Eating healthy and exercising can seem like a pretty simple and straightforward goal; however, there are many different components to a healthy diet and fitness program. For example, you'll need to think about when and where you'll be working out, what foods to eat, how much to eat, and how to prepare them. Starting with a specific goal and detailed plan can help you implement the changes you need to help you eat healthier and be more active.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Improving Your Diet

  1. Eating healthier is a great goal, but a broad one. To help you tailor your goal and figure out exactly what you need to do differently, start by doing a few days of a food recall. Jot down everything you have previously eaten. [1]
    • A food recall is when you write down detailed notes about what you eat and drink in one day. Include all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), any snacks or nibbles throughout the day and anything you drink (or add to your drinks).
    • Be as detailed as possible. If you're not good at remembering what you ate over the last few days, try keeping a food journal for a few days, either on paper or using a smartphone diet-tracking app.
    • After you have your notes, review them and see where you can make changes. This will help you set goals for yourself and design an appropriate meal plan.
    • Examples of things you may want to change include: eating breakfast on a regular basis, drinking less soda, avoiding junk food, eating more vegetables or snacking less.
  2. Write up a meal plan . A meal plan will be a great help to you when you're attempting to make changes to your eating pattern and style. This will be a guide or blueprint for all your food choices. [2]
    • A meal plan can be very detailed or just a few notes, but take some time and write out your ideas of what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and beverages for the coming week.
    • Having a week or two of meals laid out in front of you can help you visually see if you're making the right changes to your diet. You can look and see if you're meeting your goals, like including a vegetable at each meal or scheduling a balanced breakfast every morning.
    • Use your meal plan to guide you throughout the week. You can also use it to help you write up a grocery list to make sure you purchase everything you need at the store.
  3. One of the main components to "eating healthy" is having a balanced and varied diet. Without consuming items from a variety of food groups, it's difficult to make sure you're eating a nutritious diet. [3]
    • A balanced diet means that you're eating the right amounts of the right types of foods for you. [4] For example, you don't want to eat mostly grains and forget about fruits and vegetables.
    • Also, make sure that you have a varied diet as well. That means eating a wide variety of foods from within each food group. For example, don't only go for an apple every day. Rotate through apples, oranges, berries or pineapple.
    • A combination of both a balanced and varied diet will provide the basis for a nutritious diet that provides with you with all the recommended vitamins and minerals you need.
  4. One of the ways to make your meal balanced and nutritious is by filling up half your plate with a fruit or a vegetable. [5]
    • Both fruits and vegetables are low-calorie and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These foods are main sources of many essential nutrients.
    • Include one to two servings of either fruit or vegetables at each meal and snack. One serving of fruit is 1/2 cup or one small piece, and one serving of vegetables is 1 cup of chopped veggies (like carrots or broccoli) or 1 to 2 cups of leafy greens like kale.
    • If you can, try to choose the fruits and vegetables that are the most nutrient-dense. These foods are incredibly high in nutrients compared to others and are typically darker and brighter in color. For example, dark green vegetables like spinach or kale are much higher in vitamins (especially Vitamin A and K) when compared to iceberg lettuce, which is almost white.
  5. Lean protein is another essential component to your diet. Protein provides the building blocks your body needs to function every day. [6]
    • To meet your daily recommended needs, include a 3 – 4 oz serving of protein at each meal. One serving is about the size of your palm or a deck of cards.
