Many of your dog’s growing bone issues result from “growing pains,” which usually resolve on their own once your dog finishes growing, usually anywhere from 12-18 months old depending on the breed. However, some bone problems are the result of poor joint anatomy, which can cause pain and arthritis, even after your dog’s bones have stopped growing. No matter the issue, your pup has limited ways of indicating to you there is a problem and that they are in pain. So tests administered by your vet are the best way to determine the right diagnosis for your dog's bone pain.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Recognizing Possible Signs of Bone Disease

  1. Limping is one of the most recognizable signs that your dog is experiencing pain. You might notice that your dog is favoring one leg rather than distributing their weight evenly, or they may hold up a paw to avoid putting weight on it. [1]
    • Limping can either come about suddenly or develop over a period of time. The sooner you recognize that your dog is limping, the faster they can receive treatment.
    • You may notice that your dog's limbs seem swollen at the joints, or that their legs are bowing. This can indicate that there is a bone deformity or disease present.
  2. Growing pains are typically associated with larger breeds since these puppies develop more bone mass in the same period of time as smaller breeds. [2] You may notice that your dog is walking strangely or in a markedly different way than they normally do. Their back and pelvis might drop towards the ground or they may hop instead of taking steps.
    • Bone diseases will present themselves in different ways in a dog’s gait. The most important thing is to notice that your dog is walking differently, rather than trying to diagnose your dog at this stage. [3]
  3. Lameness is a more serious symptom and should be addressed as soon as possible. Dogs that are lame will avoid putting any weight on one leg. They may also have pain, decreased range of motion, lose muscle mass, and demonstrate abnormal postures and gaits. [4]
    • Never exercise your dog if you realize they are lame. Their bodies need time to heal and exercise can aggravate the condition. [5]
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Examining and Testing Your Dog for Bone Diseases

  1. If you notice that your dog is displaying symptoms of a possible bone disease, take them to the veterinarian. Share your concerns with the vet and let them know what kinds of symptoms your dog has displayed.
    • If your dog appears to be suffering from other bone issues like bowed legs, swollen joints, or discomfort when they move their legs or try to walk, your best course of action is to take them into your vet so they can complete a physical examination of your dog.
  2. This will help your vet determine which leg or legs are a source of pain and potential bone disease.
    • This can also help your veterinarian see how the dog is limping and walking.
    • Your vet will also want to move your dog’s joints. Your vet will be looking for symmetry between the left and right legs, using the corresponding joint on the opposite leg for comparison to spot swollen joints.
  3. In the consult room, your vet will stand back and take a look at your dog to get an overall impression of your dog’s muscle development. Dogs and puppies develop and strengthen different muscles as they grow so a physical exam will help your vet locate the problem.
    • Muscle wastage is usually the result of long term under use of a limb, so a poorly muscled leg indicates a problem that has been developing for weeks or even months.
    • Your vet will take into account your dog’s age, weight, medical history, and breed into account when they are examining and making a diagnosis.
  4. At the end of this physical exam, the vet should have a good idea of where the source of pain is for your dog. The majority of bone pain in growing dogs can be attributed to growing pains, not a disease. Your veterinarian will conduct this exam and offer their expert opinion. This diagnosis will either require further testing, or treatment. [6]
    • If your dog’s lameness has been ongoing for longer than two weeks, your vet will suggest imaging tests.
    • Bone diseases are typically either congenital or hereditary, nutritional, or caused by a traumatic injury. Some bone diseases are curable and manageable while others may be chronic. [7]
  5. To take x-rays, your dog might have to be sedated or given a general anesthetic. This will help x-ray technicians put your dog’s limbs in the necessary position to get useful images. Usually two views are taken of each area of interest, for comparison. [8]
    • This test is excellent at detecting bone pathology, however, it does have limitations. Although an x-ray will tell your vet about your dog’s bones, it can't show any damage to cartilage or soft tissue. So if your dog’s problem lies within a joint or the joint lining, an x-ray will give your vet clues, rather than a diagnosis. [9]
  6. A CT scan is a more sophisticated form of x-rays, where multiple beams are fired from many different directions to build up a 3D image of an area. CT scans give a very realistic picture of the bones and show very detailed joint linings images. This test also makes it possible to detect cracks in your dog’s cartilage and other problems that may not show up on an x-ray.
  7. Bone biopsies are not usually conducted on young dogs. The most common reason for conducting a bone biopsy is to differentiate cancer from an infection. This is very rarely necessary to test for in growing dogs. [10]
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Treating Bone Diseases

