How to Take Care of
Your Dog, for Kids

The ultimate kid-friendly course to help your child learn how to take care of a new dog. With 5 easy-to-follow, age-appropriate lessons, along with a test at the end with a chance to earn a certificate, your child will know just what it takes to be a good dog owner.

Featuring David Levin , Dog Trainer

Easy-to-print PDF workbook, perfect for kids between the ages of 7 to 12. Each lesson has instructions, videos, and a practical homework assignment. Have your child take the test at the end to earn a certificate and prove to you that they're ready to care for a dog!
5 lessons, with one lesson and homework assignment per day.
Each lesson takes 10-15 minutes to read.

What kids will learn in this easy-to-print, kid-friendly PDF course:

  • Setting up proper feeding schedules for a puppy/dog
  • Advice for beginners for walking a new dog
  • Methods for dealing with messes and accidents
  • The easiest (and most fun) way to give a dog a bath
  • Effective ways to bond and exercise with a new puppy

Why should your child take this course?

  1. So that your kid will walk the dog, even once the novelty wears off. Dogs sound fun (and they are!), but they also take work. Any child who thinks they are ready for a dog should take our course so they can get ready for their new best friend.
  2. To teach your kid accountability. What better way to inspire responsibility than to give your child an animal that needs love and affection? Learning to feed, walk, and bathe your dog will empower your child and make them more responsible and attentive.
  3. To foster a “best friend” relationship for your child that will last for years. This course will give your child strategies for bonding, playing, and having fun with the newest member of your family, which will pay off for years to come.

Course Overview

5 Lessons

Walking the Dog
Feeding the Dog
Bathroom Breaks & Cleaning Up Accidents
Bathing the Dog
Bonding with the Dog

Meet the Expert

David Levin
Professional Dog Walker & Trainer
David Levin is the Owner of Citizen Hound, a professional dog walking business based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 9 years of professional dog walking and training experience, David's business has been voted the "Best Dog Walker SF" by Beast of the Bay for 2019, 2018, and 2017. Citizen Hound has also been ranked #1 Dog Walker by the SF Examiner and A-List in 2017, 2016, 2015. Citizen Hound prides themselves on their customer service, care, skill, and reputation.
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What are others saying?


I have been wanting a dog and doing this class will help me convince my parents that I am ready! Thanks wikiHow!


I am so happy. Now I can take care of my dog without worrying that I don’t know what to do. Thank you so much for all your pet advice wikiHow.


This course really helped my son realize that taking care of a new puppy won't be as easy as he thinks! Every day we talked about what he learned and how he felt about the practice assignment. I think now he won't take it for granted how much of a team effort it will be to raise a puppy.

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