Fun Paper Crafts for Kids

Give your child the tools to create 6 easy and fun paper craft projects. All you need is paper, a pair of scissors, and this workbook! Perfect for ages 4 and up.

Developed by wikiHow's Crafts Experts

Easy-to-print PDF workbook with 6 video tutorials
10-20 minutes per lesson

What kids will learn:

  • How to have fun and be creative with simple supplies and without making a mess
  • Why boats float, how snakes stay warm, and other fun facts
  • Spatial skills as they practice skills like folding, shape-making, and more

Why should you get this workbook?

  1. You want to have low-maintenance but fun activities for your child. A big craft day sounds fun...until you've spent $100 on supplies and have a big mess all over the house. These paper projects are no-fuss but couldn't be more engaging for younger and older children alike.
  2. You want to give your kids something fun yet safe to do. No stress comes with this workbook–these projects largely don't need parental supervision. Any child old enough to handle scissors can create these projects with ease.
  3. You want to watch your child's creativity expand. Just like every paper snowflake, no child is the same. You'll love seeing the spin they take on these different projects!

Course Overview

6 Projects

The Paper Boat
The Paper Snowflake
The Paper Jet Airplane
The Paper Hat
The Paper Envelope
The Paper Snake

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Our goal at wikiHow is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs. For 15 years, we've committed to our step-by-step teaching model, and we continue to refine our content to create the best how-to experience on the Internet. We’ve helped millions of people solve problems, learn new skills, and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need glue or tape or any other special materials for these projects?
What ages are these projects best for?
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What are others saying?


I am so glad I downloaded this PDF for my sons to use. They made so many paper snowflakes our walls are covered, and it's not even the holidays! Thanks for making this, wikiHow!


I couldn't believe how much this workbook saved my life! One afternoon I had SO much to do. I parked my daughter in front of it and she was absorbed for 2 hours. (That's a lifetime in mommy time!) Thank you thank you!


My kids loved trying these projects. Thanks so much.

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