The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle

Gain muscle and get stronger with guidance from professionals. Learn dozens of muscle-building exercises that work, and make a workout plan you can stick to—so your gains will last.

Featuring Brendon Rearick , Strength Coach, Danny Gordon , Certified Personal Trainer and Pete Cerqua , Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist

Every lesson includes videos with expert advice, a summary of key tips and takeaways, and a quick assignment to help you apply what you learned. Completely mobile-friendly.
This course lasts 5 days, with one lesson per day delivered to your inbox.
Each lesson takes 5 minutes to read and watch.

What you will learn

  • What you should eat before and after a workout
  • Attainable exercises for beginners and advanced weightlifters
  • How to work out your core, arms, and neck
  • Exercises that will help you develop strong and stable leg muscles
  • How cardio can help you build muscle
  • Why incorporating rest into your routine can help you create balance and sustain a healthy lifestyle

Why should you take this course?

  1. To build muscle. Learn appropriate exercises to help you develop your core, arms, neck, and legs, and walk away from the course with tools to create your own flexible workout routines with the new exercises you've learned.
  2. To get advice from a personal trainer. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to build muscle. You just need good advice and a strong work ethic. We can provide the good advice; you bring the work ethic.
  3. So that you can achieve your goals and get healthier. You’ll be amazed by the strength, stamina, and self-confidence you can build if you do the work. Gains, here you come!

Course Overview

5 Lessons

Pre-Workout Prep (It's Easier Than You Think!)
Building a Powerful Upper Body
Developing Stable Leg Muscles
Cardio to… Help Your Gains?
Establishing a Routine that Feels Right

Meet the Experts

Brendon Rearick
Personal Trainer & Strength Coach
Brendon Rearick is a Personal Trainer, Strength Coach, Fitness Program Director, and co-founder of Certified Functional Strength Coach (CSFC), a fitness education company in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 17 years of experience in the fitness industry, Brendon specializes in strength and conditioning, and his company CSFC has certified over 3,000 trainers in over 20 countries. Brendon has worked as a Program Director for Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning (MBSC) and earned his massage therapy license from the Cortiva Institute-Boston. Brendon holds a BS in Kinesiology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
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Meet the Experts

Danny Gordon
Certified Personal Trainer
Danny Gordon is an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of The Body Studio for Fitness, a fitness studio based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 20 years of physical training and teaching experience, he has focused his studio on semi-private personal training. Danny received his Personal Trainer Certification from the California State University, East Bay and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
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Meet the Experts

Pete Cerqua
Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
Pete Cerqua is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. Pete is also a five-time best-selling author of books including "The 90-Second Fitness Solution" and "High Intensity Fitness Revolution for Women/Men" published by Simon and Schuster and Skyhorse Publishing. Pete has over 20 years of personal training and nutrition coaching experience and operates the 90-Second Fitness flagship studio in New York City.
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What are others saying?


This course made it simple. It had everything I needed to know, from learning what my fitness goals were, to finding the motivation to get out and achieve them. This course will help you make up your own plan to build muscle, and balance it with your work and personal life goals.


This was extremely helpful, actionable yet expert knowledge, and showed me how the experience of many years of personal training could be combined and summarized into one awesome course. Thank you!


This course is excellent, it’s helped me a lot. I’ve started doing everything according to the trainers’ advice and already feel much better physically, and emotionally too! Thanks wikiHow, I am doing more exercise and am happier doing it. Take the course!

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