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What is it like dating an Aries man?

07/30/24 10:54 AM
I've been seeing this really cute Aries guy recently and I'm wondering what Aries men are like in relationships. Are they good boyfriends? How do I make him fall for me?
wikiHow Expert
07/30/24 11:42 AM
Aries men emulate the phrase “I am.” So if you're talking to them and start any sentence with, “You are…”—like, “You are so strong,” “You are so great,” “You're so amazing”—then you'll be heading in the right direction. Aries men love attention and hate being alone with no one telling them how great they are.

On the flip side, if you lightly or flirtatiously tease an Aries man and make him a little mad, it might drive him wild. But tread lightly, an Aries' anger is not something to toy with. But if you do make an Aries man's blood boil a little, he will think about you a lot. If he finds you attractive, it may make him go wild with wanting to see you again so that he can tell you how he feels about what you said. But Aries men also forgive and forget really quickly and easily, so it may turn into him asking you out on a date a few days later.

Aries men are into themselves. Whatever he likes about himself (or his adopted persona at the time) is what he's into. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of war, so any space to release his aggression is where you will find Aries. He may be playing video games, practicing MMA, or watching or participating in sports. Other ways to channel this energy might be creative or competitive pursuits like acting, singing, theater, public speaking, social media, etc. I wouldn't advise becoming a competitor to an Aries man and trying to do everything that he does, but rather be a spectator or do something to complement him. If you become his favorite fan or collaborator and cheer him on, he will love and adore you.
07/30/24 12:42 PM
My last ex was an aries man and let's just say..never again! He was always so hot and cold and inconsistent, like one day giving me so much attention and the next day acting so mean and indifferent. I think I stayed bc I thought it was kind of thrilling (oops) but then I realized he was just playing games with me and it wasn't a good situation after all. I want a man who I can depend on and who doesn't mess with my feelings. here's hoping he's out there xx
07/31/24 1:48 PM
I started dating an Aries man about 6 months ago and our connection is so electric! We both want each other so bad all the time and it feels like he went all in real quick. I'm a little nervous that things are going to drop off at some point because I keep hearing about Aries' reputation of coming in hot and heavy and then ending up being way too much. At the moment, I'm happy that he wants to see me every day (or if we can't see each other, we'll do a phone call) and even though it's been months of him showering me with compliments and romantic gestures, I still love all of it and do my best to match his energy. Hopefully things keep going strong!
wikiHow Expert
07/31/24 4:59 PM
Aries men need space to think and be in their head, so give them lots of space. They also usually want people that can keep up with them mentally---make sure you're paying attention when an Aries man is explaining something. You don't want to have to ask tons of clarifying questions or ask the same question over and over. An Aries man also wants to feel like you're moving forward together. He might not be as interested in long-term planning, but you can win him over by taking on the long-term planning yourself.
08/01/24 8:51 PM
I don't think it's fair to let Aries men get away with not thinking about the future by saying that they are the way they are because of their Zodiac sign. My last boyfriend was an Aries and he would never plan ANY of our dates. I'd try to strike up a conversation about what we wanted to do for our next hangout and he'd say, "Whatever you wanna do." and then put no effort into moving our plans forward. It was exhausting doing everything. And when I tried to talk to him about where he saw our relationship going and what he had planned for the future, he was never interested in getting into it. I didn't feel like I could plan a future with him, so I cut things off. If an Aries man wants to build a life with you, being an Aries will not stop him from having serious conversations about the future with you.

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Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Reader Tips from How to Get an Aries Man
Anonymous wikiPony
Anonymous wikiPony
Aries men love exercise, so you can join him at the gym.
Anonymous wikiParrot
Anonymous wikiParrot
Aries men are very competitive, so they do very well in sports. Take him to sports events.
Reader Tips from How to Date an Aries
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
In astrological theories of relationships, air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) tend to work well with fire signs like Aries and go on to form strong, enduring bonds. If you were born under an air sign, chances are your natural sensibilities are more likely to complement those of a hot-blooded Aries.
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Let an Aries know when they're being overly controlling or aggressive, but try to do so in a non-confrontational way.
Anonymous wikiCat
Anonymous wikiCat
If it typically takes a lot to break you out of your shell, dating an Aries may be just what you need to broaden your horizons and help you become more adventurous.