  1. Panosteitis is the medical term for “growing pains.” It causes discomfort in the long bones (thin, shin, upper arm) of large breeds who grow rapidly. This is the most common type of bone injury that your growing dog might experience.
    • It is not entirely clear what causes Panosteitis but one cause may be an imbalance between the rate of growth of your dog’s bones and excess thickening of the bone. It tends to happen more frequently in larger dog breeds and in males. [11]
    • If your dog has Panosteitis, they many wince or show discomfort when you gently touch the affected bones. On an x-ray, the bone will have a “thumb print” appearance, and the shafts will look like someone has marked it with dirty thumb prints.
    • Panosteitis is curable. It usually resolves itself as the dog continues to grow. In the mean time, your vet might prescribe pain medication or anti-inflammatory drugs. [12]
  2. As your pup grows, their legs get longer. This leg growth comes from areas called growth plates, which are on the ends of longer bones. These growth plates produce new bone cells that are added on to the existing bone, literally making the bone longer. MOD is a bone disease that produces severe lameness, pain, and swelling along the growth plates. [13]
    • We aren't sure what causes HOD.
    • The vet will diagnose your dog with HOD based on x-rays that show bony inflammation and abnormal bone growth near joints.
    • HOD can be treated with anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Your vet may also prescribe an antibiotic since many dogs with HOD have fevers and high white blood cell counts. [14]
  3. Pups with rickets have obviously deformed legs that are markedly bowed, or splayed out. Rickets can appear in dogs as young as 4 weeks old, since their bones are not strong enough to support their weight at this age. On an x-ray, a dog with rickets will have bones that appear hazy and indistinct. All of the bones in the dog’s skeleton will be affected, not just their joints.
    • Dogs develop rickets because they have Vitamin D deficiencies and can’t absorb the calcium they need to form strong and healthy bones. All breeds can contract rickets, since this is a nutritional issue and not a genetic condition. [15]
    • You can treat rickets in your pet by supplementing their diet with calcium and Vitamin D.
  4. This condition affects the joint lining of large dog breeds when they are typically between 6-9 months old. As their bones grow very quickly, even a slight mismatch in the rate of growth of cartilage can lead to cracks and small breaks in their bones. These cartilage cracks, flakes, and chips will cause the dog to limp, become lame, and experience a lot of pain. [16]
    • Experts are not sure why osteochondritis dissecans occurs in larger dog breeds, but there may be a genetic cause and some breeds such as Labradors, Retrievers, and Bernese Mountain dogs may be predisposed to this condition. [17]
    • A CT scan is the ideal test for this condition, as these cracks can be missed on an x-ray. A CT scan will give your vet a detailed image of the surface of the joint and show any bone damage.
    • Osteochondritis dissecans is first treated through corrective surgery. Your veterinarian will then prescribe medicines to help with pain and inflammation while your dog heals. There are some medicines that help to limit cartilage damage and degeneration that can make managing the disease easier. [18]
  5. Dysplasia is the abnormal growth of joints as a result of an inherited genetic defect. The hips and elbows are two areas where dysplasia is more common. Dysplasia affects the joints and results in osteoarthritis and joint degeneration over time. Large breed dogs are more susceptible to dysplasia, and most breeders will genetically test for this condition before they breed their dogs. [19]
    • Elbow dysplasia is more difficult to spot because the signs will be difficult to see on an x-ray. Get a CT scan to look for signs of elbow dysplasia, which will appear as a tiny crack in a certain area on the inside of your dog's elbow. It is easier to diagnose hip dysplasia based on x-rays.
    • Your vet might recommend corrective surgery, anti-inflammatory medication, or osteoarthritis medication. [20]

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      • Keep a log of your dog’s symptoms whenever you first notice them so you can share this information with your vet.


      • While the majority of symptoms like limping and walking strangely can be attributed to growing pains, you should keep a careful watch for any changes in your dog’s health or behavior.
      • Never give your dog over the counter medication without consulting your veterinarian first.

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      To diagnose bone disease in your growing dog, look for symptoms like limping, bowed legs, general changes in how it walks, and lameness. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet so they can watch your dog walk and move its joints to determine if it has bone disease. Once they’ve performed a physical exam, they may need to do additional tests like a CT scan. Then, they’ll give you their treatment recommendations, which can range from anti-inflammatory medication to surgery. For more information from our Veterinary co-author, including what to do if your dog has a condition called rickets that’s causing deformation in its legs, read on!

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