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Finding lapis lazuli to enchant in minecraft
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Lapis lazuli is an important ore in Minecraft that can be used to modify items with powerful enchantments that can help the player. While lapis lazuli only spawns underground, it’s not super difficult to find if you know where to look. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about this resource, including how to locate it, mine it, and use it in-game.

Things You Should Know

  • Check caves and chests (found in mineshafts, shipwrecks, and desert temples) for lapis lazuli.
  • Locate lapis lazuli between the -64 and 64 levels on the in-game Y-axis.
  • Mine lapis lazuli with a stone-level pickaxe or higher.
Section 1 of 3:

Where can you find lapis lazuli in Minecraft?

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  1. Caves: Lapis lazuli can be found in caves and underground spaces between the -64 and 64 Y axis (especially around the 0 level). [1]
  2. Lapis lazuli can be a reward in chests, which can be found in mineshafts , shipwrecks, and desert temples . [2]

    Tip : Mineshafts are typically found underground unless they spawn in badlands biomes; then, they’ll be above ground. [3]
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How to Mine Lapis Lazuli

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  1. Make a stone pickaxe or better. Lapis lazuli ore can be mined with a stone, iron, gold, diamond, or netherite pickaxe. [4]
  2. Some lapis lazuli ore can be found between the -32 and 32 Y axis in the game (especially around the 0 level), while other chunks of ore can be found anywhere between -64 and 64. [5]

    Tip: Use Minecraft’s built-in coordinates feature to see where on the Y-axis you currently are.
  3. Look for blocks of stone or deepslate that are speckled with dark blue, which contain lapis lazuli. Break these blocks to collect the ore—they’ll give you multiple pieces of lapis lazuli per block. [6]

    Controls : Left-click on computer; touch and hold on mobile device; RT on Xbox; R2 on PlayStation; ZR on Nintendo Switch
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How to Use Lapis Lazuli

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  1. Enchant items with lapis lazuli blocks. Using an enchantment table , equip a book and lapis lazuli. Use the in-game interface on the enchanting table to apply your desired enchantments . Then, use an anvil to apply the enchanted book to other items , like your weapons.
  2. Use a crafting table to create a variety of blue-colored items, including blue concrete powder, blue carpet, blue fireworks, and more. [7]
  3. Place a single piece of lapis lazuli on a crafting table to produce blue dye. Then, use this dye to make blue wool, blue collars, blue leather armor, and more. [8]

    Tip : In the Bedrock version of Minecraft , a piece of lapis lazuli ore can be substituted for blue dye.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What is Lapis Lazuli used for?
    Bun bun
    Top Answerer
    It can be used as a dye or used for enchantments.
  • Question
    Is there lapiz near redstone or diamonds?
    Community Answer
    Not specifically, it is found on similar levels. I personally suggest draining lava from a cave, as lava pits reveal more space, and if it can be drained your sure to be more likely to find something.
  • Question
    Is there a dark lapis lazuli or is that obsidian?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is obsidian. Obsidian is made by mixing water with lava source blocks.
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