never ask for help. I'll do it by myself, or not at all.
8. Are you comfortable discussing and debating challenging ideas with other people, including strangers?
  1. Yes, I enjoy expressing my views and hearing other people's perspectives.
  2. I like sharing ideas, but only if things stay civil and polite.
  3. I know how to express my views, but I don't enjoy it.
  4. I'd rather not talk about these things in a public space.
9. Which statement best describes how you approach a task like homework or class projects?
  1. I work on the task at a steady rate and in small chunks, and finish well before the deadline.
  2. I work on the task in larger chunks, and finish before the deadline.
  3. I use a lot of effort to complete the task all at once.
  4. I save the task for the last minute, or go past the deadline.
10. Do you know who will write your letter(s) of recommendation?
  1. Yes, I've asked for letters of recommendation, or have them already.
  2. I know who I want to write them, but I haven't asked them yet.
  3. I don't know who will write my letters of recommendation.
  4. This does not apply to me.
11. Do you know how you'll handle the financial requirements of college, like financial aid, scholarships, tuition, housing, and other costs?
  1. Yes, I've reviewed my budget and my financial plan, and I'm all set!
  2. My finances are taken care of by someone else.
  3. I'm still working on figuring out my financial details.
  4. I haven't considered finances, or I'm not sure how I'll pay for college expenses.
12. Do you have, or are you able to get, necessary school supplies like a backpack, calculator, textbooks, etc?
  1. Yes, I have these things or know I can get them.
  2. I have most of my supplies, but still need to figure out the rest.
  3. I have some supplies, and I'm not sure how I'll get the rest.
  4. I don't have any supplies, or I'm not sure how I'll get them.
13. Are you comfortable taking notes in class?
  1. Yes, and I have a note-taking system that works for me.
  2. I'm comfortable taking notes, but they're not always organized.
  3. I'm not very good at taking notes, and don't always take them.
  4. I never take notes in class.
14. Do you enjoy learning things on your own, outside of class, or when it's not required?
  1. Yes! I'm very curious, and often go out of my way to learn new things.
  2. I sometimes try to learn extra things, but only when it's convenient.
  3. I rarely try to learn extra things that aren't required by a class.
  4. I only learn the things required by a class.
15. What motivates you to learn new things? Choose the option that best describes you.
  1. I take pleasure in learning, and don't need outside motivation.
  2. I'm motivated by my career or financial goals.
  3. I'm motivated by good grades or praise.
  4. I learn new things because other people expect me to.

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You've also fostered excellent study habits and a solid work ethic that'll help you keep up in class and earn the grades you need to succeed. Even now, you're a hard worker with competitive grades and a good deal of knowledge in the field you want to study.

You know what to expect when you finally step foot on campus, but you're also ready to have new experiences. That flexibility will get you far. Congratulations on your future studies, and be sure to keep up the good work!

Here are some helpful resources to give you a head-start on your college journey:

College Readiness Checklist

Everyone’s college journey is different, but you can make sure you’re ready for what’s next by taking some key steps and building the necessary skills that will give you a head start as you continue your education. Take a look at this checklist and see how many points you hit:

Key Steps:

Key Skills:

  • I know how to a complete essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • I’ve mastered basic skills for my desired major, like writing and grammar, or math skills.
  • I have a proven strategy for studying and learning independently.
  • I can manage my time efficiently and effectively.
  • I’m organized and know how to balance a schedule.
  • I seek help when I don’t understand or can’t complete something.
  • I stay on top of class assignments and avoid turning things in late.
  • I actively seek out new information and knowledge, even if it isn’t part of a class.
  • I can communicate and cooperate with others, especially under pressure.
  • Attending college is something I want, not just something I’m doing because other people tell me to.