There are lots of reasons why someone may want to cut or shave their baby's hair. Sometimes, it is necessary to trim your baby's hair because it is growing too fast and getting into their eyes. Another time when shaving a baby's hair off becomes necessary is when he or she has cradle cap and no other remedies are working. Some cultures even have traditions for shaving a baby's hair off when they reach a certain age. Whatever your reasons are, there are certain things that you could try to ensure that things go smoothly. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Cutting Your Baby's Hair

  1. Cranky, fussy babies will move around a lot, which can make cutting difficult. A happy baby may still squirm, but not to the extent of flailing arms and legs. More importantly, you want your baby to associate haircuts with good memories—not memories of being hungry, tired, or just cranky.
    • Make sure that your baby is fed and rested. Play with them ahead of time so that they are in a good mood.
  2. Set your sink or bassinet up just like you would for bath time. This will create a familiar environment for your baby, which could help make the experience less scary for them. Be sure to have some bath toys ready to distract your baby. [2]
  3. If your baby doesn't like getting their head wet, try misting their hair with water in a spray bottle instead. Alternatively, you can dampen their hair with wet fingers or a wet washcloth. [3]
  4. 4
    Section your baby's hair. Using a comb, divide the baby's hair into sections about 2 inches (5.1 cm) wide. Secure each section gently with a hair elastic. This is especially important if your baby's hair is curly or prone to tangling.
  5. Make a V-shape with your index finger and middle finger. Pinch a vertical section of hair between your fingers, as close to the head as possible. Your fingers will create a buffer between the scissors and your baby's head. [4]
    • The section of hair should be going top-to-bottom, not side-to-side. It should be the width of your fingers.
  6. Never cut the hair below your fingers, as you may hurt your baby or trim shorter than you intended. Always keep your fingers between the scissors and your baby's head.
    • Use hairdressing scissors. Do not use blunt scissors, even if you think they are safer; they will only damage your baby's hair.
  7. You do not need to measure the un-cut sections against the already-cut sections. The thickness of your fingers will ensure that you are cutting the same length throughout. Do the back first, then the sides. Finish off with the top and front.
  8. This is the trickiest part of cutting your baby's hair because you have nothing to buffer with, and your baby will move around. Pinch the hair in small sections between your fingers like before, then snip the excess hair off. Angle your fingers to follow the curve of the ear. [5]
    • Move your hand with the baby's head. Work quickly and take advantage of any pauses.
    • If this causes you too much anxiety, consider leaving the hair around your baby's ears long.
  9. Wash your baby with a gentle baby soap. Use your baby's usual soap and shampoo. This will help the baby associate haircuts with normal activities, like bath time. It will also help clean off any stray hairs. [6]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Shaving Your Baby's Hair

  1. Cradle cap is dry, dead skin covering a baby's head. Shaving all of the hair off is a popular remedy for it. If cutting your baby's hair is too nerve-wracking, you can try another remedy instead. For example: [7]
    • Apply coconut oil or olive oil to your baby's scalp, then comb the cradle cap out with a soft bristle brush.
    • Ask your baby's pediatrician about using a special prescription shampoo. It will take about a month or so for the cradle cap to clear.
    • Prevent cradle cap by humidifying your home. Moisturize your baby's scalp with baby lotion just after bath time when the skin is still damp.
  2. Whether you are shaving your baby's head for cultural reasons or to take care of cradle cap, you need to make sure that the skull is firm. It is recommended that you wait until they are at least a year old. If you need to take care of cradle cap, try the methods listed above or ask a pediatrician's advice.
  3. Avoid using a razor unless your culture's tradition specifically requests that you use one. Razors are difficult to use on babies because they are more likely to nick the skin. A trimmer is much safer and will result in a buzz cut. Clippers are another option if you want to cut your baby's hair short. [8]
    • Use a longer guard, if possible. It won't take off as much hair, but it will keep the blade further from your baby's skin.
    • If you must use a razor for cultural reasons, be sure to lather your baby's hair with baby-safe soap and water.
  4. Cranky babies are fussy and move around a lot, which can make shaving their hair difficult. Choose a time when your baby is most relaxed and less likely to turn fussy. If possible, give your baby something to distract them, like a toy. [9]
  5. Do the back first, then the sides. If your baby becomes fussy, take a break and try feeding them. You can also sing or talk to your baby to keep them calm. [10]
    • If you are using a razor, then move it downwards, with the growth of the hair.
  6. Use the same water temperature and soap that you normally would. This will get rid of all those tiny hairs and may help relax your baby. The soap will also help disinfect the scalp. When you are done, apply some baby lotion or moisturizer to their scalp to prevent dryness and itching. [11]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Going to a Salon

  1. If you are having trouble finding one, ask other parents for advice. These can be friends, family, neighbors, or even members from social media parenting groups.
  2. A great opportunity is when you are getting your own hair cut. This will help make the place more familiar to your baby, and less scary. Double check with the salon that it's okay to bring your baby ahead of time. Some salons do not allow children.
    • Some salons that cater towards kids even have special booths that are more appealing to children. They may have stickers on the mirrors or fancy chairs.
  3. Make sure that your baby is well-fed and well-rested before leaving the house. If your baby is old enough to understand what you are saying, you can even talk to them about their friends' haircuts. Be sure to bring some toys as well!
  4. If things really start to go badly, don't be afraid to reschedule. If you force the baby to sit through the haircut when they are having such a bad time, they may start associating haircuts with crying, stress, and anxiety. If they have a bad experience, they may be reluctant to sit through a future haircut.
  5. Many parents like to keep a lock of hair from their baby's first haircut. Bring an envelope with you so that you can transport the lock safely back to your home. Avoid plastic baggies, as they may cause the hair to stick due to static.

Expert Q&A

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      • Shaving your baby's hair off does not cause it to grow back thicker. Whether or not your baby's hair grows back thicker after shaving depends on their genetics. [12]
      • Cutting wet hair is easier than cutting dry hair. If your baby doesn't like getting their hair wet, try misting it with water instead. [13]
      • Make sure that you are feeling calm. Babies can tell if their parent is feeling stressed and will become more fussy as a result. [14]
      Show More Tips


      • Avoid using a razor to shave your baby's hair, as it can lead to injury. If this is for a cultural or religious practice, consider speaking with a religious leader.

      Things You'll Need

      Cutting Your Baby's Hair

      • Hairdressing shears
      • Sink or bassinet
      • Baby soap
      • Baby shampoo
      • Bath toys

      Shaving Your Baby's Hair

      • Trimmer or clippers
      • Toy
      • Sink or bassinet
      • Baby soap
      • Baby shampoo
      • Baby-safe disinfectant
      • Baby-safe lotion

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      To cut your baby’s hair, start by making sure they’re fed and well-rested so they’re not cranky during the haircut. Then, set up a bath with some fun toys to keep them calm and distracted. Next, put your baby in the bath, dampen their hair, and divide it into 2-inch sections. After that, pinch a section at a time between your fingers, and cut the hair sticking out above them to prevent injuring your baby’s head with the scissors. For more tips from our Beauty co-author, including how to shave your older baby’s head, keep reading!

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