    • Leaner proteins are lower in calories and fat compared to proteins that are less lean and make an important part of a healthy diet
    • Choose foods like: poultry, eggs, lean pork, lean beef, seafood, tofu and legumes. Limit fattier protein sources like sausage, bacon, deep-fried fish/chicken, processed meats and higher-fat beef and pork.
  6. Grain-based foods make up a large part of many diets. Foods like breads, rices and pastas are delicious and can be a part of a healthy diet. Make most, if not all, of your grain choices 100% whole grain. [7]
    • Whole grains are minimally processed and contain each part of the grain (the bran, endosperm and germ). This makes whole grains higher in fiber, protein and other nutrients that are beneficial to your diet.
    • More refined grains like white bread or white rice are stripped of those vital nutrients. These types of foods should be limited in your diet.
    • Stick to 1/2 cup or 1 oz servings of whole grains. Try foods like: 100% whole grain breads and pastas, brown rice, quinoa, oats, millet and barley.
  7. Outside of foods, drinking adequate fluids can also help you have a healthier diet. Although water doesn't provide any nutrients, it's an essential part of your diet. [8]
    • Water is important for a variety of functions in your body including regulating body temperature, maintaining acid/base balance, lubricating joints and managing your blood pressure.
    • Most health professionals recommend consuming anywhere from eight to 13 8-ounce glasses of water daily (1.9 to 3 liters). This will differ for everyone based on gender, age and activity level. You should drink enough so that you do not feel thirsty at any point during the day.
    • Stick to clear, sugar-free and decaffeinated beverages. Try: water, flavored water, unsweetened decaf coffee and tea.
    • Limit sugary drinks and alcohol. These contain excess calories and provide little to no worthwhile nutrition. Keep alcohol at a max of one serving or less daily for women and two servings or less for men.
  8. Snacking can get a bad rap in terms of "healthy eating." Many people associate snacking with foods like chips or candies; however, eating a healthy snack can help improve your overall diet. [9]
    • Snacks are a great addition to your diet when you're feeling hungry and your next meal isn't for another few hours, to help you fuel up for a workout, or recover from an intense exercise session.
    • Snacks can lead to unhealthy weight gain if you eat when you're not hungry or out of boredom, or if you choose unhealthier foods.
    • Snacks, like your meals, should be well-balanced and contain a combination of lean protein, fruit, or vegetables.
    • Limit processed foods, foods with added sugars or those that are higher in fat and calories. Desserts, candies, cookies, pastries or chips should be limited. You do not have to avoid these foods completely, but these treats should only be eaten in moderation.
    • Examples of nutritious snacks include: 1/2 cup of yogurt with 1/2 cup of fruit; four whole grain crackers with 1 oz of low-fat cheese; a handful of nuts (raw walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts); or an apple with a low-fat cheese stick.
  9. Many times people perceive healthy eating as "boring and flavorless." Actually, the opposite is true, especially if you take the time to make foods you truly enjoy.
    • Don't misconceive healthy eating as only salads, plain steamed vegetables or baked lean proteins without any flavors. Spending some time researching different ways to make healthy foods enjoyable will be to your benefit.
    • If you're not truly enjoying the foods you're eating, you most likely won't continue with your healthy eating pattern long-term.
    • Start by reviewing the recipes of some of your favorite foods or meals. You can always add in extra veggies to baked dishes like baked pastas, meatballs, meatloaf and even cakes. Use 100% whole grain flour when baking and swap the sugar for applesauce.
    • For example, if you love mac and cheese, add some pureed butternut squash to the sauce and toss in some of your favorite vegetables with the noodles. You could also try making homemade baked sweet potato fries instead of regular french fries. Add shredded carrots or zucchini to cakes, cookies and muffins for an extra hit of nutrition.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Incorporating Physical Activity

  1. Like your meal plan for healthy eating, spend some time thinking about what types of exercise you'd like to include for your activity. [10]
    • There are many different ways to be active. The more you enjoy your workouts, the more likely you are to stick with them long-term.
    • Consider what types of activity you may want to include. It is important to include both cardio and strength training activity each week for the best overall exercise and health benefits.
    • Gyms are a great place to join if you want to work on adding in physical activity. You have access to group classes, cardio machines, weight machines and personal training staff.
    • If you're not one for the gym, consider what activities you can do at home. You may want to purchase exercise DVDs, plan a walking/running route or find free online videos.
    • Find activities you want to do each week and schedule them into your day and week.
  2. One main type of exercise is aerobic exercise (cardio). These activities have a lot of great health benefits when done on a regular and weekly basis. [11]
    • The USDA recommends doing about 150 minutes or 2 1/2 hours of moderate-intensity cardio activity each week. Moderate intensity activities are those that make you sweat and get your heart rate elevated for at least 10 – 20 minutes.
    • The benefits associated with cardio exercises include: weight loss or healthy weight support, decreased risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, decreased risk for obesity, improved mood and sleep habits.
    • Do a combination of activities that you've planned out. They can be anything from swimming, dancing, hiking, walking or doing a gym aerobics class.
  3. In addition to cardio, you should do strength training each week. These exercises offer different health benefits than cardio and will help round out your physical activity regimen. [12]
    • Strength or resistance training exercises aim to help build your lean muscle mass. The benefits include more dense and hard bones, decreased risk of osteoporosis, increases in lean muscle mass and increased metabolism.
    • Activities like weight lifting, yoga or pilates can all count as strength training. Choose your favorite activity and include it two to three days a week in addition to your cardio.
  4. The last main type of activity is baseline or lifestyle activity. Although it's not considered planned or consistent exercise, there are still a variety of benefits to increasing your baseline activity.
    • Lifestyle activities are those that you already perform as part of your daily life. These can include walking to and from your car, doing laundry, raking leaves and taking the stairs.
    • These types of activities do not count towards your 150 minutes of planned cardio each week. These are done in addition to that.
    • Studies have shown that these activities may provide similar benefits to more traditional, planned physical activity (like going for a 30 minute jog). They can also increase or support these benefits if done in combination with planned physical activity.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. In addition to eating healthy and being physically active, visiting your doctor on a regular basis can help support your goals to be healthier. [13]
    • Speak to your doctor regarding your new plan for a healthier diet and physical activity routine. They will be able to tell you whether or not your plan is safe and appropriate for you.
    • Talk to your doctor about why you want to eat healthier and exercise more often. They may have some tips for you and may be able to let you know long-term whether or not your plan has had a positive effect on your health.
    • Your doctor may also be able to refer you to a registered dietitian or personal trainer to help you get additional guidance on your goals.
  2. When you're first starting with a new type of diet and exercise plan, it can be exciting and fun. Over time you might get bored with your routine which may make it more likely that you'll give up. [14]
    • Trying new things to keep your routines fresh can help you stay motivated and interested in your plan for a healthier lifestyle.
    • A few ways to keep your healthy eating plan fun and fresh are by: trying new recipes, buy a new ingredient or new item you've never tried, or try recreating your favorite restaurant or comfort foods at home.
    • You may also get bored with your fitness routine. Like your diet, there are some ways to keep things fresh like: signing up for a race or competition, find an exercise buddy, signing up for a new gym class or listening to a good audiobook while you work out.
  3. Starting a journal is a great way to help you stay on track with your new diet pattern and fitness routine. [15]
    • Try journaling about your old eating habits, what you want to change and how it's going with your new eating habits. A food journal can provide you with a lot of insight on why you eat, when you eat and how certain foods affect your body.
    • You can also use your journal to write out your meal plan and fitness plans for the week.
    • It may also be a good place to track your progress towards your goals. You can make notes about how easy or hard it's been and how your goals have changed over time.
  4. Regardless of what your ultimate end goal is, taking some measurements may help keep you on track with your healthy eating and activity plan long-term.
    • When you eat healthier and are more active you may lose some weight. Regular weigh-ins can help you see how your new goals have affected your weight. Weight yourself once a week — you're more likely to stick with your plan if you weigh yourself regularly. Make sure you do it at the same time of day each week, wearing the same clothing.
    • You may also want to consider tracking your clothes size, waist or hip size as well. If you notice any of your measurements getting too big or too small, you can return to your journal and make any changes you need to your eating and fitness plans.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can you lose weight by eating healthy and exercising?
    Kristi Major
    ACE Certified Personal Trainer
    Kristi Major is an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified Personal Trainer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Kristi has over 18 years of personal training experience and more than 90 hours of recertification study in fitness, health, nutrition, and supplementation. She is CPR and AED certified from the American Heart Association and she has a BA in Television Broadcasting.
    ACE Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Absolutely! In fact, this is the healthiest way to go about losing weight. Fad diets and "get thin fast" schemes rarely work, but you're sure to lose some weight if you eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Question
    What exercise is good for heart health?
    Shervin Eshaghian, MD
    Board Certified Cardiologist
    Dr. Shervin Eshaghian is a Board Certified cardiologist and the owner of Beverly Hills Cardiology based in the Los Angeles, California metro area. Dr. Eshaghian has over 13 years of cardiology experience, including serving on the medical staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He holds a BS in Psycho-Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and an MD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Furthermore, Dr. Eshaghian completed an internship, residency, and fellowship at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, where he was awarded the Leo Rigler Outstanding Academic Achievement Award and the Elliot Corday Fellow of the Year Award.
    Board Certified Cardiologist
    Expert Answer
    You should try to get in about 30 minutes of cardio exercise at least 4–5 times a week.
  • Question
    What should I eat before I exercise?
    Shira Tsvi
    Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
    Shira Tsvi is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with over 7 years of personal training experience and over 2 years leading a group training department. Shira is certified by the National College of Exercise Professionals and the Orde Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Israel. Her practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
    Expert Answer
    If it's two to three hours prior, I would recommend complex carbs and some protein. If it's anywhere from an hour to less than an hour, I would recommend sticking to simple carbs. These can something break down into energy while you're exercising and won't be so heavy on the stomach.
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      About this article

      Article Summary X

      To make eating healthier simpler, fill up half your plate with fruits or vegetables at every meal. Fruits and vegetables are low-calorie and will give you the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need in a day. To really get the most out of your meals, opt for nutrient-packed vegetables like spinach or kale, which have much more vitamin A and K compared to iceberg lettuce. As for exercise, schedule in 2 1/2 hours of cardio activity like swimming, dancing, or even walking, to your weekly calendar. Activities that make you sweat and raise your heat rate can help with weight loss and decrease your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. For more tips from our Fitness co-author, including how to write a meal plan for the week, read on!

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        Apr 15, 2017

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